Friday, March 12, 2010

Your Turn

Two questions today. The first has to do with something Jessica Simpson said about not brushing her teeth ever. While I am sure it helps to know that you will never have your toothpaste confiscated at an airport security checkpoint, I still can't imagine never ever brushing your teeth. The few I have left I brush well. So, with this in mind, here are the questions today.

#1 - How many times daily do you brush your teeth?
#2 - Favorite toothpaste?

For me I would say twice a day and Crest Whitening. I like it to be blue. Oh, with those little white chips in it whatever they are.


  1. At least three times: When I wake up, after breakfast and before bed. And sometimes in between

    I like Colgate toothpaste, not gel.

  2. I brush twice a day and my favorite toothpaste was discontinued! I'm so angry. It was the Crest Whitening Expressions Vanilla Mint. I hate when toothpaste is too, for lack of better term, spicy and the Vanilla Mint was perfect.

  3. I brush, floss, and use mouthwash in the morning after breakfast and at night before bed.

    Favorite toothpaste is crest pro-health.

  4. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Twice a day or three.

    Colgate paste/gel and Arm & Hammer

  5. I recently have been getting REALLY into taking care of my teeth.

    Twice a day:
    --Brush two minutes with an Oral-B power toothbrush.
    --Crest Pro Health toothpaste.
    --Floss with Glide.

    And I clean my retainers, which I've worn at night for 12 years, with denture cleanser every day.

  6. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Twice a day. I loved that Vanilla Mint too, chopchop! I moved from that to Crest Clean Cinnamon which is really tasty and has those little chips that Enty likes, but then they discontinued that! So I found it on Amazon and ordered six giant tubes, which has been taking care of my addiction, but I'm down to one more tube now, so who knows? If Crest keeps being so unfaithful to me, I may have to move to Colgate or something.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Ugh! Why aren't her teeth green?

    At least twice a day, plus floss and mouthwash. I like Arm & Hammer toothpaste.

  9. Two at the minimum but mostly 3 if I am home, more if I eat onions or garlic. I just can't imagine not brushing your teeth, it's so piggy.

    It's a good thing that Jessica has that magical cooter filled with napalm because otherwise I can see why those men are bailing on her.

    I hate the taste of Crest it makes me gag so I use Breathrx it's got a good clean taste.

  10. this was a viral video for funny or die. It was produced by Perez Hilton.

    I think the inside joke is she works for the operation smile charity. Her teeth are fine, she brushes them.

  11. twice - and I like colgate mouthwashy one.

  12. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Twice a day gargling with hydrogen peroxide.

    Then, twice a day brushing.

    Gargle with the peroxide for a least a minute, you'll never need to floss again, plus your teeth get whiter.

  13. Brush at least twice a day - sometimes one more time depending on what I ate - and floss almost every night. Sometimes I forget/ forgo the floss because I'm too tired. And I use Sensodyne toothpaste because I have sensitive teeth.

  14. Bare minimum would be twice a day, but I usually brush before I go somewhere, no matter what time of day it is. I should floss more than I do, but I try to do it at least once or twice a day. I personally am a big Crest fan. I can't believe that Jessica Simpson does not brush...

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Also: extra soft toothbrush. Very important.

  17. I brush 2-3 times a day, floss at night before bed and rinse sporadically throughout the day.

    My favourite toothpaste is Rembrant, the pale green one, I don't remember the flavour. Mint something.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Twice usually, with whatever whitening toothpaste was on buy one get one free when purchasing.

    That said, I have been known to be too exhausted to bother and go to bed without doing so. Bad I know but still.

    My favourite toothpaste? Colgate 2in1 with whitening particles.


  21. twice a day, floss at night.

    Don't really have a favorite toothpaste, but I prefer paste over gel.

    I also prefer Glide floss, can't stand the stringy kind.

  22. Thanks for the Amazon tip! I just ordered a pack of 6 AND after I added it to my cart, they suggested Cherry Ice chapstick which I have not been able to find for years. Best. Day. Ever. :-D

  23. Twice a day, after breakfast and before I go to sleep. I keep trying new kinds of toothpaste, but my favorite is Arm & Hammer Peroxi-Care.

  24. I brush 2-3 times a day with Crest gel. Am not as diligent about flossing as I should be, but I use these plastic sticks from the dentist to massage the gums which are great.

    Also from the dentist, this toothpaste called Flouridex (blue gel, btw!), which kind of leaves you with the feeling that you've just had your teeth cleaned.

  25. Wow I can't believe people brush AFTER eating breakfast! To me I can't imagine that -- my mouth feels so so GROSS when I wake up -- brushing my teeth is the first thing I do! Doesn't eating breakfast before brushing just make your delicious breakfast taste like a mouth full of plaque?? Or am I the odd one out on teeth brushing order?

  26. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Glad I could help, chopchop!

  27. The Crest website shows that Vanilla Mint is still in production and has links to where you can buy it. Same for Cinnamon Rush.

  28. Twice a day and floss once a day. If I have a date, I'll brush my teeth before I go.

  29. Twice a day and floss once a day. If I have a date, I'll brush my teeth before I go.

  30. I have never had a cavity in my 30 odd years and don't make a big deal about my teeth. Floss when need be, brush twice a day with Crest (lifetime user) and rinse with Scope if I really need to. However, I cannot drink milk (as I am allergic) and was not allowed to partake in the fluoride program in my school as a child and truly believe that this is what kept my teeth as strong and white as they are. A dentist dream (perfect teeth) and nightmare (can't make money off of me)!

  31. Twice a day with Colgate Total - the paste - not the gel. HATE the gel.

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  33. lol @ "magical cooter"

    I brush at least twice a day and sometimes after breakfast depending on what it us. I also floss and use a waterpick. Loooove my waterpick!

  34. Altar Boy - I just kind of feel like, I'm going to eat anyway so I might as well brush after I have all that coffee and stuff. Although I also love the taste of coffee after brushing my teeth. Weird, I know.

  35. Twice a day (minimum) and I love Botot. It's expensive, but I swear they add an addictive ingredient because my mouth revolts when it tastes other pastes. YUMMMMMM.

  36. One to two times a day...with crest I add an extra whitening gel by arm and hammer. Good stuff!! :))

    Oh and I floss fact, I floss a lot. Hate the feeling of food in my teeth.

  37. I brush first thing when I get up in the morning too (I agree with you Altar Boy) because I can't stand the feeling in my mouth. Then I usually brush after I eat. So I guess I brush about 4 times a day.

    I prefer Crest (because it comes in the stand up container) whitening gel. But I'll use other brands depending on cost.

  38. I grew up on and loved Crest, but now refuse to buy any products from Proctor & Gamble since they test on animals - so unnecessary. I now like Arm & Hammer
    I don't floss nearly enough *shame*

  39. Usually 2 sometimes 3x a day. Favorite toothpaste is crest clean mint.

  40. Three times a day at a minimum.

    I even carry those little waterless toothbrushes in my purse and have a toothbrush and toothpaste in the ladies' room at the office.

  41. you're telling me EVERYONE on this board takes totally perfect care of their teeth? i don't believe it. own up to your nastiness! :D

    i brush once a day, at night before bed. (in the mornings i have an apple.) sometimes i floss--i hate sticking my fingers in my mouth. i had a couple cavities when i was a kid, no big whoop, but nothing since then and i'm 29. i swish with peroxide (cheers to whoever mentioned that above!). here's the thing: i hate mint-flavored toothpastes. even "cinnamint." so i love Tom's of Maine toothpastes in yummy flavors like fennel, cinnamon-clove or orange-mango. they're difficult to find, though, most places only carry two mint flavors (if anything), so if i can't find them i'll use children's toothpaste.

  42. I've never had a cavity. I do take care of my teeth but I think some of it has to do with luck.

    I brush in the morning AFTER breakfast because I think it is best to brush after eating food. I sometimes brush after lunch or before going somewhere and I never go to bed without brushing. I floss with Glide and night or if I am too tired, in the morning.

    I love Auromere original flavor toothpaste. It doesn't have fluoride, though, so then I like to only use it during the day. I was trying to use Tom's of Maine but it made my gums bleed so I am back to Colgate paste.

  43. Funny you ask.. My awesome boyfriend just ordered us Sonicare Toothbrushes!! I'm so excited!!

    1. I honestly only brush once a day..I know, I know.. I should at least brush twice.

    2. I try to floss everyday, but forget sometimes. I love those little throw away flossers.

    3. I used to love Mentadent, but I can't find it at my Kroger, now I use Tom's of Maine.. and I love it. It's my new favorite!!!!

    4. Addicted to Listerine. I became a junkie after I got my tongue pierced in the 90's...

  44. I totally had this discussion at work where my boss and an intern brushed twice: after breakfast and before bed. But I was of the school of brushing before you eat and then before you go to bed-I can't not imagine eating with all that gunk when you wake up! I had no idea how many people brushed 3 times a day!

  45. @ califblondy: i've been wondering about those, are they very soft?
    i've brushed once a day (in the morning when i get up) all my life, and didn't have a cavity until my first pregnancy. flossing doesn't work very well because my teeth are still a little too widely spaced after two rounds w/ braces. i use a pick, though. i also have a very small mouth (yeah, yeah) so it's impossible to get 2 fingers in there. TMI.
    the worst is the sensitivity after the seizure. my favorite toothbrush is the sonic care, but since it's plugged in near the light switch, i get grossed out thinking of the germs!
    favorite toothpaste: arm & hammer sensitive original flavor, which you kind find in the store anymore. it just leaves my mouth feeling cleaner. i buy it and the mister's arm & hammer original flavor on ebay, never thought of amazon!
    when i couldn't find it at first, i used kissmyface sensitive, which is a very unattractive green-- along with a 1% flouride gel applied w/ my finger (a 'scrip from the dentist) for the extreme sensitivity right after i broke my teeth up.
    i haven't had a dentist cleaning in so long, they're going to have to give me novocaine for it.
    oddly, i'm a freak about my teeth, though. can't stand it if they're not absolutely smooth. so that one time a day usually takes me FOREVER!

  46. 1. twice a day with my handy Sonicare

    2. in the morning I use Crest Pro-Health in clean mint &

    at night I use Crest Pro-Health Night
    in clean night mint.

    It's stronger than the day one for overnight mouth funk =D

  47. 1:Five times!
    2: i don't care

  48. 1. Wake up, After Breakfast, After Lunch, Before Bed = 4 times.

    2. Don't care

  49. Brush three times a day, floss every evening. Peelu toothpaste; it is organic and sugar-free. If I run out of that before the next order is shipped to me (can't buy it locally), then Tom's of Maine is a decent substitute.

  50. I too brush twice a day, first time after breakfast. Who likes drinking orange juice after they've brushed their teeth? It seems counterproductive to brush your teeth before breakfast anyway.

    I using any of the Colgate MaxFresh toothpastes. I don't like using gel, for no particular reason

  51. Forgot to add that my favorite toothpaste is Aquafresh but I use Ultrabrite, because 1) Consumer Reports rated it #2 a few years ago, behind Colgate and 2) It costs a buck a tube, vs. Colgate costing $3.00+

  52. Twice a day (at least) - brushing. I'm a real stickler about my toothbrush since I have a small jaw and need soft bristles too. I usually by my brushes two at a time!

    I kind of go between Tom's of Maine and Arm and Hammer (with the peroxide). It just makes my teeth feel so smooth! But I also like Tom's since it's less intense in the fake mint flavour.

    I'm naughty about flossing, if I'm too tired, it's not happening!

  53. Twice: before breakfast and at night just before bed.
    I read a long time ago to not brush too soon after eating because the enamal is weakest then, so I never brush immediately after a meal. The only toothpast is Tom's - it's the best.

    @ trinnean Tom's are always at Whole Foods.

    I am jealous at all of you cavity virgins. Since using Tom's, I hadn't had one since, though. Best flavor is fennel

  54. At least twice a day and any time I have something smelly to eat or drink (coffee, chips etc.). I also love to floss and I use a mouthwash.

    Colgate Total with whitening
    Glide Floss
    Act Restoring Cool Mint Fluoride

  55. Oh I also use a small(compact) toothbrush with soft bristles. And to the people who use peroxide I used to use that too.

    I didn't know it also serves as a whitener. I may go back to it because that Act is pretty expensive.

    And last but not least may health may not always be up to par but I always get rave reviews from my dentist therefore I do whatever it takes to keep all of my pearly whites in my mouth.

  56. i also used to love plain baking soda on occasion, but find it turns my gums white (temporarily).
    trader joe's also carries tom's and i'm sure must. we tried it and it just didn't feel clean. i thought it didn't have flouride? the fennel sounds really interesting!

  57. After every meal and right after I drink a soda or eat something sugary.

    I use Colgate Total with a Sonic electric toothbrush and only use Listerine before bed. I also carry a pack of those Colgate Wisps in my purse for a quick brush when I am on the go. Love those things.

  58. 1. Twice a day.

    2. Jason's I can't stand the taste of normal toothpaste. Too sweet, although, ironically, I do have a sweet tooth!

  59. 2 to 3 times per day. Floss daily (and I'm a slacker). Love Aquafresh cuz it's spearmint flavored.

  60. At least 3 times a day and always before bed and right after I drink a soda or eat something sugary.

    I use Colgate Total with a Sonic electric toothbrush and only use Listerine and floss before bed. I also carry a pack of those Colgate Wisps in my purse for a quick brush when I am on the go. Love those things

  61. After meals, & usually after snacks as well, and before bed if I haven't already brushed earlier, plus flossing--I have a small mouth & very crowded teeth, and can't STAND to feel as if anything is stuck between my teeth. Soft-bristle toothbrush w/a small head, please, and J&J Mint or unflavored waxed floss. As for toothpaste, my favorite is Vademecum from Sweden, which I get at Colonial Drug in Cambridge; not sure how else one can get it. It doesn't have fluoride (which bothers the corners of my mouth) and does a decent job at whitening. If I can't get that, then it's Jason's fluoride-free whitening toothpaste (Ultrasmile?), Peppermint To The Max flavor (they're not kidding, trust me on that one...). I've even been known to brush my teeth in shopping mall bathrooms & gas station toilets, so yes, I'm a tad obsessive. (Brush after breakfast, but I always swish my mouth out 1st thing, plus washing down my meds w/water helps as well.) One time someone saw me brushing in the mall bathroom and said "Your dentist must LOVE you!" "He does." ;-) (My dentist also used to take out ads in the Boston LGBT papers around Pride season--I have one on my fridge that shows him smiling away, in his leathers, arms folded, w/the caption "Wouldn't you rather have ME in your mouth?" I asked him once if the ads get him new business, and they do, but then the clients are disappointed to find out he'll be wearing his scrubs to do their teeth & not his leathers.)

  62. Morning and evening with my toothbrush, and after lunch I use a Wisp for freshening. I have discovered that I like to use the Wisp to clean, and then I just like to chew on it, LOL. Pretty sure that's not an elegant habit...

    I'm a toothpaste stocker, so I buy a collection of the offerings at Sam's Club: Colgate Total, Crest Whitening, personal fave right now is the Crest with the little blue Scope tab-things in it. Right now, I think I have about 2 years worth of toothpaste.

    Envy you Cinnamon (love!) users--I'm wildly allergic to cinnamon oil, so I have to avoid it like the plague.

  63. She never brushes her teeth???

    1. 2 x a day
    2. Crest Pro Health

  64. At least once a day .. usually twice. I like Oral B Ultra Floss .. my gums bleeding can be dangerous due to the whole transplant thing ... and my absolute favorite toothpaste is Close Up.

    : )

  65. 3 or 4 times a day. I love licorice toothpaste.

  66. My teeth are destroyed. Can't afford to get them fixed either. I hate you people....

  67. @Robin the Mad Photographer - man, I want to meet your dentist... He sounds AMAZING!!!!! That is so funny!!!!

  68. Anonymous3:04 PM

    3 or more times a day with a sonic toothbrush. I used to be a devoted Crest girl, but after Consumer Reports rated Ultrabrite tops, I tried it and have to agree (I have tried LOTS of other brands/types while traveling). I floss with he first and last brushing of the day with a scrubby floss like Reach Total Care, use mouthwash fairly regularly and scrape my tongue with a tongue scrapper.

  69. Honestly, I brush maybe twice a day, usually only in the morning. I really detest flossing unless there's something stuck in my teeth.

    I use Crest paste or if I feel like paying extra I get GoSmile Tranquility PM paste. It has lavender, chamomile,vanilla and valerian root and spearmint. I like the lavender.

    Sometimes I swish with Peroxyl.


  70. I know someone who doesn't brush, only flosses. Despite his efforts, he really should brush at least once in a while.

    As for me, sometimes 2x a day. I try to floss, but it usually gets stuck between my teeth because I have a tiny mouth and very crowded teeth (I don't have eye teeth because they grew above the gum line and my teeth had no place to move to let them come down.) I'd like to try hydrogen peroxide. I thought that was only for cold sores.

    I whore my mouth out to different companies - I'm not brand loyal.

  71. Twice, with my beloved electric toothbrush. Best Christmas present my brother ever gave me. I have been an Aquafresh user, but now I know there is cinnamon toothpaste out there somewhere, I am hunting that stuff down ASAP!!! I hate the mint flavor! I'm still pissed Target doesn't have the cinnamon floss anymore - I have to try to hunt that down on the internet too.

  72. @shakey

    My teeth aren't crowded, but they are tightly spaced, so I use specific floss for, well, tightly spaced teeth. That might work for you. It's a real thin floss.

  73. I'm super lazy and don't work, so maybe once a day with toothpaste, and occasionally without toothpaste if they feel cruddy. I use some toddler toothpaste because it is the ONLY fucking toothpaste that I can find that is flouride-free. I wouldn't put that industrial poison in my mouth for any amount of money (if you don't know about flouride, google it). It's a pain in the ass trying to find flouride-free stuff but it's miles better than being slowly poisoned!
