Monday, March 29, 2010

Ultimo Drops Peaches Geldof

So, let me ask you a question. Ultimo dropped Peaches Geldof over the weekend. She had been one of the faces of their ad campaigns and she made a nice sum of money doing it. As soon as practically possible her image will be removed from stores and websites and it will be as if she had never done anything for the lingerie brand.

"We have been in meetings all morning with regards to the stories that have surfaced over the weekend about Peaches and unfortunately we have no option but to terminate her contract. Miss Ultimo is a brand geared towards a young female audience and as a company we have a social responsibility to ensure we are promoting only positive role models that young women can aspire to."

So, did the drop her for the naked photos? That seems harsh considering they pose her almost naked in their campaign. Plus, she has been naked before on beaches. Did they drop her because of the alleged heroin use? I think that is far more likely. It could also be they just wanted to go with someone else and this gave them a perfect excuse. I notice how fast they were compared to the sponsors of Tiger Woods. His sponsors needed multiple women talking before any dropped him. No one seemed to care he was popping Ambien like they were Altoids. No brand wants to be seen associating with drug users. I really hope this guy actually did heroin with her. If she didn't use any, that guy is going to be in a world of hurt. She has actual damages now as a result of what he said.


  1. I'm sure this wasn't part of it but man did she look awful -- drugged out, skanky, oily, just plain ugly -- in the photos that came out this weekend. That alone really ought to have been enough reason to dissassociate from her.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. they drops her because of heroine!

  4. I think they dropped her becuase she is chubby has no brand value in the US.

    Everybody wants to be famous. Well, welcome to fame.

  5. Those tattoos are really unfortunate looking

  6. It is strange to see a pic of a lingerie model with such an untoned pouchy stomach. Would be refreshing if it wasn't on a greasey tweaker.

  7. Sad that people think she's chubby. She looks fine to me. Oh well...

  8. I'm with Sporky. This girl is NOT chubby. It's refreshing to see a real body modeling lingerie.
    That being said, they did the right thing by dropping her. She's hardly a role model for ANYONE.

  9. I always felt sorry for Peaches and her sisters. It must be hard to lose your mother so young to drugs.

  10. He's in a world of hurt already - he suspended himself from the ceiling with meathooks through his flesh. He ain't worried about upsetting Peaches and her crew.

    As for Ultimo, like most companies, they move to protect their brand and their profit.

    If Peaches had been much more famous and prestigious, they might have stuck with her, claiming that the drug allegations were not proved.
    As she is only a cipher in the celebrity context and doesn't stand for anything else, the drug scandal is what most people will now know her for (apart from who her dad is), so she's just a liability and easy to drop.

  11. Anonymous11:31 AM

    There's a big difference between nudity on a nude beach or partial nudity while wearing lingerie and the nudity while obviously "on" something and in a sexual situation in the other pictures. Had to be the heroin connotation.

    That aside, is anyone else having problem with comments? I keep seeing things like "13 comments" and it turns out there are 2.

  12. I don't really get why everyone dislikes her. Is she like the Paris Hilton of the UK? I think her ugly sister or half-sister or whatever is way worse. Pixie? Or Fifi? Or Fufu? Fluffy?

    First of all, she is NOT FAT. Again, Gabby Sibide is fat. John Goodman is fat. Peaches Geldof is so far from being fat she is on a different planet from fat. She is just (a) not scary anorexic and (b) not orange fake tanned. And I think her chain of flowers tattoo is kinda cool.

  13. I love tats (have quite a few myself) but all of hers are just gross looking... All that $ and she gets THOSE?

  14. wait a second. Let me rephrase before the PC brigade go insane. She is chubby for a MODEL. Not regular girl fat. She is an average looks/weight/height girl. The only reason she got the gig is becuase of her last name not her "stunning" looks. I do love her granny panties.

    I don't think she was shooting heroin, but I don't doubt they were snorting it. Maybe she just thought it was coke.

    Allegdly the guy might have some money or he just fronts like he has a trust fund he lives off of.

  15. Syko, I was having that problem too with the comments, but it seems to be working properly now.

  16. Okay, I honestly don't even see her in the 'average' range of weight. She is nowhere near fat, chubby, or anything! She just isn't showing ribs and clavicle out the ass, so people think she's big. It's sad really. Here in the US, the 'average' woman is what, a 14? She is nowhere near that.

  17. @Syko: I've benn having the same situation with the comments numbers, and sometimes trying to access them as well.
    @Just Another Blonde: I'm glad someone else thinks that, too. They're so random, arbitrarily placed, and have the same artistic merit that Amy Winehouse's do. When it comes to the skin illustration, Americans have it over the British for sure.

  18. I think they dropped her because of the drug allegations. This isn't the first time she's been publically shamed because of drugs (and probably won't be the last).

  19. id drop her cause of the scientology sauna!

  20. "RocketQueen said...
    I'm with Sporky. This girl is NOT chubby. It's refreshing to see a real body modeling lingerie.
    That being said, they did the right thing by dropping her. She's hardly a role model for ANYONE."

    I'm with RocketQueen here. She has no achievements of her own and is becoming increasingly notorious for her drug use. Not a role model for anyone.

  21. She never should have been hired in the first place. She is Princess Uglina from the Planet Uggo. I don't care who her dad is; she is downright unattractive and putting her in any kind of advert cheapens the brand. Were it not for her famous father she would be working behind the counter of a Dairy Queen somewhere. Man do I hate useless celebrity offspring.

  22. Her tats alone convince me of her heroin use. Not that tats = heroin use but her stupid tats = heroin use like that dumb heart on her inside forearm for example.

  23. Isn't this the same company that just fired Lindsey? What a track record...

  24. Isn't this the same company that just fired Lindsey? What a track record...
