The Bad Part About Iron Man 2 Press - The Gooper
Earlier this week we were treated to the words of wisdom of Gwyneth Paltrow in Vogue UK, and now, she is filling up our minds with more useless platitudes that are going to be indelible in my brain (Note- The word indelible is used with permission of GOOP who manages to throw out one big word a week to prove The Gooper is making use of her word a day calendar).
The Gooper is in Harper's Bazaar and talks about herself. Naturally. And her body, of course. And how fat she is. Seriously.
"I was so bad with the food and alcohol in Nashville. If you saw me naked compared to what I looked like when I did Iron Man 2, when I was exercising every day—I'll get it back together, but I've never eaten so much fried food and white flour in my life, ever. Oh, God. The director, Shana Feste, didn't want me to have any definition whatsoever, so I had to stop working out."
First of all, I am glad I am not seeing her naked. Second of all, she is just a stick. What kind of definition is she talking about? She always looks the same to me. Yes, I am sure that she notices an extra ounce on her body because her body is so desperate for food it probably refuses to go away once in there. I just don't understand why why why she insists on calling herself fat. Does she honestly believe this? Does Chris martin tell her she is? Do her kids make fun of her? Plus, why does she think we care? It is like she is promising us that she will get it back together.
Oh, and for all of you fans of the newsletter, guess what? She thinks mainstream journalists are scared of her because they are "terrified of celebrities having a journalistic voice." Uh huh.