Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A Wednesday Your Turn

I was going to save this for Friday, but figured by then it would be old news, and wanted to give everyone a chance to weigh in on it now. Yesterday, the President of Texas Motor Speedway went on a Dallas radio station and offered the host there $100,000 if the host would legally change his name for one year to and get a permanent TMS tattoo on his body. He gave the host 24 hours to decide. I spent a lot of time thinking about this last night, and I think I would do it. The question is, would you?


  1. No.

    Is that crybaby Busch in the picture?

  2. I would do it, except that I think my clients would fire me immediately. Can I take $50k and just get the tattoo?

  3. My first instinct was "no", but after being honest with myself about my bills, I have decided I'd do it depending on how big the tattoo had to be.

  4. And that's Carl Edwards in the pic.

  5. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Sure, why not? I could retire with that much in the bank, and nobody would ever have to call me by that name or see the tattoo.

  6. I already have an ugly tattoo which hasn't impeded my life one bit, so Yes on that part.

    As to the $100k, HELL Yes, but only if my employer couldn't get their grubby hands on any of it (i.e. the radio station, etc.; I am my own employer IRL).

    As it is, the IRS and State of NC would be getting their cut.

  7. Definitely would. 100k in this economy? I'd be at the tattoo parlor stat and follow it up with a visit to wherever I have to legally change my name. Not like people would have to call me that, and even if they did, just for the year. Hopefully I'd be able to choose where to put the tattoo(somewhere inconspicuous). Yeah, absolutely. That's a ton of money.

  8. nope. after taxes,legal bills and the fucking hassle..not a whole lot left to justify that whack tat.

  9. no. for a million, yes :)

  10. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Although being called "Tex" sort of appeals to me. I was traumatized by western movies as a child.

  11. Hell yes, shoot i'd change my name permanently for 100k

  12. Nope. Just changing from my maiden name to my married name was a clusterf*ck - I'd have to go through that again twice? Almost half the money would go to taxes, and is one L-O-N-G tattoo.

    Maybe I've become too old and settled, but that's just not worth it to me.

  13. How much does it cost to get a tattoo removed?

  14. Hell yes I'd do it. Nobody literally has to call you! And when the year was up, I'd modify the tattoo into something pretty.

  15. And then I'd take the $100k and 1) pay off my student loans 2) take my yearlong trip around the world that I've been planning forever!

  16. Hell no, after taxes you are lucky to get 50-60k, now had he said a cool million, then hell yeah.

  17. Add a zero and we'll talk...

  18. Anonymous11:40 AM

    I think the hassle of changing my name plus having to go change my driver's license, credit cards, social security and whatever else I doubt it very much. I wouldn't mind the money but would mind the hassle of changing it and than changing it back.

  19. With my debt, and also wanting to GET OUT of the South.. HELL YES!
    I wouldn't even have to think about it for 24hrs.. Pull that gun out and start tattooing!! :P

  20. No. I won't be a gimmick for a company. My dignity isn't worth 100,000, or a million.

  21. Wouldn't think twice -- could certainly use $100,000! (Although I am needle-phobic so getting a tattoo would be a pretty horrific experience.)

  22. $100K just really isn't enough for the name and the tattoo - one or the other - $500k for both.

    I would go to sex rehab and give you all the details for $100k.

  23. For one million - yes. For $100k - no.

  24. Add another zero? And replace the 1 with a 250, and we'll talk.

  25. As long as I could designate where the tattoo would be placed. Definitely!

  26. That's 3 years salary for me. HELL YES!!!!

  27. why would you need 24 hours to decide? Make my tattoo appointment NOW!

  28. Not enough money after taxes. It would have to be at least 250k.

  29. Absolutely! $100k would solve a lot of problems for me! :D

    That's Carl Edwards, aka "Corn" (that's what my ex use dto call him - he said corn was afraid of Carl)

  30. I'm a race fan and I wouldn't do it for 100k. 1m yes.

  31. If it was $100,000 after taxes, yes. Because, like someone else pointed out, being called "Tex" would be worth it *LOL*.

  32. Yes I would!
    And Eddie Gossage (president of TMS) is a GREAT promoter.

  33. In a heartbeat. We are so broke.

  34. No; because of all the valid points made against it.

  35. even after taxes andddd the hassle of changing my name....that money would help my family buy a home...and the tat could be modified later.

  36. What part of my body am I displaying this tattoo?

    I don't mind changing my name for a year but I have reservations about the tattoo.

    For $1,000,000+ I'd do it.

  37. Im already tatted enough..I would just cover it up when I was done!
    So put me down for a yes. If it was a million it would be a f** yeah.

  38. Hell yes. As long as the tat isn't on my face.

  39. Sure, depending on the location of the tat.

  40. If....

    people didn't have to actually call me that, and i could introduce myself as tex (the guy is smart, he is a DJ and would have to say 'this is on the air!' and you know how often dj's say their call name)

    i could pick where the tattoo goes and the size...i wouldn't want it bigger than my only tattoo

    and he would cover my taxes as well...

    Then sure, why not.

  41. $100,000 isn't enough. It would take a few million for me to do that. Especially because the laser removal of that tattoo would cost quite a bit.

  42. No, not for $100k. But if someone offered me $1million... well, then i'd seriously consider it.

  43. No!! Maybe for $1 mill.

  44. Oh yeah, in the proverbial NY minute.

  45. Hum .. knowing how much money Bruton Smith has .. no. I would want more at least a Million.

    Carl Edwards .. f**k I hate him!

  46. Anonymous5:19 PM

    I wouldn't but I'll be the manager for anyone fool enough to do it.

    With main stream media being what it is you could turn that $100,000 into tons more. You'd be booked on LKL, land a blurb in all the rag mags and you could sell your crazy story to NE for double the initial pay if you worked it right.

    Hell ABC paid $200,000 to a Baby Killer, I'm sure they'd cough up at least $50,000 for pics of that tatoo on yer butt.

  47. ABSOLUTELY. My $ has finally run low and I want nothing more than to finish grad school, this would pay off my loans for my bachelors and pay my entire education for grad school too. It would also get me going on my doctorate! Sigh... Why couldn't this offer be made to me?? lol

  48. Yeah, like @peabee said, changing it post marriage was a pain enough and I put that off until 8 months after the wedding.

    Could you be called TMS or Texas for short?

    Nah, think I'd pass. For a million, yes I'm greedy! :)

  49. I'd change my name for that much money, but I'd never get a tatoo. I'd even change my name for two years if I could skip the tat.

  50. Hell Ya! If that chap a couple years back could turn a paper clip into a house, I'd endorse the shit outta that gig & turn it into big bucks.

    To quote Canadian Olympic skeleton medalist, Jon Montgomery, "Let's keep this bad boy rolling"

  51. Yes!! Sign me up. I could use the $100k

  52. Hell yes. All our debts would be paid off! The tattoo can be very, very small, and I'd put it under one of my boobs so no one would ever see (well, except for my husband).
