Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Today's Blind Items

So, I'm guessing these two people are not friends. This A list television actress was doing some press for her new movie. Her movies don't usually do that well. Anyway, she was walking out of a press conference and at the same time, this former B list movie actress and now lucky to be a C but with A list name recognition bumped into each other. Just some shoulders grazing. They looked at each other, didn't say a word and just kept right on walking. Oh, and they know each other for sure.


  1. Jennifer Anniston and.... ???

    George Wendt.

  2. Katherine Heigle and . . .??

  3. Aniston and ....Juliette Lewis - both exes of Brad.

  4. I like that guess Cecilia00

  5. I think Aniston would be called "former a list tv," so I vote Heigl & ?.

  6. Aniston and juliette lewis are in that movie "The Switch" together it was formerly called "the Baster".. and I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that they're actually friends. TOTALLY forgot about juliette being Brad's ex too tho! That's interesting!

  7. What about Heigl & Denise Richards? (Were both in 'Valentine' - one of my favorite bad movies.)

  8. Heigl for sure and Lohan? Har har.

  9. How about Tina Fey and Lindsay Lohan? Tina's out promoting "Date Night". I heard that she tried to stage a sort-of intervention for Lindsay when she hosted SNL while Fey was still doing that show, and it did NOT go well. Plus, Fey wrote and had a small part in what was probably Lindsay's best movie, "Mean Girls" Afterward, Tina said some pretty blunt things about Lindsay.

    The only part of this that doesn't fit is that part about the tv's actress's movies "don't usually do well". Didn't Baby Mama do pretty well?

  10. I like the Aniston/Lewis guess.
    At least we know Aniston fits.

  11. I didn't know about "The Switch"... Oh my god! i think RJ is right

  12. I really like RJ's answer. Fey and Lohan FTW.

  13. I like Tina Fey for #1, but I'm not so sure about Lindsay as #2 (although she does fit the name recognition part and the barely holding onto C...)...I just don't think it would be a blind if it were Lindsay because she would have immediately tweeted something bad about Tina Fey.

    Another idea...What about Hayden P. for #1...isn't she A-list tv with movies that don't do well?

  14. Well one of them has to be Aniston from the "friends" hint in the first sentence. Who else is pimping (for Demi Moore) a movie right now?

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  16. I really like RJ's answer, but for the "her movies don't usually do that well", which makes me think Heigl.
    According to IMDB, Tina's only done Mean Girls, and it was a great hit.

    Lol @ chopchop re: Demi!

  17. I like Mooshki's guess. Heigl and Richards.

  18. What's with all the Demi talk? What did I miss?

  19. I like the Fey/Lohan guess.

    And maybe Lohan didn't twitter (tweet??) about it afterward because she knows how well liked Fey is?

  20. I don't Heigl - her movies do well. I like Aniston as the first choice.

  21. I don't Heigl - her movies do well. I like Aniston as the first choice.

  22. @Cat - Heigl was in, I believe, the worst performing movie of all time or something a few years ago - I think it was called ZZyxx? Apparently she doesn't like to be reminded of it ;) But you're right, Aniston is a totally decent guess.

  23. @RocketQueen: Tina Fey was in "Mean Girls" as well as "Baby Mama."

  24. Anonymous3:25 PM

    All of Katherine Heigl's movies since 2007 have grossed 3-5 times their production budgets; they've done very well. (Why do you think she's currently banking $12M+ per role?) Besides, she's not promoting a movie right now. Either the blogger isn't the entertainment expert s/he purports to be, or it's not Heigl.

  25. I think Aniston for the A list actress because her movies usually don't do that well whereas Tina Fey's do pretty well. For instance, I want to see Date Night even though I know it's going to be corny. But, I don't want to go and see Aniston's Bounty Hunter movie. I don't even plan to watch it on the Movie Channel. The only movie I liked her in was Office Space. She seems to play the same character over and over again in all her movies. It worked on Friends but... even on Friends I was growing weary of Rachel.

  26. i like the lohan/fey guess.

    but i'd love it to be Cox and Aniston!

  27. Considering that I can rarely find any clues in the blinds, I thought this one was loaded with them ... for Jennifer Anniston ... but the Tina Fey guess is awesome and she does have a new movie coming out April 9 (Date Night).

  28. I bet Brad was never happier then when he was with Lewis. That relationship lasted quite a long time for some reason, and only broke up when he exploded in Thelma and Louise.

  29. How about Aniston and Jessica Simpson, who is everywhere these days promototing her "Price of Beauty" show? I think we all know how they'd know each other...

  30. Tina Fey also had a small part in a movie sometime last year. The name's slipping me, but it was about some guy who...couldn't lie or something?

    I do like Tina and Lindsay for this.

  31. I like the Aniston guess. Probably someone who was with one of her exes. How about Zellweger because of Bradly Cooper? Or someone that John Mayer was with after Aniston.

  32. i'd love it to be tina/lohan, too, but this report was just over a year and a half ago:


    i'm leaning towards aniston and ... someone. pamela anderson. lol.

  33. There is no way this isn't Aniston, what with the A list television status and the movies that tank. It COULD be someone else, but I'd bet my left testicle it's Aniston. Hell, AND my right. If I had testicles, which I don't. But it's totally Aniston, damn it! LOL

  34. After reading all the remarks, I am jumping ship from the Heigel guess to Aniston. But who...Jessica Simpson is a good guess.

  35. This is so tina, and so linsanity.

  36. This is Jennifer Aniston. Note the word FRIENDS in the first sentence.

    Clueless on the 2nd actress though.

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  38. Miley Cyrus and Dakota Fanning

  39. I still like my first guess of Fey/Lohan, but if the word "friends" is the clue then I'll guess Aniston and Lisa Kudrow. Lisa's career hasn't been great since friends, but she's definitely still A-list in name recognition. I mean "Hotel for Dogs" was cute for kids I guess, but not exactly a part for an A-list actress. There was a lot of gossip right after "Friends" ended that there was some sort of falling out between Kudrow and Aniston. Maybe so.

  40. I immediately thought Aniston too. There's no way this isn't her for the first actress. The second one I have no idea.

    Lohan fits but not with Aniston, since although they may have met at one point, I don't think you could say they definitely know each other.

    I don't think I would call Jessica Simpson a former B list movie actress. She's a former singer, former reality star (current reality star?) and she was in Dukes of Hazzard. One movie does not a B list actress make.

  41. Hello - it's Aniston and Jolie! Jolie fits perfectly "former B list movie acress and now lucky to be C but with A ist name recognition"!

    Oh, and they know each other for sure!

  42. Don't froget the Aniston-Mayer-Simpson connection. Aniston/Simpson ftw

  43. This blind is obviously about Aniston - refers to "friends" and movies that tank and she has been on the never-ending press junket for Bounty Hunter.

    As for the other actress, Jolie is A list. She won an Oscar and is in major demand. She is not the B list movie actress. Jessica Simpson would be reality tv and/or singer, not an actress. Probably not Juliette Lewis. She doesn't have A list name recognition.

    So, other than shooting down other guesses, I have no idea...

  44. I suspect it's Aniston-Simpson, too. Weirdly, I'm watching the VH1 Simpson show as I write this, and I'm an Aniston fan. Man, I need to stop this celeb addiction (although it's better than substance abuse, I guess). Sexual napalm, anyone?

  45. Bummer. I really wanted this to be Cameron Diaz & Jessica Biel but couldn't make it fit (that's what he said!)

  46. I think this sounds like Aniston & KATE HUDSON! They would know each other through Marley And Me's Owen Wilson.

  47. Come on everyone, tell me I'm right. Where are you?! I win! I win!

  48. ooh, another hint as I scroll down then pat myself on the back: the next post is on Owen's brother Luke!

  49. J-Mo..guess what, I thought that, too. haha there are pictures from about a year or so ago of Aniston greeting Hudson at an airport I believe.

    Reveal this when the time comes, enty! Please. :)

  50. Kate Hudson isn't former B list.

  51. I'm on the Aniston/Kudrow train.

  52. Oooh, Aniston/Simpson never occurred to me! Aniston/Simpson, I'm on that train 100%.

  53. Aniston/Heigl???? Oh PLEASE say it's them!!!!!! Maybe my two least favorite celebs.

  54. I like Anniston/Simpson.

  55. Here is my problem with the Aniston/Simpson guess:

    1. Simpson is not a former B list movie actress, not by a long shot. She was first a singer, then a reality show star. Neither of those being B list.

    2. How do we even know that they know each other? And, even if they did, would they hate each other just because they dated the same douche??

    With that said I don't know if Aniston is still "friends" with Kudrow, but this guess makes the most sense to me...

  56. I'm going to throw a couple new names out there, just for fun:

    Blake Lively and America Ferrera?

    Amanda Seyfried and Lindsay Lohan?

  57. Aniston and Kudrow sure seem to fit all the clues, including the hint in the first sentence.

  58. I'm also on the Aniston/Kudrow train. However, I really like the Aniston/Sexual napalm guess, but S.N. is NOT b-list, no matter how many bombs she's been in.

  59. Umn, Jolie is an Oscar winner and one of the highest paid actresses in the business. Not C list by ANY stretch of the imagination.

    The way A list television actress is phrased makes me think it's someone who's currently on television who's trying to make it in movies but it isn't happening. So not Aniston or Heigl. And I think if it were J.Lo or Miley, the singing would be mentioned.

    So, I don't know who, but I don't think it's any of them. I'm thinking if "friends" is really a hint, then maybe Courtney Cox and someone else. Cox is currently on television, right? Cougar Town? And movies...she was in the Scream movies, and everything else she's been in has been a bomb. No idea on the second one, though.

  60. Hey, this is officially "solved" at the alt.gossip.celebrities webpages at


    They point out that Aniston and Simpson were both on GMA during mid-March, which about clinches it, eh?

  61. Apparently it was the 15th of March:


  62. its aniston and lisa kudrow

  63. If it is Aniston/Simpson.. I guess all I have to say is:
    Who Cares?

    I mean really, why is this a blind? To me, it is a blind if they used to be good friends, or starred on a show together.... Not just because they dated the same dude...

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  65. Boooo. I'll give this "blind" two thumbs down.

  66. Got to be Anniston and Fey. According to Lainey Gossip, Fey was in Berlin recently for "Date Night" promotions and Anniston and Butler were there within the last few days for "Bounty Hunter."

  67. What about Jennifer Aniston and Uma Thurman?

  68. Throwing in a wrench - Betty White and Dorris Leachman

  69. "Throwing in a wrench - Betty White and Dorris Leachman "

    somebody else reads d-listed, hey?

  70. I couldn't find the Aniston/Simpson blind on that link....

    So what is the story behind that?? Why would they hate each other. I only had 4 hours of sleep last night so mind is drawing a blank.

  71. MCH, both dated Mayer.

    I still will not accept Simpson is a former B list movie actress. Or a former movie actress.

    Like the Aniston/Hudson guess.

  72. Thanks, Char. Completely forgot about Mayer for a minute... :)

  73. hey BlahFrickinBlah, why don't you think Kate Hudson is former B-List? She was very popular and now makes movies like Bride Wars or whatever it was...

  74. Is Dorris Cloris' sister?
