Monday, March 01, 2010

Today's Blind Items

Apparently this one is very close to breaking out into the open, so I wanted to get it on here quickly.

This A list female tweener from a cable channel recently wandered into a party drunk out of her mind. When she first arrived she ignored everyone else and just sat on the lap of the guy who brought her to the party. She then takes out an eight ball of coke and snorts line after line, not even paying attention to the rest of the people at the party. Some people leave, so there's only about 5 or 6 people left, and she keeps saying how hot she is so she just takes off her shirt, breasts totally exposed. At this point everyone else is kind of like "what in the...."

Anyway a little later on, everyone's still drinking, she gets up on this bunk bed that's in the living room with the guy she came with, on the top bed. She just hikes up her skirt and pulls him on top of her. He asks if she wants a condom and she says "nah, f**k it". They then had sex in front of a room of people.

After having sex, the guy she came with passed out. Our tweener got down off the bunk without even saying anything, did some more lines and left.


  1. whattttttttttttttt

  2. Eye yie yie.... Miley?

  3. It better not be anyone on ICarly, that's all I have to say.

  4. Someone has a bunk bed in their living room? Why do I find that more shocking than the actions of the tweener? :-)

  5. Emma Roberts (and she is in the pics)

  6. No idea who this is - hope it's not anyone from one of the Disney or Nickelodeon shows I like to watch (sometimes).

    One thing, though: WHO HAS A BUNK BED ON THEIR LIVING ROOM???!!!

    I thought Ugly Betty's bathtub in the kitchen was crazy, but at least that was in New York, where apartments are tiny.

  7. The thing that I find confusing is if they are an actually teen or if ‘tweens’ are their target audience.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if it were Miley, esp. since everyone knows God doesn’t approve of using birth control. Miley doesn't go against the God.

  8. Lily Collins career is going up -- but she is the daughter of Phil Collins so maybe she is better taken care of . . .

    And, oh yeah, I second all of the WTFs?!?!

  9. Vanessa Hudgens? Jamie Lynn Spears? Miley?

  10. "breaking out into the open"

    Breakout is a Miley album. That's the best i can come up with, but i didn't want to say her again lol.

  11. So the day has come and gone with nary a mention from Enty of J.Lo's wretched attempt at singing on SNL. I was really hoping for an MV hint.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. ashley tisdale? altho i don't think she'd want to ruin the new nose. was the party in a frat house? who has bunk beds in their living room?

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Hah- "...the guy she came with..." Haha.

  16. Hah- "...the guy she came with..." Haha.


  18. Oh CANCAN I totally agree. I saw jello on SNL and she sucked. She sounded different from her previous records. If MV has dropped her contract with the real singer than this makes sense.

  19. WTF is right! So sick and sad on so many levels. It would be interesting to see in which manner this would come out in the open and who would touch the story. Can you see this in People? Ha!

  20. A list tweeners on cable:


    Is Taylor Momsen A-list by chance?

  21. @SnowCherries: The Enquirer would probably print it.

  22. Another site has a photo of Miley running around this weekend and she's looking rough. Coke bloat anyone?

  23. Oh my...looks like we have another train wreck coming our way. I also wonder if this is a tween star of a tween show or a tween actress on any cable show? If it is s tween star on a tween show, iCarly came to mind first, but that's only because my nieces love that show and she seems to be a rising star. Plus, can Miley be the only naughty tween out there? I hope Miley isn't THAT bad...

  24. There are some things that cannot be unread.

    I'm with everyone who first wondered about the damned living room bunk bed.

  25. totally Miley. I hope. Lol at all the wtf about the bunk beds. Same thing I thought when I was reading it.

    I am so glad I missed J.Lo

  26. HOLY effing sh*t on a stick, Batman!


    Now THIS is some juicy frikkin gossip!!!


    Taylor Momsen?

  27. Other than the singing, I heard that J.Lo did a good job and the show was funny. She does a good job with comedy. I hope to catch it in reruns.

  28. All I could think when I read there was a bunk bed in the living room is that this was a party in a dorm room or a college frat house or something. I remember in college that guys would rent a house somewhere nearby and there would be someone bunking in almost every room. LOL...

    I could see Miley being this dumb coked out chick. Please let it be her. LOL....

  29. It would make more sense to have a bunk bed in New York where space is more limited and expensive. A lot of young people there share apartments. Blind doesn't say where this happened.

  30. I've known people with living room bunk beds. Generally divorced dads who could only afford one bedroom apartments, so their kids would sleep in the living room when they'd come to stay.

  31. This is a sad BI. I'll guess Miley.

  32. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Julia Roberts is A List. Tom Cruise is A List. There aren't many tweeners who can truly be considered on that level--this has to be Miley.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Maybe I'm stupid, but I never realizes people get horny when doing coke...I always thought it was just the opposite.

    Oh...and a room full of people and no cell phone pics? I would expect those to be all over the Internet by now!

  35. Well, coke does make you horny...

  36. Speaking as someone who passes out from alcohol intoxication a lot, having beds scattered around a house/flat would just be convenient ;)

  37. Oh, PLEASE let this be Miley!!!!

  38. Daria, Enty has different categories of rankings so this probably means one of the most famous of the tweeners, not necessarily someone who is A-list relative to everyone.

  39. Coke makes you horny but it also means you run the dreaded risk of coke cock. I am not a fan of the coke cock, no I am not :(

  40. No idea on this one.

    But I have to agree with the SNL comments. My hubby and I actually thought JLo's first song was the funniest thing of the night. She was trying to look like this serious singer all while singing at least a half step flat. I thought Faith Hill was bad live, but JLo is newly crowned in my mind!

  41. At least she left without doing every other guy there. She may be a drugged out skank but at least she is not overly promiscuous.

  42. I would so be pissed if this was Miranda Cosgrove. She doesn't seem that way. Emma Roberts is 25 and I don't consider that tween.

    I am 101st-ing the WTF?!? & Bunk beds in the LR. I can't wait to see who this is.

  43. Am I the only one, when they read about the bunk bed in the living room, who thought of the movie "Big"?

    God, I'm getting old.

  44. This is sad on so many levels. I laugh alot at some of these blind items, but this right here is crazy. I don't even want to know who it is.

  45. emma roberts is 19. that was a sarcastic comment in the random photos.

  46. this is so disgusting! Instinct tells me this is Demi Lovato. There is something about that girl......

  47. This blind is certainly a jaw-dropper. As for the person upthread who asked about cell phone guess is the pics are about to be released thus "breaking out into the open".

    BTW, did she do the entire 8ball herself? How rude!

  48. Paris, I am with you. There just seems something off with her. Yes, I am subjected to Disney TV due to a 9 year old daughter.

  49. I think this may be Emmar Roberts, since she is in the photos.

    My only other guess would be Miley.

  50. Taylor Whatsherface. The one who looks like 15 going on Courtney Love.

  51. Selena Gomez. She's supposedly dating Nick Jonas, right? Makes sense she'd use him as a cover for her debauchery...

  52. I would guess Miley. She says this is her last season for Hannah Montana. She doesn't have to worry about getting fired.

  53. Imma gonna go with Miley or Demi. I really think Miley as she seems to be the only A-list tween. If the quote had been "Fuckit ya'll!" then i would be solidly on the Miley train. lol

  54. This makes me sad that some kid would be so out of control.

    Either Miley or Emma Roberts. I thought Emma was the popular guess to a blind recently. As usual, I cannot remember any of the blinds.

  55. I say Demi Lovato. It's a fairly well-known fact that she's experimented with drugs, and this just seems more like her than Miley. My first thought was Taylor Momsen, but I wouldn't consider her a tweener - she's a teenager, and I think Gossip Girl appeals more to teens than tweens.

  56. I am actually going to be in the minority here. But I don't think it is Miley. I actually think her boyfriend is kinda good for her. She is pretty low key now. Off twitter and except for the occasional overly ripped shirt. She seems pretty content just having a extra hot boyfriend (wouldn't we all).

    I could see it being Emma Roberts. Like father like daughter. But from past postings. Eric Roberts is pretty hands on Dad and is pretty fearful of Emma falling into any bad traps.

    Demi was on some show and she was super skinny. Yes coke makes you horny and for awhile is the best diet aid a girl can have.

    But mostly, this was the hottest blind item I have ever read. I wonder how it will be revealed. Holy House of Mouse if there are pictures. I.will.die.

  57. pics or video or it didn't happen. Someone would have taken pics to sell if it were true

  58. @Apple - Miley quit twittering because she earns more cash from fans if they pay to access her website rather than get their fix for free on twitter. As far as her clothing, she is waaaaay close to Lohan territory.

  59. Wow, nasty.

    If this is Miley it would end all the hypocrisy... so that would be a gift.

  60. Don't get me wrong. I think Miley is the Mackenzie Philips of the Z Generation.

    I do not doubt in 20 years Miley will be a strung out meth head. Who will write a book about how daddy loved her a "little too much".

  61. as sad as it sounds, i think it might be demi lovato. i love that girl, but i heard some rumours that she's friends with some nasty people and has been taking some funky shit. could be complete lies, but the source is pretty reliable. please not my demi!

  62. O: "The one who looks like 15 going on Courtney Love" is the funniest thing I've read in a while! Bravo!

  63. Majik - I did too! Hee hee.

    Whoever it is, I'm sad for them.

  64. Anonymous5:02 PM

    okay, first, the bathtub in the kitchen from ugly betty-that actually was quite common in NYC 'railroad' apartments. Boil the hot water, throw it into the tub, back when you did not have hot water. Railroad apartments were/are apartments are ones that run 'straight' the rooms run straight one after each other, no hall way. Doorway, into kitchen, into bedroom (s) into livingrooms.

    Now, this blind sounds SO DISGUSTING. I don't care if this was an 'A' list tween and I worked for her, whatever. I would have said something to her, even if it was risking my job. DRUNK at what age? 12, 13? then doing coke? than having sex? and people are standing around while this is happening? I would be calling her parents. Can't get her parents? take pictures and send them to her parents. Doing nothing is just condoning the actions and if my daughter or son is doing this, I would want to know.

  65. Anonymous5:03 PM

    If it's Miley, I hope the guy she came with is Bret Michaels. Didn't they just do a duet together?

    Now I dare you not to gag at that mental picture.

  66. I gagged at the "Fuck it." Whoever this is, bj is right. Someone should have stepped to the girl and told her that acting like drugged out slut is soooooo early 2000 and then forced the girl to look at a current pic of Lohan.

  67. BJ--Do you really think her parents would care? The parents who let her get her boyfriend's name tatooed under her breast, and didn't take away her technology when she posted those seductive pictures of herself, and clapped with a huge audience when she did a pole dance? THOSE parents? Go them. Ha ha ha...

  68. I feel in my heart of hearts that this is Miley. Unless, someone can make an argument about Enty's A-list status regarding tweens.

    In my mind, A-list for tweens at this moment right now are: Miley and Taylor Swift. I've heard of Selena Gomez and this Demi Lovato broad, but how are they A-list?

    I feel like this has to be someone on Disney or Nick.

  69. I think it might be Demi Lovato. Wasn't she with Miley's half-brother. The one with all the tats and piercings who's around 6 or 7 years older than she is? I don't think she's as innocent as she looks at all.

  70. @bj:

    Thank you for the info on the bathtub situation.

    I had heard about railroad apartments, that they were apartments that to get to the last room one had to go through every other room to get there, which raises some significant privacy issues.

    Still, I find the idea of taking a bath while my roommates cook spaghetti and meatballs next to me positively surreal.

  71. For some reason, I just really don't think this is Miley.

    I actually have a hunch that it's Demi Lovato. She's been showing up in the Random Photos recently showing a lot more leg/skin.

  72. There is no way in hell that anybody would be 'shocked' by this behavior in Hollywood. Please.

    This is disgusting, yes, but so is the entertainment industry.

    I'm guessing this is someone who burned some bridges which is why this will come out soon. That is usually the only reason these types of things go public. Ask Winona Ryder.

    I'm guessing Miley, of course.

  73. Anonymous6:28 PM

    guess: Vanessa Hudgens (isn't she more b-list though)

  74. I can totally picture Taylor Momsen and/or Emma Roberts doing this...but CW is not cable channel and Emma is a movie actress. Neither A list.

    Yes, it's gonna be one of the mouse chicks:
    Miloca Cyrus
    Dummie Lovato

  75. OK...this is kind of gross, but my ex boyfriend from when I was a teen shared a one room apartment with a roommate. His roomie slept on a futon in the "living room" and my bf slept in the walk in closet with a loft/bed built into it (they did it themselves.) There was no door and often times people would be hanging out partying and we'd go up there and have sex. It was at least somewhat sheltered and we'd try to stay quiet, but....when you're young, drunk, horny and so broke you gotta live in small pads in the city, ya do what ya gotta do...

  76. OK...this is kind of gross, but my ex boyfriend from when I was a teen shared a one room apartment with a roommate. His roomie slept on a futon in the "living room" and my bf slept in the walk in closet with a loft/bed built into it (they did it themselves.) There was no door and often times people would be hanging out partying and we'd go up there and have sex. It was at least somewhat sheltered and we'd try to stay quiet, but....when you're young, drunk, horny and so broke you gotta live in small pads in the city, ya do what ya gotta do...

  77. My guess is Miley!!!!

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. Yeah right. I don't believe this for a second.

  80. My guess is Demi Lovato, she was a popular guess to a blind on buzzfoto about a tween star not being as innocent as she seems and was in the bad drug and sex behavior, having sex with at least three different men with one of them being older. This posting coincided with pics of Demi working with a bunch of latino artists and her gushing about working with Wilhmer Valderamma at his home. Then there is the comments coming from her about her and Selena not really being friends anymore. Plus she has been looking like shit in the last non event photos of her.

  81. As skanky as Miley is, she has a boyfriend and they've been photographed together a lot. I doubt it's her. This is either Emma Roberts (who is said to be quite the wild child - there was a Lainey blind about her having trouble with alcohol and drugs) or Demi Lovato. I'm going to put my money on Emma.

  82. bj, in New Orleans they call that a shotgun house. You can Shoot a gun from the front door right out the back door.

  83. bj, in New Orleans they call that a shotgun house. You can Shoot a gun from the front door right out the back door.

  84. bj, in New Orleans they call that a shotgun house. You can Shoot a gun from the front door right out the back door.

  85. bj, in New Orleans they call that a shotgun house. You can Shoot a gun from the front door right out the back door.

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. Anonymous7:16 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. Anonymous7:19 PM

    My youth! I remember it well. ;)

  89. daaaaaang.

    Well, I don't have cable, so I had to look up who the hot kids are these days. Here are some girls who fit the age range (I'm going with 15-18 here, although ICK if she turns out to be younger...) but I don't know who of these people might be A-list.

    Bridget Mendler (18) Wizards of Waverly Place
    Demi Lovato (18) obvs
    Emily Osment (18) Hannah Montana
    Emma Roberts (19) obvs
    Hayley McFarland (18) Lie to Me, US of Tara
    Jamie Lynn Spears is 19 and was on Zoey 101
    Jennette McCurdy (18) iCarly
    Meaghan Martin (18) Camp Rock
    Miley, duh, but honestly too many people know her not to say something and make this tabloid news TOOT SWEET, and she still has too much baby fat to be hitting 8balls
    Miranda Cosgrove (17) Drake & Josh
    Selena of course
    Shailene Woodley (19) The OC, Secret Life of Amer Teen
    Taylor Momsen (17) Gossip Girl
    Victoria Justice (17) Zoey 101
    Willa Holland (19) The OC

  90. Of that list, I believe only Lovato, MAYBE Spears, and Justice, Roberts, Miley, Cosgrove and Selena would be considered A-list tweeners. I think the others are either too new (like Mendler and Woodley) or second fiddle on their shows/TV films (like Martin and McCurdy). Holland wasn't even A-list on her show. Just IMHO, though.

    I wonder why this hasn't broken out yet, IF there are cell phone pics.

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. Ya know...I never see Miley wearing skirts. Usually leggings and short shorts...usually not skirts.

  93. We have some bunkbeds in our ranch.

  94. Not Taylor Momsen. No one would be surprised if it is her. Has to be a whore like Emma Roberts or Demi Lovato. What about Vanessa?

  95. vanessa was born in '88. too old.

  96. Poor little Taylor Momsen

  97. WHO IS GOING TO WHIP OUT THEIR PHONE AND HONE IN? Geez, people. Would YOU be the one to get caught making a sex tape of Demi/Miley/Taylor/whomever?

    Dude, people, if this is at a party in a place where there is a bunk bed in the living room, we're talking SMALL party, where most people know each other. Being the "cameraman" at a party like that is EXTREMELY uncool.

  98. please. uncool or not, if she doesn't care if they watch, why would she care if they film it? and yeah, i'd LOVE to get something like that on film! shiizzz. who wouldn't. $$$$

  99. OK...I guess I'm sold on this being Miley since the term break out and her album and song being called Breakout. I want some proof though. Maybe a trip to rehab is coming? I'd like to see this story actually break.

  100. ughhh you guys!!!!!!!!! emma roberts duh. she is julia's niece and eric's daughter. hollywood family plus tween status plus clean image plus quiet rumblings of bad behavior = no duh.

  101. trinnean - personally, i'd feel 10 shades of stupid and not a little disgusting, sitting around with a few of my friends at a small house party, watching an intoxicated, underage girl skank herself out, and to actually be the one to pull out a camera to take photos...

    and the difference between you and the people at that party (and a lot of other parties) is that you are a Hollywood spectator, and exposing every secret would thrill you to no end.

    there are people in hollywood who protect their own.

  102. What cable channel is Emma Roberts from?

  103. Thank you, jittacatgirl. They protect their own, b/c but for the grace of god, there they go. Or have gone, and had it hit the tabloids. You do not narc if you want to ever get a job again.

    And yes, Sarah. Good point. It's not ER or any HSM kids. It is a kid from Nickelodeon or Disney probably.

  104. I have heard Emma Roberts is having problems but she's not a regular on cable right now (she used to be on Nick...and is currently shooting guest spots on JONAS.) I don't think this is her.

    I think it's Demi. That'd be really sad because she seems so sweet and is talented, but I find her clearly troubled. And her bits on her most recent recording ("Make a Wave") sounds kinda awful...even after the ample processing Disney studios favor (they aren't miracle workers).

    If it's her...seeing as she is managed by the Jonas family, I really have to wonder how they will handle this and proceed. And if it's one of their management team who is one of the older men she was rumored to be previously involved with...

    Such a mess...kind of hoping it's not her, but instinct says...

  105. Oh, how I wish this would be Miley and Bret...haha (no I really don't)...

    BUT - I do not think it's Miley. She has the boyfriend...

    I do however think that it is 100% Demi Lovato. Have you all not seen pictures of her lately. Totally gothed out, looking completely fucked up. Dated Trace Cyrus for a while. THIS is the girl that is going to go the way of the Lohan. Not Miley....

    Demi FTW!!!

    And, also, it is really not that strange for TEENAGERS (if this was a teen party) to have a bunk bed in their living room. When I was 20 I lived in a 2 bedroom apartment with 5 guys. We all just crashed where ever... If we had a bunk bed I would have been super happy :)

  106. It's Taylor Momsen! She is a well-known drug user, plus she wouldn't freak about having unprotected sex since she wears THE PATCH! See below!

  107. I guess I am late for discussion, but wouldn't those pictures (if existed) be considered like child pornography? And thus serious legal actions could be taken against anybody who posted them?

    Wiki says Demi Lovato will be 18 at August, Miley is underage, Emma is 19, but not a cable actress.

    My only guess that it is Miley and "breaking out" is a clue and actually does not mean that this will became public.

  108. My first thought was Miley, of course. It doesn't say that her date is her boyfriend; maybe that would have been a dead giveaway? Miley is so desperate to be an adult that I can see her acting out like this.

    Wasn't Emma Roberts the BI about the parent (Eric) who would call the Hollywood bar(s) she would be hanging out at that night and warn them not to serve his underage daughter alcohol?

  109. Taylor Momsen! She is a well-known drug user, plus she wouldn't freak about having unprotected sex since she wears THE PATCH!

    Is she so stupid as to think that The Patch can protect her from STD's?

  110. Oh, one more thing... if Demi Lovato has hung out at Wilmer Valderrama's house you know he has violated her 10 different ways. He's a pig.

  111. @Paisley and Shmooey, exactly! Anyone with bunk beds in their living room deserves to have drunkfaced starlets having half-clad coke-fueled unsafe sex there. On the positive side, they've got a good story. On the negative side, yucky cable-network skankiness has probably forced them to buy new bedding.

  112. On a technical note, I've been scolded time and time again by my hipper and more aware friends about the word "tween": it refers to a 12-yr old, more or less, they tell me. Which makes this blind harder to interpret.

  113. Barton Fink, I think a tweener is object of the tweens viewing habits.

  114. wow. what.a.blind

    and course people protect each other, but i really think that someone at some point managed to get a pic of some of the action, esp since she was so "out of it".

    I guess we will see

  115. If it ends up NOT being Demi, or Miley (and can I just say it amazes me that people still think she poos rainbows, with all the evidence to the contrary), what about Emily Osment? She claims to be good friends with Miley. How does one even be friends with Miley without contracting an STI and a drug problem?

  116. Miley Miley Miley

  117. This comment has been removed by the author.

  118. A made-up blind to get the hist?

  119. Why not? You can never have enough hist.

  120. Stop guessing taylor momsen...She IS NOT FROM A CABLE CHANNEL!!!!!!

    Geez people, read the f'ing clues!

  121. LOL, hist.

    Still sticking with Demi.

    In part because I am sure Miley is all but shacked up in bed with her hunky Aussie...she is "above" this nonsense at least in that sense.

    It's all normal teenager stuff, in a way. This sort of thing happens in every high school and every town, all the time. The Disney scene just strikes me as a higher profile high school.

  122. ROFLMAO @ WBotW. Sad but true.

  123. lol. "protect their own." yeah, that's what it sounded like they were doing as they watched her do line after line and f**k a random dude in public. sounds like the kind of friends i'd like to have! what should we make of the five or six people who did stick around? maybe they stayed because they knew something nasty was about to happen? because the story is out, you know. here we are, talking about it. someone yapped. someone who stayed.

    but other than the list, i've got no more guesses! i sure hope whoever she is does one thing smart and gets tested.

  124. and look... *me personally*, no, I wouldn't whip out my camera. but there IS more than one person like that who would at any party when someone starts acting the fool like this, thinking they deserve to at least have the fear put in them that it might get out. mostly i feel sorry for the girl that she doesn't respect herself more.

  125. @.robert, that makes a lot more sense! Thanks

  126. Miley's the most obvious answer, but who was the guy? Was it her boyfriend or some random dude?

    Not Taylor Momsen. GG isn't a cable show.

    I don't think it's Miranda Cosgrove, but that info from Himmmm the other day makes me wonder...but none of the iCarly kids make tabloid headlines. You never even hear about them.

    Demi Lovato seems to make the most sense out of all these guesses. Nobody from HSM is A-list in tweenland any more.

  127. Lioness-what information from Himmmmm....something about Miranda Cosgrove???

  128. I remember being 16...I don't think I knew what coke was and I certainly wasn't having coked out sex. I am worried for when I have kids. :(

  129. Don't worry, Sue Ellen. It's nothing new...this isn't the beahvior for MOST kids. But there's always SOMEONE getting up to this, everywhere. You know?

    When I was in school, there were many kids who never drank a drop, smoked or snorted a thing, or hooked up eevn slightly (all of the above applied to me). Then there were one or two who acted like this blind.

    And everything in between. Pretty sure it's always been this way.

  130. I think it's Demi, look at the blind I found that is similar to this one.

  131. I'm sure it is that skinny bleached blond girl from Gossip Girl. I wouldn't put it past her...
    Don't think its Miley though...

  132. Given that I had to look up every single guess other than Miley - I'm guessing it's her. I think everyone, including 35 year olds, have to know your name to be considered "A-list."

  133. & theres no pix....duhhhhhhhh.
    please make up another bs story

  134. & theres no pix....duhhhhhhhh.
    please make up another bs story

  135. QUESTION if the tween is under 18 and u videotape her having sex is that considered child pornography? So if you videotaped her with the intent to show her parents can you go to jail for videotaping someone under the 18 naked? ENT please advise

  136. So...Why exactly does Miley having a boyfriend rule her out for this blind? Couldn't she have arrived with this boyfriend and had sex with him? To me, that's a little more believable than hooking up with a random guy for the room the see. She could have left him there passed out because she was so coked out of her mind.

    I wonder if this happened during fashion week in NY and it was in a NY efficiency apartment or something?

  137. PARTY IN THE USA!!!

    this is either Miley Cyrus or Mooshki Moo, not sure which one

  138. Borg-taking pictures of a minor naked or in sexually explicit poses or acts is child porn. Plain and simple. Yes. The person could be charged with child porn, as that is a crime. That said, it is typically not as big offense as possession with intent to distribute. It is a fine line and one that I would not cross. That said, if someone is having sex right in front of me, the least I would do is throw a damn blanket over them!

  139. This is definitely Miley. There was a blind about her getting her makeup done for an appearance on a talk show and she didn't realize that her mic was on. She was going on and on to her makeup artist about how she got "f*cked so hard last night". She is PURE TRASH, and I can just picture the words "nah, f*ck it" coming out of her yuck-mouth.

  140. Thank you very much Ice Angel. I concur I would probably cover them up as well.

  141. Thank you very much Ice Angel. I concur I would probably cover them up as well.

  142. Thank you very much Ice Angel. I concur I would probably cover them up as well.

  143. Wow - 151 comments?

    OK everyone - the FIRST thing that anyone would do in this situation is whip out the damn cell phone and take a picture!!! And then thank said actrees (Miley) for the profits that would be made from selling the damn photos!

  144. If this doesn't, as Enty says, get out into the open soon, or whatever, I'm going to call bullshit and say this is probably something much less graphic that's gotten WAY overly exaggerated after a few rounds of "telephone."

    But the sad fact of today's teenagers is that they're saturated with sex at an early age in television and music. This is why abstinence-only education doesn't work as well as it did in the 50s. It's all kids see and hear!

    And in Hollywood, or politics, or pro sports, or big business, when people "work hard" and have too much money... they do stooooopid shit on their downtime.

  145. Ice Angel: the comment (I forgot the thread, sheesh) about Dan Schneider shows hosting orgies and meth parties. I don't know which show he was referring to--maybe Zoey 101, maybe all of them?

  146. its not miley. the pictures did not have a tattoo under the breast and miley does.

  147. @gabby Ummm...what?

  148. @nate @gabby My thoughts exactly.... 0_o

  149. I knew there had to be pictures!

  150. I don't care who this girl is or what industry she is working for. She needs fucking help. Where the hell are the people who actually care for her? Doesn't she have any self respect?! Doesn't she realize how much she could lose and probably has lost!?! Someone needs to slap this girl and wake her the fuck up.

    Sorry for the rant. But seriously. Can someone, anyone, please just help this kid?

  151. This comment has been removed by the author.

  152. This comment has been removed by the author.

  153. So doing coke makes you take your clothes off and screw in public on bunk beds at parties? I'm glad my drug of choice was only alcohol in college.

  154. Emma Roberts is NOT 25 yrs. old. She was born in 1991, which means she's 19 yrs old this year.


    check the comments

  156. I posted this on the other HINT blind item - guess I shouldda said it here first:

    (she'd have the A recognition factor but not the resume - That LOHAN show thing was on cable I think)

    RUNNER-UP would be JAMIE LYNN SPEARS - unless she's too old?

    THE BRONZE MEDAL would be TAYLOR MOMSEN - because this is her to a "T"...except she'd have a lil SMACK with her Coke for her speedball cocktail. But is Gossip Girl on CABLE? WTF is the CW? Like they took UPN + WB network and combined them right? So is that like the Weird Al "UHF" channel?

    I'd say Lil Miss Blohan...which this escapade is squat compared to her fun and games with the Russian Billionaires and the Yacht set pals. I just wonder if Lindsay gets the usual Madam Fee?

  157. it can not be any one on disney or nickelodeon because the article says a-list teen celeb and no one from nick or disney is a-list

  158. WHat other celebs for teens exist on cable besides those? There are totally A-listers in there.

  159. This was Demi Lovato. The guy was David Osborn. The apartment was at #2427 Remington Oaks, North Richland Hills, Texas 76180.

  160. @linh ...What? Are you serious? 0_0

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  162. This comment has been removed by the author.

  163. @linh Damn. That's really sad. I feel bad for her. Were you there at the party? Did people take a lot of pictures and shit?

  164. This comment has been removed by the author.

  165. I find it interesting there was a pic on the net of one of the Jonas brothers hanging out with a couple of guys where many suspect were gay, then today, Demi sorta kinda admits they are going out together. Damage control much?

  166. I don't personally think that was timed to those photos, Joe Jonas & Demi Lovato also released a video/single today and are building up to a TV movie where they are love interests - so the romance rumors between them have been being pushed to tween fanbase hardcore for months. It's been a big ongoing deal. ...still feels like a PR leak/setup, but more of a coincidence with those photos of Joe shopping with his (not gay for a fact) roommate/bassplayer and another (gay? who knows, he looks it!) Christian hipster friend.

    If Joe's gay, he has never portrayed himself as the type who'd want to hide it. He's very frank about himself, IMO. And it would make me sad if he was somehow forced to be otherwise. But I know it goes that way a lot...

    Sorry. I just know a LOT of pointless Jonas-related minutiae. People think they are boring but I find them, esp. Joe, fascinating...LOL.

  167. omg i no who it is if u want to no my e-mail address is

  168. Proof it's Demi?

  169. Seems to be coming out at last. As well as her relationship with Wilmer Valderrama.

  170. With everything we know now it DOES lool like somerhing Demi might do.She's just that blunt.



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