Thursday, March 18, 2010

Today's Blind Items

This about to hit A list television actress on a fairly new hit network show shocked all of her fellow cast and the crew after she was handed a cup of coffee by a production assistant. After the production assistant had walked away, she had a sip, turned around and said, "that f**king n***er can't even make a cup of coffee. They should fire him." You could have heard a pin drop.


sickle said...

Lea Michele from Glee?

Ice Angel said...


RocketQueen said...

Sickle beat me to it. Lea Michele, I bet. Already quite the diva by most accounts.

palealebrew10 said...

yeah probably some chick from glee. wow, that's truly heinous. Expose her ass, enty.

Goodgrief said...

OMG!!!! I guess she could always get a job at Walmart if this acting thing bites her in the ass.

Lady J said...

No clue. Whoever it is I hope they are outed by Enty in July reveals. What a BITCH!

Angie said...

oh dear. sofia Vergara?

jess said...

@RocketQueen is she a diva? spread the gossip..

West End Girl said...

Lea Michele just looks like a diva but surely she wouldn't be so racist?

Please no more Glee BIs :(

Ellen said...

Whoever she is, I sure hope she doesn't stay A-list for long! I can't stand people who act like that...I don't care who you are. I really, really hope Enty outs her!

I was also thinking Leah Michelle and Glee, but I really hope it's not her.

jess said...

@angie I don't think that Sofia would say that, she's from Colombia and in Barranquilla, where she's from, there are a lot of black people and the same goes to the near coast regions

mazshad said...

Fire her - she won't be around long with that attitude anyway !

sunnyside1213 said...

Her name should be Ima Dumbass.

mooshki said...

Sounds like Leah to me. The show is awesome, but what a diva!

Icecat said...

I have no clue. Sofia from Modern Family would fit, but I don't know that much about prime time TV to make an educated guess.

BUT.. What a Biotch!! I don't even know how I would react if someone said that in front of me. Slap them?? Good Christ how rude...

Ellen said...

One more thing...I really, really hope that the production assistant spit in her coffee!!!!

kathrynnova said...

wow! my jaw dropped when i read it. i can't believe people still use that word.

how embarrassing. she should be the one fired.

thehousewife said...

Sofia Vergara's ex is black- the son of her father. NOT HER.

annie b. said...

what a heinous b*tch! it's one thing to be a diva... it's a whole other thing to be a racist pig.

expose this wench a.s.a.p.

MISCH said...


RJ said...

Sofia Vergara was the first to spring to my mind. Just because her ex is black wouldn't rule her out. Black people use that word all the time. It might be a habit she picked up from him. Still it's horrible, especially when used in an obviously derogatory manner.

Even though most of the kids from Glee totally get on my nerves when I see them on anything and I could absolutely see fame going to their empty heads, I doubt that anyone in that age group would use that word. It's just so extremely taboo that I doubt that it would occur, even to a complete diva, to use that particular word. I think it's someone older.

califblondy said...

I overheard someone use that word the other day and the reaction (from a group of white people) was the same. You could have heard a pin drop.

Forget spitting in her coffee, I vote for pissing!

Jillian S. said...
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Anonymous said...

Stana Katic. She's already known as a diva.

Jillian S. said...

Wouldn't Modern Family be a NEW network show? "Fairly new" is more like 1-2 seasons in.

It's just me! said...

@RJ, please don't generalize an entire race like that. Not all black people use that word all the time, thanks.

turtle said...

Why keep this as a blind item? It's pretty heinous; why protect the identity of the actress? Put her on blast and let her deal with the consequences. Maybe even learn something. I would hope it's not Lea Michele: she's from NYC and grew up in the Broadway community, giving her lots of exposure to all kinds of diverse people.

hotchacha said...

Out her. There's no reason to be protecting this type of assy nonsense.

Barton Fink said...

I'm with Nancy -- this one calls out for a name.

Linnea said...

west end girl - what do you mean no MORE glee blinds? Have i missed out on something here????

Boy I hope its not Leah, I think she is kind of cute and she seems like a nice person.

Stephen said...

Unfortunately, I like the Stana Katic guess. Wasn't she the popular guess a few months ago when a popular male star called his co-star a c--t for the way she was treating the crew.

J-Mo said...

If true, why is this blind? to protect her?

The Effervescent Diva said...

Stana Katic wasmy first thought.

bookstalker said...

I don't think Stana is anywhere near 'about to hit A list.'

This chick should be outed.

bookstalker said...

I don't think Stana is anywhere near 'about to hit A list.'

This chick should be outed.

IKnowTheSecret said...

I hate to say this, but the person that this Blind is about could very well be black. I'm speaking as a black person myself. Sometimes we do have a tendency to drop the N bomb without even thinking about it.

califblondy said...

I hear Black people say it all the time, but the way this is worded I would seriously doubt it came from a Black person and if it did, would it be a blind? What Black actress is about to be A List?

Sonap said...

Julianna Margulies

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Expose this bitch, ENT!

Unknown said...

What the hell? Did anyone say something to her?!?! I've never heard anyone use that word in my presence, but if I ever do, you can be sure I'll call them on it! Disgusting.

IKnowTheSecret said...

califblondy what about the black actress on glee? Is she in the running for A list?

I hear what you're saying though. The F word in combination with the N word is just wrong! I don't care who said it.

Elle said...

Isn't this just as bad as Isaiah and the whole 'f*ggot' thing?? Or was it only bad because for him because the press got wind of it and basically outed his bigotry. Why should this douche be any different? (because she is currently 'anonymous') I seriously want to know who this is so I can boycott her entire career. About to be A List my ass. Why do these idiots get a crack at the big career while so many decent hard working actors never make it.

altar boy said...

Tina Fey

Derreck said...

i was thinking of Juliana Margulies too. The Good Wife is fairly new, a hit show, and she's getting more popular. Other than that, i don't know.

Maybe this actress is a John Mayer who feels like they are so deep in the black community that they can use the word comfortably?

weezy said...

I'm no fan of Lea Michele's, but I'd be surprised if someone out of the NY theatre culture would be that crude. Or stupid.

Enty, if you're not comfortable outing this loser, can you at least drop a few more hints to clarify?

Jillian S. said...

Rashida Jones on Parks and Rec?

yolknkl; said...

this shouldn't be a blind item. that person needs to be shamed.

also, I've just fully absorbed the A/B/C/D list subtleties and now you throw in "about to hit A list..."

WTF?? Enty, please.

ChristyC said...

Rashida Jones is bi-racial. Doubt it is her.

Jillian S. said...

Read the "Maybe it's a black actress" posts above. That's why I guessed her.

MadLyb said...

Sofia Veregara, only because she's from Columbia and I think that perhaps that kind of thing (overt racism, especially against blacks) might be more open there than here. Not that it excuses such crass behavior. I hope it isn't her!

Alcarcalimo said...

I met Lea Michele in October at the HRC National Dinner and she was absolutely lovely and didn't seem like a diva at all. She actually came across quite shy. I think the diva attitude perception just comes from the character she plays and the way she struts that red carpet. As for who it is, no clue. But I also can't imagine Sofia either. Notice the blind says fairly new. Could it be someone from last season's new shows?

heatherhug said...

Does "about to hit A list" mean that this person has a big movie coming out? A franchise?

heatherhug said...

Does "about to hit A list" mean that this person has a big movie coming out? A franchise?

SJ said...

How can people stand around so silently when something like this happens? People should speak out in outrage. The silence is almost as bad as what she said. I do NOT get it.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Rose said...

I doubt it was Sofia V. It would be much more likely that if she was going to say something that she would say it in her native language and not some horribly rude english slang.

Nubian Sir said...

I don't think it is Rashida. Her father is Quincy Jones!

I vote for Patricia Heaton.

Jillian S. said...

This person must be the only big star on the show if no one is brave enough to call this person out. Homegirl needs to get Isaiah Thomas'ed big time.

Selock said...

Yuck. Seriously?

Fabulous! said...

betty white, how could you!!

Geebz said...

*Isaiah Washington'd

Anonymous said...

Robin Tunney (sp??) from The Metalist? I have no reason to think it's her, just tossing in another name.

Anonymous said...

Oops, I mean the Mentalist!

B626 said...

Yup Patricia Heaton is A list from Raymond, she always seems a bit angry anyway overall.
Remember when she went after Michelle Pheifer for looking too good for her age and then found out she bit off more than she could chew?
Still like the Middle.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the comment about lea michele Alcarcalimo nice to know

I am wondering why people think she is such a diva - i have never heard anything of the kind - when was it written about that she is hard to deal with or diva-ish? her charachter is very like that but i have never heard it about her.

its just that a few people have made the comment and i am wondering how i missed these stories with the amount of gossip sites i visit and my love of glee!

could anyone direct me to these stories i would like to have a read

Selock said...

I know a lot of theatre people, and the house manager at my local theatre has friends who have had dealings with Lea. So this is very secondhand, but I have heard it from her that Lea Michele is indeed very very difficult and unlikeable.

But she kept it vague as that, so you can take it with a grain of salt.

I just wanted to show that people do say negative things about her apart from her character. I've actually never seen Glee (!!!) so I have no real opinion on her. She seems cute!

FitwithLizzie said...

What's more morally culpable? Saying something like that, or protecting the identity of an asshole who says something like that? Please don't let her hide!

Char said...

I would find it hard to believe that any of the Glee kids are "about to hit A list". Yes the show is very popular but even many people who watch it still couldn't name them. Lea Michelle would be the easiest to name but even a few months ago I had to look it up because I couldn't remember. They're brand new, this being most of their first time on tv, and I just don't think they could become A list on the back of ONE ensemble show that's been on for less than one season. I wouldn't even call Lea B list yet.

Also, I know that some actresses can be self-absorbed entitled bitches who think they can get away with anything, but I can't imagine ANY white person thinking they could get away with saying that in public. Even people that would think it would say it private amongst people they know would agree with them. I'm going to say, it has to be a black actress because that's the only way they might think they had the right to use the word, even with a bunch of people standing around.

I KNOW people are ignorant and I'm not saying they're not, I just think that racism is one that people have learned to keep behind closed doors. Especially people who have images to protect.

IKnowTheSecret said...

Char, you are so right. That's probably another reason it's a blind. Let an up and coming non-black actress say that or even and established one say that and all hell would break loose. Especially if they are hard to deal with.

Could you imagine if Tina Fey said something like that for real? or Hayden? Sheesh!!!

E. DuBois said...

I don't have a quess on this one - about to hit A list has be stumped. However, as a black person I just need to say that folks shouldn't be too optimistic about whether a white actress could say this and get away with it.

Look at the outrageous, racist comment and imagery directed at Michelle Obama (just an example)! I remember some white politician forwarded an image of her with a chimpanzee and some vile joke - he had no fear or shame until some reported asked and then he lamely apologized. So, if the First Lady can get called that openly, why do people think a production assistant is any safer? This is a white actress, I have no doubt.

Oh and I think she should be outed.

E. DuBois said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jasmine said...

I disagree that this couldnt be a white actress. Read how Enty puts this. PPL were 'shocked' they could 'hear a pin drop' after she said this. I am sorry but for the minority of African Americans that Do say the n-word verses a white girl or non black girl saying it you would really get two different reactions.
My guess is they were so shocked because she was WHITE. Hell, even Chris Rock and David Chapelle say the n-word. I def think this was a non black person ftw~

Unknown said...

"fairly new hit tv show" could that be considered 'gossip girl'? whoever this is should be ashamed of themselves. disgusting.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the info Selock!

Sactochick said...

I am positive this is Nina Dobrev from Vampire Diaries. The actors who play the main characters are getting popular, plus she has a movie called Chloe coming out on March 26 with Julianne Moore and Amanda Seyfried. She is a really good actress although if this is her she obviously is not a good person. She was born in Bulgaria where there is accepted racism against blacks.

Char said...

I would be shocked even if I black person said this in front of me. SHOCKED. And appalled. To use the word in a derogatory fashion against another black person, regardless if you yourself is black is disgusting to me, and I think most people would be just as shocked.

But I think a black person MAY be more likely to think they have the right to use the word. To them they're not being racist because they can't be racist against black people because they're black themselves.

And I definitely think there are some (many) ignorant racist white people out there. But I think the more "subtle" racist comments are more common because they can say I didn't mean it to be racist it was just an observation or something. More so than openly calling a black production assistent the n-word, and meaning in a derogatory fashion. Stars have seen what getting caught using that word does to your career (see whathisname from Seinfeld). An almost A list star is going to be aware of that, and cautious of it, if they are racist, they're going to know to hide it.

Char said...

Nina Dobrev moved to Canada when she was 2. She didn't exactly have a lot of time to adopt racist attitudes from her peers in Bulgaria. She also attended a school for the arts in Toronto which has MANY black students. I suppose she could have picked up racist remarks from her parents if they are, but I'd think she'd learn to hide that from people having been at a school like that with such a diverse student population. Don't really think she's "about to be A list" either. Unless she's about to jump straight from low C list to A list.

Not saying it couldn't be her, just thinking that being born in Bulgaria probably doesn't make it more likely to be her.

I really have no idea who it COULD be though.

anonymous said...

Sofia V. She might have thought the comment was the same way that she thought rape was funny.

Meg said...

@anonymous 8:47pm - I thought about her putting her foot in her mouth w/ that too but I don't think its her.

I don't think its Lea Michele either. I think you could be difficult and a bitch w/out being a be racist. :)

That being said I have no clue....

lmnop123 said...

FYI to all of you people that think A.A.'s feel it's okay for another A.A. to use the "n" word. YOU'RE ALL WRONG!

It's a racist, and offensive word. Period.

Anybody who say's it around me especially at work will be reported to Human Resources. It has always been considered derogatory, and unacceptable in my environment and I have zero tolerance for any form of racism even if it's Black on Black.

Now Enty who in the hell made this statement? This racist piece of shit has definitely earned the right to be outed.

Mango said...

Reveal! Reveal! Reveal!

You know, if I were working on that set, I would have broken my leg rushing to a phone to reveal that nasty bit of news.

I don't think that Sofia would say that, she's from Colombia and in Barranquilla, where she's from, there are a lot of black people and the same goes to the near coast regions.

If we apply that logic to Lea Michelle, it doesn't work either, b/c according to IMDB, she is from the Bronx.

Btw, I'd never even heard of Glee until I read the many mentions of it here on IMDB!

Katja said...

"Michele was born Lea Michele Sarfati in The Bronx, New York, the daughter of a nurse and a deli owner. Michele's mother is Italian American and Catholic, while her father is of Spanish-Sephardic Jewish ancestry." I really don't see someone with a mixed religious background saying this. Being a Diva from acting on broadway since she was a child, that I see. BTW I will be seeing HAIR front row this Sunday!!!

Rose said...

I think people are looking at this the wrong way. Being a diva isn't the same as being racist.

I hope this one gets revealed.

David said...

umm yea..don't think this person is black..most people don't say it like that...(-er) on the end

David said...

and unfortunately this obviously doesn't really matter to the public anymore (insert recent comments from RPatz and MeyerDouche), because their careers has not suffered and it was basically forgotten the next day..overt racism for SOME Caucasians seems to be the new trend...

Dharma Seeker said...

I like Courtney Cox for this one. I know she's probably already A list, but apparently she's a bitch and Cougar Town seems to be doing alright.

Icecat said...

After thinking on it. I agree that this is probably not someone from Glee. The show is a hit, yes, but I only knew about it because I am online a lot. And, I have never heard of the actress mentioned.

I think this is someone from 90210 or Gossip Girl. My thought is:
AnnaLynn McCord.
She "could" be about to hit A lits. I guess...

AnnaLynn FTW

Icecat said...

Ok. I just noticed the Eva Mendez picture in the randoms. Does anyone else think this is a clue?

"I haven't seen her on a red carpet in a while"

A while meaning the month she has been in rehab for Meth???

sandman said...

the shock, the horror. somebody said a bad word, oh the humanity.
some of you yentas need to grow up

Hello it's me... said...

For whatever reason, I dont get the vibe that Leah Michelle will be A List...I still dont even consider America ferrara A List...Yes she had a hit show and for a short while was known...but in terms of lasting power?

I like the Sofia Vergara guess...however, I dont see it. The rape joke was kind of funny if you have a twisted sense of humor. Using the N word in that fashion is never funny.

COuld it be Julie Bowen?

Robin Tunney from the Mentalist?

Enty says "Fairly new" would The Big Bang Theory count?? Perhaps Kaley Cuoco?

slappywhyte said...

Felicia Rashad from "The Cosby Show"

Anonymous said...

I highly doubt it's Lea Michele (Glee has quite a few black castmembers who would be furious if that really happened)

Like the Nina Dobrev guess, heard she's a terror to be around

keystone said...

I doubt it's Stania Katic. She isn't someone who comes to mind as being on the verge of making the A list. Nathan Fillon is still the bigger star of that show.

I also doubt that it's Julianna Margulies, as I would consider her to already be A-list, at least as far as television is concerned. I would also consider The Good Wife to be new, not fairly new. It only debuted last fall.

Plus, I have a major crush on her.

And, yes, I have heard African Americans use that word, and it would be shocking to most people, most of whom have been told NEVER to use it. So it's not beyond the realm of possibility that a black person would use this term.

lmnop123 said...

Ahh... racism towards African Americans continues to rear it's ugly head even on this board.

Can't say I'm surprised.

How predictable.

Angie said...

I don't care if you are from the Bronx, Columbian, American, African-American, or if you were married or dated a black individual, you could still be capable of using this comment in a derogatory manner.

john doe said...

for some reason anna torv (fringe) popped into my mind.

chopchop said...

Blake Lively ~ Gossip Girl.

chopchop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
HannahPalindrome said...

"And, yes, I have heard African Americans use that word, and it would be shocking to most people, most of whom have been told NEVER to use it. So it's not beyond the realm of possibility that a black person would use this term."

The difference between a black person and white person using the "N" word is one person is being a racist.
I know people can get confused about this, but I think it's racist when a non-minority uses the word.
If both are black, its considered ok. Not that I like hearing the word used.
If an Asian person called me the "C" word, I wouldn't be offended. However, if the person wasn't Asian, I would be offended.

Blah blah blah.
Racism exists. What else is new.
We only have to look at what happened during the Presidential election to see that it exists.

Racism. Uncomfortable word. People hate talking about it.

TinselSass said...

Enty, this one requires revealing sooner than later. The guilty actress deserves to be outed and the others, divas or not, deserve to be spared the accusations. This is such over the top bad behavior it needs to be exposed... and maybe, her career damaged by her own ugly tongue.

Jeffrey said...

The "C" word? Caucasian? I know the "down-there" C-word that knows no race, that most ladies don't seem to like too much, but what's another one?

HannahPalindrome said...

"The "C" word? Caucasian? I know the "down-there" C-word that knows no race, that most ladies don't seem to like too much, but what's another one?"

I wrote that I'm Asian.
Do you need the last letter?

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

Who calls someone a chin...these days? Tacky. Asian sensation is was better and it rhymes!

Side bar:

I know loads of asians who call themselves "twinkies" and don't care if others call them that. That's racist, but considered o.k. Just like when black people use the word n****. It's still racist regardless of who uses it.

That's the problem with racism. It's so subjective. Like who says what is racism and what is not?

Selock said...

"Twinkie" is really not comparable to the N-word. It's black equivalent is "Oreo", which, yes, brown people use. Some people are offended, some not.

When black people us the N-word it's intent and therefore it's meaning are completely different. It's supposed to be a reclamation of the word and can mean anything from "homie" to "dumbass".

When a non-black/non-sympathetic person uses it, it's derogatory. I'm sure there are just some confused and misguided non-black people who use it without meaning it that way, but I'd say it's meant the way you'd think, 95% of the time. The way it is said also makes the meaning pretty clear. If this person caused silence with their comment, I'm sure there intent was pretty clear.

I actually once knew a white person who made a distinction between "N-words" and "normal black people". The normal ones were tolerable, but she definitely hated those "N-words" with a deepseated passion. It was still disgusting.

P.S. Would the C-word be "cracker" for white (does anyone take that seriously?) or for blacks, it's "coon"'s pretty much just as bad/ignorant as the N-word. "Colored" is also ignorant, but, a a brown person, I use it sometimes to be funny. Cuz...I can.

Selock said...

Ew, sorry for the bad grammar in there...rushing.

M said...

I'll start by saying that I have no clue about the blind. But I really doubt that it was a black actress. I don't think any black actress would get so pumped up by her [almost] a-list status that she would feel comfortable uttering that aloud. Also, "f****ng n*****r is quite venomous. Especially coupled with "They should fire him."

And lastly, the "pin drop" silence. Everyone simultaneously thought, "hey, you're gonna get us in trouble with that!" Probably if a black woman said that, there would be nervous, uncomfortable laughter, then the crowd would scatter. Just sayin'.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

I get that twinkie, or cracker, or whitebread, or oreo, are not nearly as bad as n*** cause of its obvious historical implications, but also cause they're folksy. If you think about it calling yourself a twinkie/being called a twinkie is pretty bad cause you're saying what? That you're o.k cause you're not super asian? What does that mean?

Also, about brown people, I've heard some pretty bad names for them as well, that aren't as cutesy as Hostess cupcake.

Selock said...

Well, Twinkie and Oreo are the same. "Yellow/Brown on the outside, White on the inside." Some people are teased by the label, like uppity brown kids (like me)...some people wear it with a badge of pride. For some reason this seems more common with "twinkie", for whatever reason. I've had plenty of Asian friends back that up. Their (usually conservative) parents were even proud of the accomplishment, openly. If my Dad knew my sister and I secretly reveled in our Oreo-status he would have killed us, LOL.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

Where I live is a melting pot of colours and cultures, and I have grown up with the gamut, as I am sure you have too due to your oreo status, but I still don't think it's right. It's not a far step from twinkie and oreo to chin..and n****, or the sand version of that as I have heard brown people refered to.

Also, it's fucking embarassing to normal white people like me who aren't racist. It makes me look bad with the collective:(

Unknown said...

Sofia Vergara is from Barranquilla, Colombia, and whites/light skinned types in the northern coast are the MOST racist f*ckers in the country.

Selock said...

Don't worry, Sue Ellen, any good melting-potter worth their salt won't judge you for the wrongs of ignorant people with the same skin color as you! Anyone else is a dumbass who isn't worth worrying about. There is no place for them in my imagined utopia. :)

For the record...I agree with the observations about the Colombian actress. Though I have light-skinned Colombian friends who are super openminded, they have assured me they aren't the norm. It would also be less likely for them to understand how totally gauche (and worse) such public speech is by American cultural standards.

HannahPalindrome said...


Not Chin Sue Ellen!

I'm over this topic.

1whoKnows said...

Oh, LM is a beyotch. Trust me. She didn't grow up in the Bronx, she was just born there. She comes from a family of thugs.


Sue Ellen Mishkey said...


No kidding it's not chin. I wasn't using the whole word cause it's offensive.

princessnikki said...

What about Courtney Cox? I've heard she's quite the diva on the set of Cougar Town!! I could see her doing something like this!!

Unknown said...

The slang term with an "a" at the end is different from the term with "er" at the end. If the person was black (for the record, I am black) it would have appeared as the slang term in the blind. This actress clearly is not black.

The description of the cast and crew's response shows that they were all shocked and given how pervasive the slang term is in hip hop culture, people would not have responded the same way if the actress was black. That's reality. The word is hideous and unacceptable in any form and I don't think they should be protected by the anonymity of a blind item.

southerner09 said...

ilive in the south and African-Americans use this term to each other all the time. sometimes in jest and sometimes in anger. i think this was an African-American actress who said this to see the reaction it generated.

pattidolls said...

Don't you have to be almost a tv legend to be considered almost A List on CDAN? I'm going to go with Courtney Cox.

Anonymous said...

@Derreck and @C, I'm with @Keystone - I am totally sure on the A-list rules, but Juliana Margulies has been nominated for lots of Emmys and won one, lots of Golden Globes and won at least one and also won several SAGs, so I am sure she is already A-list. I also think anyone from friends is A-list, so that rules out Courtney Cox.


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