Wednesday, March 31, 2010

You Too Can Have A Flat Stomach Three Months After Pregnancy

Ahh, Life & Style Magazine has done it again. They have made all the women in the world feel awful that they can't get back to their pre-baby weight as fast as Kourtney Kardashian. Kourtney shows you how to lose it just as fast as she did and her new shake for doing it. So, I'm guessing she must be about to start selling some lose weight fast kind of gimmick thing too. If you don't have the same kind of body Kourtney does three months after having your baby there must be something wrong with you. At least according to the magazine and Kourtney. I don't think any of these covers are inspiring. I think they are mean. I am not a woman and I have not had a baby, but I would think that seeing something like this would not make you feel better about yourself. They don't indicate how much they have airbrushed this and photoshopped this cover. She says she didn't even work out. "Spending time with Mason was much more important than working out."

The story about Jesse and his foursome from last summer is great though. Apparently it was with two women and another guy and the other guy used a latex glove. It doesn't say who he used the latex glove on though.


  1. The picture of the other couple in the foursome is hilarious. Tra-tra-traaaashhh! From now on, when I think of the stereo-typical white trash couple, I'll think of Skittles and Eric the tattoo artist guy. A. Gem.

  2. Well I have always said any man married to a porn star has to have some form of sexual deviancy.

  3. I'm I the only one who ever got stretch marks and saggy skin from pregnancy? It seems that way from all these dumb magazine covers. This is a complete load of BS.

  4. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Airbrushing and coke does a body good, Kuntnie.

  5. Do any women actually believe that is what her stomach looks like weeks after giving birth? Wow no stretch marks

    Only someone who is new to the planet would actually believe that...

  6. Oh please. After all the airbrushing that went into Kendra's "bikini body" photo, its almost comical. Look at the picture of her in the Brangelina story before. THAT is what she looks like a few months after giving birth. NOT THE BIKINI PHOTO on the magazine cover. It's ridiculous. To quote a line from a bad movie- "No one looks like the women in the magazines. Not even them."

  7. WHAT A CROCK...!

  8. I shuddered when I saw the couple who supposedly had a four-way with Jesse James. They are sooo gross! That man will seriously have sex with anyone. Not good. Hope Sandra has gotten herself tested. For everything. Ugh.

  9. If I wanted to be like a Kardashian I would just lay under a urinal on camera and lose my moral compass.

  10. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Isn't Kourtney the one that dissed some magazine for insinuating that she'd lost all her baby weight about three minutes after giving birth, and seemed nice and normal for a split second because she seemed to realize that it was not realistic? Then why this, now?

    I know the answer. Money.

  11. Guess she stopped breast feeding.

  12. I don't even think that's just airbrushing - I think that's someone else's body entirely.

  13. What is with this OBSESSION with speed-racing to get your body "back" weeks after giving birth?

  14. I don't understand why these Kardashians are even news.

    I saw the Kendra show (by accident but didn't turn the station) where she does the photoshoot for her bikini cover. She had quite the tummy so a fair amount of money was paid to the airbrushers. Her baby was cute, though.

  15. Oh, Kendra's baby is a DOLL!!!

  16. Garsh I'd love to have a flat tummy 10 YEARS after pregnancy!

  17. I went on the most amazing diet when I brought my 3rd bundle of joy home from the hospital. It was called the "Who the F has time to eat" diet.

  18. latex glove.. were they playing Dr.?
