Monday, March 29, 2010

Today's Blind Items

This A list television actor held up production on the set of his show for six hours last week while he surfed the internet and did lines of coke. Apparently he was all alone. He told everyone that he wasn't ready and they would just have to wait until he was. After six hours he emerged looking haggard but didn't bother apologizing to anyone for keeping them waiting.


  1. @cecilia: you stole my guess

  2. Charlie was my first guess too

  3. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Sheen is a sociopath. People should just keep away.

  4. What was he surfing? CDAN? :-)

  5. doesn't that show tape in front of a live audience?

  6. doesn't charlie supposedly have a "sober" coach with him though? I don't know, if he really did that, I have a feeling that might get out. But he is a major sociopath, so I still wouldn't put it past him.

  7. Off-topic - but Ricky Martin has OFFICIALLY come out of the closet.

    I know you're all stunned. But there it is.

  8. How do assholes like this get away with that kind of behavior? Aren't they under contract? Don't the executive producers have any balls?

    Me personally, I wouldn't be able to function after that long. All lock-jawed and unfocused like a MF.

    Can't imagine remembering lines (heh, heh, pun intended) and hitting marks, etc.

  9. Not a lot of clues here except that this would have to be a major star who is the focus of the show. If the "he was all alone" is a clue, maybe it IS Charlie Sheen and his sober buddy wasn't around.

  10. but how could your 'sober coach' leave you alone for that long? i'm not defending charlie---just don't think this is him. if so, his sober coach should be fired.

  11. They don't tape live everyday. Production could mean dress rehearsal, blocking, read through, etc.

    Maybe the sober coach missed a day or wasn;t hired until just after this incident?

  12. If it's not Charlie, it's Keifer. But Charlie makes sense. We'll know in a few weeks when new eps of his show air.

  13. they filmed with a live audience friday, according to TMZ. that's why i asked.

    as for the sober coach, i just think since charlie's supposedly going from rehab to work and back to rehab, he'd have someone with him at all times.

  14. Is David Duchovny A list?

  15. But Charlie had a sober coach with him on Christmas as well. So a "sober coach" doesn't mean shit!

  16. i'm going Keifer in light of 24 going off the air.

  17. So non-specific about the type of show/channel.

    Alec Baldwin
    Simon Cowell
    Jay Leno

  18. Jillian- couldn't be Leno. That show runs on clockwork. The taping has to start at specific times because of the guests. Couldn't be Cowell either, since so much of AI is live.
    Kiefer seems like the best guess to me.

  19. I seriously doubt this is Sheen. From what I understand, work is the one and only area of his life that he takes seriously. Supposedly, even at the height of his drug/gambling/prostitute usage he was always ready and prompt when it came to work. It's one of the reasons that he keeps getting chance after chance after chance in the Hollywood community. I have a feeling that it is someone who would surprise us.

  20. Enty says, "Apparently he was all alone", drawing attention to the fact that nobody, like a sober coach for example, was not with him.

    I'm sayin' it's Charlie.

  21. My first thought was Kiefer

  22. FYI, my surfing the Internet found this:

    Sutherland was featured on the cover of the April 2006 edition of Rolling Stone, in an article entitled "Alone in the Dark with Kiefer Sutherland"

  23. Kiefer is one of the hardest working actors in the biz. And I've heard that the crew of '24' really love him. There is no way this is him.

  24. Oh yeah, I am pulling for Keifer. How can you do only coke for 6 hours? He had to be drinking too. And he is a famous lush. That stuff will ruin your life so i hope he quits.

  25. @nunaurbiz- I'm not sure what that proves other than how bored you must be today.

  26. @ Jillian: It just took a second and was the top item. Not like I spent six hours LOL

  27. I think if piven pulled that crap, the other boys would break in and kick his ass.

  28. Shelly Bermen from Curb Your Enthusiasm. The one who plays Larry's Father.

  29. Totally Keifer. And I wasn't aware anyone could say they loved him with a straight face.

  30. It's most definitely not Kiefer, everyone who works with him says he is super professional and extremely courteous. He never drinks on the job. After work, yeah. He's also an executive producer, who would not waste money.

  31. 24 is done shooting for the season. Besides, Keifer is a drunk, not a cokehead. And by all accounts EXTREMELY professional when it comes to work. It's in his off hours that he's a party animal. No one has ever said a negative thing about his work ethic.

    This screams Sheen. That whole "rehab" thing was such a fucking sham. It was only to look good for the folks in the Pitkin County Court system, it wasn't cause he genuinely thought he had a problem and wanted help. Even the prosecutor has said that rehab would make things look better in his favor.

    And he's well known to be an online porn addict.

    All you folks worrying about where his "sober minder" is are pretty naive. He doesn't have one cause the rehab was nothing but a sham for the court. He's always been a user and always will be. And he's the star of that show and can do whatever the hell he wants, including holding up production.

  32. Neil Patrick Harris or Mark Harmon

  33. I kinda think it's Sheen as well, although I hope not. He has little kids and I feel for them.

    Just to throw out a different idea, is Jason Segel considered A list for How I met your mother?

  34. Not Sheen. This is real easy. It's will Smith on Hawthorne:

  35. The dude from House?

  36. I'm on the Piven train. Lots of stories/picture evidence that he likes blow.

  37. i am really bad at guessing these. But MAYBE the "he was all slone" hint was for Piven. Maybe without his "entourage"

    ok, point and's just what i was thinking :)

  38. Totally Sheen

    Doing coke & watching porn

    All alone? Why would that be strange? Because Sheen alledgedly has a babysitter.

    This is a no-brainer

    Carlos isn't giving up the coke or the poon anytime soon
