Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Twilight Goes For The Oscars ** Spoilers**

When not ignoring my scathing letters about Roman Polanski and their distribution of Ghostwriter, the people over at Summit have been pondering what to do about the next two? installments of the Twilight series. I think that they think that since the Academy Awards now have ten best picture nominees that they are going to try and get one of those. They know they can't get it with much of their actors so they are thinking big director. Academy Award winning director. Gus Van Sant has confirmed that he was contacted about directing the next script. Also rumored to have been contacted were Sofia Coppola and Bill Condon.

As I have said before, I read all the books, but when I attempted to watch Twilight I fell asleep. And it wasn't even a drunken passed out excuse, the movie was just incredibly boring. Yeah, I said it. It was boring. I think all the rest will be boring also. Sure, the baby being born will be interesting, but everything else will just be more boring. I think Sofia would be a great fit, but it still doesn't change the fact that it will be boring. I mean who builds up an immense confrontation over the course of an entire series of books and then has everyone walk away at the end without anything being done. Talk about no payoff. Meh. Enough about Twilight.


  1. They should go for David Cronenberg.

    This awesome piece convinced me of that.


  2. I have not read the books and I really don't have much interest in the movies. But, as a vampire enthusiast, I must ask those of you that have: How come these vampires can be outside in daylight?

  3. The acting in the Twilight movies is atrocious but I still enjoyed them. I have definitely seen worse, Bad Lieutenant, starring Nicholas Cage GOD AWFUL!

  4. Harriet - they can be out in daylight, but not sunlight

    Don't judge me, my daughter got me started :P

  5. They should get the guy who did the lady gaga/beyonce video, jonas akerlund. that would be interesting!

    or Tom Ford. Maybe he wants another shot at a movie.

  6. forgot the follow up comments button! :)

  7. As into the Anne Rice stuff as I was back in the day--and have loved vampire sh*t my whole life--I've just been *meh* about Twilight and Pattinson, et al from the very beginning. I guess I just grew out of it. Dunno. Maybe Pattinson is so repulsive to me that I've never wanted to watch. I like my vampire lore to have a touch of eroticism, and this RPattz cat just ain't cutting it for me.

    Now Bram Stoker's Dracula with Gary Oldman...THAT is erotic and worth watching over and over.

  8. Lady J -- Bad Lieutenant 2 WAS truly atrocious, and it's been on my mind lately. The local artsy film theatre here is having their annual surprise film night, and they have been posting clues around town about what it would be. I recognised it immediately because of the iguanas line someone scrawled across the pavement. They're expecting people to pay ₤10 to watch Nic Cage with only one free glass of wine per person.

    I'm also a fan of vampire-y things, but I've never wanted to watch Twilight before. I like the Tom Ford suggestion. A Single Man was so beautiful. Maybe he could turn it into a fashion shoot, and Pattinson can find something he's good at.

  9. Twilight's movies are for teen girls! and it's awful to see for acting/directing/story

  10. The Twilight Movies suck because Stephanie Meyer CANNOT write.

    I myself have boycotted them because she is Mormon. Silly I know, but I'm bitter. She bugs the shit out of me...

    And Harriet - I think SM added a bunch of vampire rules that don't even exist. She is just a silly hack...

    True Blood is where it's at!!!!!!

  11. Yes! LOVE True Blood!

  12. Adventurous Kate, Cronenberg would be AWESOME!!! I would definitely watch that!

  13. I read the first book and that was more than enough for me. I found the writing as stilted and as uncomfortable as Kristen Stewart on the red carpet--and very much like a religious adult trying to remember what it is like to be a teenager.

  14. I read the books too and thought the same about the movies. She spends all her time building up to these climactic confrontations with all the vampires and then...nothing. Nothing ever happens. Nothing. Plus she writes like a 12 year old.

  15. @ Adventurous Kate - thank you! that is a great commentary. Totally ready for the Cronenberg version -- it's gonna be a bloodbath (maybe they can fit in some exploding heads for good measure)

  16. Teens made my buy the DVD.
    Watched by them only in the basement.
    No muidnite viewing party scheduled here!

  17. Selenakyle-- I agree with everything!! Am a huge Ann Rice/Vampire Lestat fan, read ALL her books. She is a true vampire writer! Gave Twilight a shot-- no good! agree with the "nothing ever happens" comments. The first movie was a joke-- surprised I made it thru the whole movie. The acting was horrible. Was there any dialog?? all I remember is RP & KS goo-goo eyeing the whole time. sheeesh....
    Two thumbs up for True Blood also !! Can't wait for it to start !

  18. Read all the books too. The 4th one was terrible. I actually liked the first 3 books, but hated the 4th.

    Since I already hated the first 2 movies, I'm going to say that NO director or anything (other than completely changing every detail of the story) can save the 4th movie (and 5th movie?).

  19. Hi. So I love Twilight- every single book! However, the movies are terrible, the actors and actresses are terrible, screenwriter terrible and director worse than terrible. If I were to make this series, I would've just put the book on the screen exactly the way it was written by Stephenie Meyer. Summit guys and girls are complete idiots, who don't know what they are doing with the film or casting for that matter. Years from now, I will remake these films into the books that they are and cast actor who appreciate and are grateful for their jobs and who can actually act.
    Thank you for listening.

  20. selenakyle: what you said about Bram Stoker's Dracula, ESPECIALLY the scene when Gary Oldman bursts out of the wooden crate, barechested and slightly breathless. Oh, my, he can bite my neck anytime!

    I'll be in my bunk... ;-)

  21. i couldn't even get through the first PAGE of that book.

  22. ITA about G Oldman in general. It takes a hell of a Sex Bomb to play incredibly creepy/smokin' hot at the same time.

  23. Personally, I found Oldman's Dracula just plain creepy, but then I feel this way about Alan Rickman as well.

  24. Harriet, the more telling question to me is why the damned things sparkle in Meyer's universe. What kind of a survival trait is sparkling for a vampire?

    I advise everyone to instead read my old friend Lisa Smith's vampire novels the Vampire Diaries which came first (and from which Meyer appears to have heavily borrowed) and are much, much better. The show can be seen on "another network". lol

  25. @audieh_1

    "and very much like a religious adult trying to remember what it is like to be a teenager."

    You hit the nail square on the head with that sentence!!
    So true. So very true...

    Or a religous adult wishing she could've been a Gothic Teenager..

  26. Enty, I can't believe you have read the books. ;)

    I still haven't seen New Moon yet so I can't judge if it was better than Twilight?

    Like I have mentioned before I don't even remember the middle two books so good luck to whoever has to direct this one...
