Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Vote For The Worst - Kate Gosselin

Have you watched Kate Gosselin on Dancing With The Stars? If you haven't, you are missing what is quite possibly the worst person to ever appear on the show. As much as I don't like her, I have to say that five minutes of watching her dance and count off the numbers out loud is great. She has absolutely no rhythm and has ticked off her dance partner. Yet, despite all her shortcomings she is still the biggest diva on the show.


  1. Anonymous9:52 AM

    She's not the worst dancer, but she definitely suffers from no rhythm and no performance background. I feel for her because I, too, was born without rhythm. She does look mad all the time.

  2. she makes interesting TV...

  3. Sick of her. I don't watch the show, but I watched the clip and she did really look bad..

    I also have no rhythm.. I'm sure I would look just as silly up there :P

  4. For some people being "the bitch" is the only way that they can make money. For Kate being "The Bitch" has helped her obtain a lucrative salary.

    Unfortunately being "a bitch" does not go very well on DWTS. I would love to feel sorry for her but she's "A Bitch"!

    To all of the voters out there, please, please, do not vote for her. She needs to go tonight.

    We can concentrate on getting rid of the astronaut next week.

  5. It's killing her that she can't be the boss in this situation. Did you see how she treated her partner? He got fed up with her BS and walked out of the studio. To paraphrase what she said, she just doesn't get it. Personal relations that is! HA.

  6. Good GOD she is awful....Seriously.

  7. I hope she doesn't wonder why she's a divorcee with 8 kids.

    And if you're going to be on a show about dancing, but have no rhythm, what do you think is going to happen?
    This woman is DELUDED. And a raging cunt.

  8. She looks weird and like a box in heels

  9. She needs to go back to her million dollar house in PA and barking at her children and whatever other people still choose to be around her.

  10. bloodonthescreen and I were clinging to each other in the corner of my sofa DYING at her perfomance last nite. It was almost as if we were trying to get as far away from the television as humanly possible. It was that painful.

    However we both want her to survive another few weeks. Damned if it isn't entertaining watching someone THAT BAD that's not 80 years old.

  11. It is so uncomfortable to watch her. I don't know what was worse, seeing her degrade her partner or her dancing. Please do not vote for her - I think it's time she raised her kids.

  12. she's a controlling, humorless bitch who is incapable of relaxing and having fun. is this a shock to anyone?

    i hope her supporters do the humane thing so she can just go back home and be a controlling bitch with her kids. it's painful to watch her.

    if nothing else, do it for poor tony.

  13. No, no, NO.

    She is definitely not the worst. I have watched this thing religiously from the second season.

    THE very worst, EVER, was Master P.

    Then there are Monica Seles and Kathy Ireland tied very near the bottom.

    And the basketball player sucked (can't remember his name).

    Tucker Carlson and Kenny Mayne were also both abysmal (Kenny is hilarious but had zero rhythm).

    Kate really is not the worst ever, sorry. (not a Kate sympathizer here...just a rabid DWTS fan!)

  14. Kate's attitude is just god awful. I was in shock last night watching this mess - from the clips of practice to the actual number. OMG. I had to look away.

    I pity Kate's partner. I also pity Buzz Aldrin's partner, but at least he seems like a really nice person.

  15. Billy Ray Cyrus can now pass off the worst DWTS contestant crown to Kate Gosselin. There is finally someone worse than him. Talk about 2 left feet and no rhythm. Plus her attitude with all of the eye rolling, she needs to leave so the remaining shows will be more enjoyable. She is just too painful to watch.

  16. I don't understand what she has to be high and mighty and diva-ish about. She has no talent. She just gave birth to a lot of babies at one time.

  17. Kate said, "A lot of people give up on me ...." At what point do you think she'll stop blaming everyone around her and realize SHE'S the problem??

    I do have one nice thing to say: her jowls seem less ... jowly. Maybe she had a jowl-reduction surgery at the same time she got those new tits.

  18. And I feel bad that--once AGAIN--Tony has been given a partner with no chances of winning, while Derek gets yet another stunning, capable star to work with.

    Maks has a semi-good chance with the tall, dorky girl but only if Nicole either gets zero votes or an injury.

    Anyone notice they appear to have gone softer on the dancers' workload this season thus far? Probably to avoid the multitude of injuries like in recent seasons.

    (yeah, sorry...I'm eat-up with this sh*t)

  19. OK, one last thing: seriously hating the new room they hang out in above the crowd. There is ZERO camaraderie in the group this season so far.

    Nobody is chatting, laughing or cutting-up with each other.

    It looks like there hasn't been ONE friendship struck up so far.


  20. she has the emotional iq of a 5yr old. and she can't dance, not even alittle. she might be able to jump rope. thru the tricks it looked like tony was tossing a carcass. moving dead weight like that could injure a dancer, he has amazing core strength.

  21. When control freaks are put in their place, ha.

    I usually don't watch DWTS, but this was probably the second or third time I watched a full show and I swear I thought I heard people booing her and laughing at her as they were showing her breakdown.

    But DAMN, is the show usually this tense and awkward? Tons of uncomfortable moments. I guess I've been missing out.

  22. @selenakyle,

    You forgot to add Kim Kardashian to the list of all time "worse-ever" on DWTS.


    No the show isn't always this awkward. This just happens to be a particularly bad season. Not many actual "stars" and most of the contestants can't dance and are pretty boring to watch.

  23. I'm telling y'all right now, if Kate is the first one to go she's going to lose it. Hell, she was ready to blow last night. What a stupid, mean woman.

    Tony has always been a nice guy and one of the more patient pros. Kate must have really pushed him to the limit for him to be so upset. If Kate would have gotten Maks there would have been a fist fight by now.

    If she was hoping to gain any sympathy or new fans by doing the show, she was sadly mistaken. She can't blame Jon for this one.

    I was surprised again last night with Pam. She's pretty good. Not disco ball trophy-worthy, but good.

    Nicole and Evan are probably the best right now.

  24. i quit watching this show. i do not think it's right that they keep getting ringers on the show. anyone who's had to learn choreography and perform shouldn't be on at all. it's not fair to the rest of the people who haven't danced.
    i think DWTS jumped the shark a long time ago.

  25. I hate Kate. But more importantly, has Pam Anderson had work done on her face? I haven't really kept up as much as usual on this type of gossip so maybe I missed it, but she is almost unrecognizable. Oh yeah, she is dancing pretty good but she seems to me like she is on something and acting really strange. Talk among yourselves.

  26. I've got to admit that, like Kate Gosselin, I have two right feet and no rhythm. I also have problems telling my right from my left which affects my ability to learn to dance. However -- I am not on DWTS and know that I should never be!

    Gosselin needs to focus on her children and not on all this other crazy stuff. Sure, she needs money to support her kids and has a worthless ex husband who probably does not contribute a cent to the household. But she can cut down on expenses, clothing, $6,000 hair weaves, etc. and save some $$ for a rainy day. My parents raised eight children on a single schoolteacher's salary (mom stayed at home for many years) and all 8 of us kids graduated from University. It can be done without prostituting yourself and your kids out to reality TV.

    What a witch and a _ itch (2nd letter of alphabet)!

  27. Miss Pussycat has NO BUSINESS being a contestant ... For God's sake she DANCES for a living!

  28. I don't like her but if she stays on it would be fun for me since watching her dance and count makes my mom laugh so hard that she's crying.

  29. Anyone notice how Jon has been laying low? Yes, he's a douche, but I've always said she's the bigger douche. She doesn't want a JOB; she wants in on the fame game.

    Anyone can be a celeb these days, but becoming one just because you belched out eight kids is ridonkulous.

    FFS, go home to your kids already.

  30. Okay, I just watched this. I'm still cringing.

  31. She's a fucking shrew, always has been, always will be. When Jon was revealed to be an A1 D-bag, everyone stopped talking about what a cunt she is, but this has been her baseline all along. When you really think about it, Jon & Kate totally deserve each other, it's the 8 who deserve better.

  32. Regardless if she's the worst or not...she needs to go!! the woman is crazy...thinks she is going to be a big movie star after doing DWTS, and will stop at NOTHING to get there. I don't watch this show, but please, those who do, don't vote for her! The sooner she realizes her 15 min is up, the better.

    You said it best, Little Miss Smoke.

  33. idc what anyone says, ms. gosselin makes great tv! this seasons probably my favorite, tho i could do without the pcd on the show. the woman was great and that's fine and all, but she clearly has an unfair advantage.

    pam has been so fun to watch, too. and shannen has surprised me with her attitude. she's doing really well imo.

    anyway, i still like kate and yeah i've been voting for her (ducks). she's terrible at dancing and sort of uncomfortable to watch at times, but dang it takes balls to get up there like that!

  34. I hope Kate stays on the show a long time so the kids can get a break from her. Does anyone else remember the Jon & Kate episode last year where she smacked Emeril Lagasse twice with a spatula? If she can't control herself on camera with a stranger, I wonder what she's like with the kids when she's alone.

  35. LMAO Paisley - that's what I've been saying! The PA house must be BLISSFULLY quiet when Kate's not there!

    I also think the reason Kate's not fairing well is because she realizes she looks like an ASS and she really can't do anything about it.

    God, I can't WAIT for the day we don't have to put up with her anymore.

  36. This season is the worst yet in terms of the advantage/disadvantage factor. Who's going to win this season, do you think--the professional dancer, the Olympic athlete, the 80-year-old astronaut, the ESPN sportscaster? What a joke!

  37. She sucks...at dancing and life. :)

    Poor Tony!!!

    This season is very, very odd.
