Thursday, March 11, 2010

Today's Blind Items

This movie actress who qualifies as A list under the rules but is probably just a B recently had a miscarriage at about four months. The reason? She couldn't stop using coke. Even when her doctors told her she needed to stop she just couldn't. The thing is her husband doesn't even know she uses coke. I wonder what she told him.


  1. Maggie Gyllenhal

  2. Ey Carumba!!!!!!

    Sorry for that. Not pertinent, probably not spelled right, but I couldn't contain it.

    Please enjoy the rest of your day.

  3. I like the Maggie Gyllenhal guess.


  5. Saggy Gyllenhaal.

  6. Paltrow: A list by the rules - oscar winner; in the photos

  7. As much as I would *love* to think it's GOOP, with all the care she lavishes on herself: the organic foods, the cleanses, the detoxing and enemas, I don't think it's her.

    Oh wtf... GOOP for the win!

  8. While I agree that someone who does drugs while pregnant, does not deserve children, I do feel sympathy toward the husband (that's assuming that he wanted the baby). Also, in a way I feel a little sorry for her for being in a business where 'Thin is In' and where it seems that they will do whatever it takes to stay that way. Of course, it's something that she chose, so I can't be that sympathetic.

    I don't understand the thought processes of some women. If you want to continue on with the lifestyle that you have, DON'T have kids. They have the choice of what they put in their bodies, their poor kiddos, don't (while in utero).Be a freaking adult!

  9. No clue on the actress, however isn't it a law that if "self medication" causes miscarriage, or birth defects, or the infant is born either with trace elements or addicted, then the mother is getting jail time?
    Because aren't medical authorities "obligated" to report these issues?

  10. she's a married Oscar winner( Oscar=A list) but can't open a movie!?

    nicole Kidman? had rumours about pregnancy in the end of last year and she's very thin

  11. How would Maggie be "a" list under the rules? Was she in a franchise? Or did she win an Oscar and I didn't know bc it's Maggie Gyllenhaal? Plus, didn't she just get plastic surgery? Don't they administer anesthesia or something?

  12. @Merlin D.Bear: i don't know in USA but in France,as a foetus isn't a child(it's a result from the law for abortion),you can't convict a woman because she has "bad habit" during her pregancy.She 's the owner of her body!

  13. By Enty earlier explaination for A list a person needs to have box-office opening sales, a franchise, high earning wage,and name recognition. An oscar will bump a star up but does not equal A list like some people seem to get confused with. Because there is no way Cuba gooding jr, Mira Sorvino or Marisa Tomei are still A list but they would never become D list because of the oscar.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Catherine Zeta Jones? Has Oscar, is in the pictures, looks bad recently.

  16. Catherine Zeta Jones? Has Oscar, is in the pictures, looks bad recently.

  17. Maggie is a SourPuss, but I get why some people like her and others dislike her. She is not mainstream though. But I also think she is Hubby's beard for her brother, and not in love with Sarsgaard.

    I would think though, that it would not be somebody who already had kids. Somebody who already has kids probably has already quit the coke for the first child.

  18. This is just sad. What a selfish bitch. Hope the guilt kills her just like she kiiled her child.

  19. Nicole Kidman is my guess.

  20. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Jennifer Connelly

  21. Katherine Heigl (to mix things up)

  22. As much as I would like it to be Nicole, it can't be her. Keith Urban used to be a coke addict. I would say that it would be VERY hard if not impossible to be married to a coke addict and hide your own coke addiction with him being completely unaware.

  23. my guess was just to mix things up -- not Katherine Heigl did coke and miscarried to mix things up :)

  24. i don't think it's Nicole. She's a definite A.

  25. Maggie has the Batman franchise and Oscar nom (two? Was she nominated for Secretary?) Plus she gets magazine covers and is Jake's sister.

  26. @rtsew - a few reasons why the Maggie hate: 1) She wears fur. A lot. 2) She was revealed as the answer to a blind about a star who bought a hate, wore it for months, then tried to return it. 3) She has always preached about being against plastic surgery and how she would never have it, and then recently had it done and tried to hide it.

  27. Eh, fuck 'em whomever it is.

    Some of us effed our brains out trying to conceive and these cunts go killing their fetuses left and right?

    I hate this person.

  28. I would never call Maggie an A. Jake's probably not even an A yet. I'll go with C Z-J because it seems more believable. a sort of A-lister with an Oscar, but not really in the spotlight these days or opened any big moviea..

  29. (although I AM for a woman's choice. But if she knew she couldn't quit the blow, why not abort in the first trimester?)

  30. 4th month miscarriage is very late. You feel your baby move by that time. I have no guesses and I'm too sad for the baby and husband to even venture one.

  31. I said Maggie G. because she has two Oscar nominations,she was in The dark knight(franchise) and will be in the next one, she has name rencognition(family in the business) and I believe she can't carry on a big movie by herself because she has that "indie film" kind of look.

  32. Something to do with her chin/neck. She always had that thing where they blended into each other. Now they're separate and it's obvious. They say something with her eyes, too, but I can't see that one.

    Shame, because although I *do* like her as an actress (Secretary was great), I can't get over the other See You Next Tuesday stuff.

  33. Sorry to spoil it but there's no way that Maggie Gyllenhaal will appear in the next Batman!

    She reprised the part of Katie Holmes. Does that technically make Mrs Cruise A-list?

    Maggie Gyllenhaal is glorious B. She was featured in some praised movies (including Crazy Heart), she can be a plus in an ensemble cast but she doesn't bring anybody to the theatre on her name.

  34. First, @ Merlin D. Bear, those kind of laws vary by state, and I'd guess Californina's law doesn't view the fetus as having legal protection until birth.

    Second, I think this is probably an older woman. Any ER nurse can tell you that tons of coke and crack and meth addicts deliver babies everyday. However, most of them are pretty young. An older mom would have a more fragile pregnancy to begin with so therefore would be more likely to lose it.

    So I was going to guess Courtney Cox. She's A List, older, married to a guy who certainly comes across as clueless, has a history of miscarriages, and has been wayyyy to thin for wayyy too long. Plus she had to take an unexpected day off from filming for "personal, family matters". Nothing more personal than a miscarriage. However, Enty says "movie actress" not movie and TV. And Courtney is absolutely best known for TV, and is on a hit show now so I think Enty would have mentioned that. Glad she doesn't fit. I know lots of people don't like her, but I kind of do.

  35. Am I the only person when they see the word "foetus" it is pronounced "foe-tuss" in your head? LOL - us crazy Americans!

  36. I don't believe this blind. It is not often that a physician can conclusively say that a miscarriage was caused by drug use. Is it healthy? Absolutely not. But was it the cause of this terrible tragedy? Maybe. I can't see an MD making this sort of conclusion.

    I am always uncomfortable with blind items making these types of heavy, evil accusations. Lainey once posted an BI about a woman who took hormones which caused a miscarriage. Its just so hard to say. There are plenty of babies born to drug using moms. Its sad but its true.

  37. What about Ann Marie Duff? Lainey mentioned James McAvoy suddenly dropped out of that I'm with Cancer movie for reasons she constitutes as "sad smut", which I think this would qualify as. Not sure if she'd be considered A list under the rules though.

  38. i like the courtney cox guess. maggie gyllenhaal is a very sweet woman and easy to work with, totally laid back. i know this for a fact.

  39. Nicole Kidman immediately popped into my head.

  40. Blech! What an ugly thread. I need a shower.

  41. to shazzzba -- I have a special needs child and I didn't do drugs, including caffeine, so stop making assumptions why there may be "so many special needs kids around." You are ignorant *and* you used all caps. What drugs did your mother take when she was pregnant with you?

  42. second the JC guess

  43. tina's right, actually. nobody should do drugs while pregnant, of course, but it's not necessarily the cause of her miscarriage.

  44. So this must have come from a doctor? If the husband doesn't know it's either a shady doctor (or employee) or an even shadier friend. Ech, Hollywood sucks.

  45. I will never believe that Nicole Kidman gave birth. No way!

    It was a pillow!!!




  47. I like the JC guess too. But I have to say, when I scrolled through the random photos and saw CZJ, I thought "She has coke mouth!"

  48. I like the CZJ guess. She looks like sh*t lately.

  49. whoa, what is coke mouth?

  50. I just read all the posts on CDAN regarding the coreys. You're absolutely right. They've been nothing but fodder for enty's jokes and belittling comments since he started his blog and now he's got two posts up about him today, one of them even has a video that was previously used in one of those stories.

    Comment from

  51. What utter, utter spiteful bullshit.

  52. @ lies, lies ... why don't you just @go away, go away...?

  53. Blogger sunnyside1213 said...

    This is just sad. What a selfish bitch. Hope the guilt kills her just like she kiiled her child.

    A foetus is not a child, and this "blind" is just another excuse for you to spew your hatred for other women and feel better.

  54. In NY, a child born with a positive toxicology to drugs is automatically taken away from the mother and put into foster care.

  55. Kidman Immediately Popped into my mind, but I don't think it is her. Keith would know if she was using. Isn't he an ex user?? He would def. know...

    I guess I'd say either:

    Jennifer Connelly

  56. Geez a lot of hating going on here... Calm down everone.

    And to the people responging to @lies... Just ignore them. Maybe they'll realize we don't give a shit. It's a free country people can do and say what they want, I just think it's funny that they keep posting here like any of us care. And they think we're the NUTTY ones... Ha. Jokes on them I guess, because I think these people are batshit crazy for expelling so much energy for nothing...

  57. Maggie Gyllenhaal is NOT married (just engaged). Can't be her then.

  58. Amy - Maggie Gyllenhaal is married. She got married last year in Italy.


    Interesting support of the Paltrow guess on Lainey

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Oh, and yes, babys born with drugs in their system are automatically taken from mother (my daughter is an adopted drug baby), but the baby has to be BORN before they can actually punish the mother (which is basically giving them free services to get off drugs to get their baby back, they don't actually charge them with ANYTHING.

  62. I'm disgusted by people who go overboard trying to conceive. It's a hint.. ADOPT!

  63. I like the Jennifer Connelly guess! And, I just have to chime in...I'm 100% pro-choice. "Unborn child" is not a valid medical term.

  64. Unborn child is a valid medical term and neither a woman or her doctor refers to her unborn child as an unborn fetus, lol.

  65. Unborn child is a valid medical term and neither a woman or her doctor refers to her unborn child as an unborn fetus, lol.

  66. Is there anyone with a history of drug abuse that fits? Because if you can hide your coke problem from the man you live with, why would you tell your doctor?

    Agree with alot of other posters who say can't be NK b/c KU would definitely know she was using.

  67. "A foetus is not a child, and this "blind" is just another excuse for you to spew your hatred for other women and feel better."

    Bullshit. This doesn't have a damn thing to do with "hatred of women". This selfish fucktard refused to give up the white lines and killed her child. What's there to argue?

  68. I like the Maggie Gyllenhaal guess. She went from being chubby (maybe preggers?) to super thin in like five weeks.

    She's a bit chubby in this picture which was taken on 9/29/09

    Then about one month after that picture, she suddenly appears super skinny. this was taken on 12/8/09. A lot of people pointed to this picture as evidence that she had liposuction on her neck/chin. But look how much skinnier she is as well. Coke? Loss of weight? Loss of fetus?'Crazy_Heart'_Los_Angeles_Premiere_-_Red_Carpet/ActressMaggi_Cohen_59102225.html

    Why the hate. She's notorious for being a horrible diva on and off the set. During SherryBaby, she and Laurie Collyer (the director and writer) fought like cats and dogs because Maggie thought that she had a better vision of the character and refused to follow Collyer's direction. And then she even tried to take over directing the other actors. Afterwards, even though Collyer was only diplomatic in her comments, Maggie kept dissing "first time directors" (aka Collyer). The film lost a ton of money because it went over budget because of Maggie's tantrums.

    Agent Provacateur fired her for being a b*tch during the shoot. She's supposedly notorious in Brooklyn for being horrible to waitors at restaurants - constantly sending food back and not tipping. And CDAN revealed that she tried to return a used hat and threw a sh*t fit when the hat maker refused because it was smeared with makeup.

    And then there's the whole hypocrisy thing - telling people to be environmentally responsible and bamboo at the same time she wears fur which is environmentally toxic. worse she got louis vuitton to lie for her when she got flak (they later retracted the statement because the fur stopped selling). She mocks other actors for being stupid and getting plastic surgery, but she supposedly got an eyelift and a nose job after high school.

    she brags that she doesn't shop because she's too busy with "cerebral" things except her own husband called her out for shopping too much. She b*tched about the papparazi exploiting her daughter and then breast fed her in public in an outdoor restaurant with the papparazi swarming around without bothering to cover her nipples with a bib or even a napkin.

    Me - I just find her smug, self-righteousness annoying as hell. And I think that she is a way overrated actress. She was perfect for Secretary, but since then, she's been playing the same role over and over.

  69. Oh, I don't know--the A list/B list thing is throwing me off, but didn't Katie Holmes get "accused" of being pregnant recently? Lord knows I wouldn't be able to get off the coke (heroin, meth, vodka) if I had to deal with Tommy Boy. And how can she go to the doctor without him? And wouldn't the doctor be a Scientologist loyal to her husband? Oh, just forget it.

  70. I think Maggie Gyllenhaal is considered "A-list" because she was nominated for an oscar, was in a big franchise movie and seem to be the new "it" fashion girl (I don't know what it is about high end fashion magazines - every year they pick someone who dresses like a bum (Ashley Olsen, Agnes Dayne anyone) and annoints them the 'it' fashion girl.
    But she is B list because she still can't get roles and she can't open movies. she's only starred in two movies. one bombed and lost tons of money. one made money (not a lot but some) so she's not someone who can draw an audience like nicole kidman or penelope cruz

  71. no way can it be Kidman only for the fact that the blind's subject's husband apparently doesn't know his wife is using coke behind her back. Seeing as how Keith Urban is a recovering coke addict himself, there is a snowball's chance in hell that Nic could be doing blow and he wouldn't pick up on it. An addict (recovering or otherwise) can spot another addict or user a mile away. There are clues that are obvious to anyone who's been involved with the drug.



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