Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Today's Blind Items - Bad Drug Behavior

This spoiled diva B list movie actress with A list name recognition was on a drug and booze binge last weekend. Out of control. She had gone to see a movie and was boozing and snorting during the entire movie. Afterwards she did pass her keys to the friend she was with. They made their way to the car, but the key would not work. Thinking there was something wrong with the remote, they tried the actual key. It didn't work. Our actress then took off her heel and smashed the drivers side window until it broke. It was only then they realized they had been trying to get into the wrong car. Security and then the police and then the owner came. Our actress avoided going to jail by passing over some cash, a photo and an autograph. If she had been arrested, the coke would have probably put her wholesome image to the test.


  1. Do these people carry their photos for just such an emergency?

  2. reese is still an A.

  3. i think the cops took a pic with their phone

  4. Anonymous2:28 PM

    That's almost funny. Mostly because it's the kind of thing I would probably do.

  5. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Other than the coke, of course. I don't need to be whacked on drugs to make stupid mistakes, I do it naturally.

  6. Nevermind Portman. I am going with Megan Fox,

  7. Anne hathaway as well, and Reese is an A-list becuase of the Oscar

  8. Megan Fox wholesome image, LOL.

  9. Is Jennifer Love Hewitt a movie actress?

  10. Reese has that wholesome image though. I wouldn't call Megan Fox wholesome.

  11. That bitch Heigl.

  12. I wish I lived in LA so I could say "eff your money, you're going to jail, bitch. BMW does NOT stand for break my window."

  13. "Wholesome" makes me think it's Natalie Portman, as I assume Reese Witherspoon, Anne Hathaway and Hilary Swank, like them or not, are all A list. I have read in many different places that Portman is a nasty, nasty bitch - wish the car owner had opted to have her arrested. S/he could've then posed for a photo with a block of wood, as it probably has more power to emote than Portman.

  14. 2nd Cameron Diaz

  15. Is Kirsten Dunst considered a diva? It's always being implied that she has substance abuse issues.

    I agree, could also be Natalie Portman (clean image) or someone like that.

  16. Anonymous2:59 PM

    agree that it's portman. wasn't there a blind awhile back that turned out to be portman & lohan about two actresses who always kept the designer duds that were leant out to them, but that one was "wholesome" so the designers always over-looked it for her but not the other?

  17. I'm thinking Anne Hathaway too.

  18. This could pretty much be anyone other than the handful of A-List actress out there.

    She must have been coked out of her mind to have been able to break out a car window with a shoe, especially when you consider that as a B-list actress she can't possibly weigh over 97 pounds. Probably weighs less than that. I weigh considerably more and I'd need a hammer to do that.

  19. How on earth is Hathaway A-list? She can't open a movie on her own, and she's never won an Oscar. That makes her B-list.

    I'm sticking with Anne. That being said, I also like the Diaz and Hudson guesses!

  20. Miley Cyrus. There must be a few Hannah Montana fans who think she's wholesome.

  21. Kate Hudson wholesome? Not in this lifetime!

  22. clean image+B list movie actress with Alist name + spoiled diva = Nathalie Portman or Anne Hathaway on my opinion

  23. Lol. Good point, Little Miss!

  24. Kate Beckinsale?

  25. The last line says that the coke would have put the actress' wholesome image to the test. Hathaway's image has already been put to the test when she was involved with that money-laundering boyfriend a while back. She was absolved, but it still rings a bell with a lot of people.

    I'm thinking the actress in this blind must have always had a squeaky clean image.

  26. Anne Hathaway or Portman (who is a ragin, raging nasty biotch)

    I can throw my vote in for Heigl, right? ;)

  27. I was only saying Megan Fox cuz she says that even if she talks a lot about sex, she hasn't actually slept with a lot of guys (yeah, right, I know). I guess the only wholesome image I have of her is that she really does seem devoted to D-BAG's kid.

    Portman does have the whole wholesome image though.

  28. Syko - I used to have an adorable cat that looked IDENTICAL to the kitten in your picture. Makes me miss him!!!!

    Is he a maine coon cat?

    Sorry to off topic. :)

  29. " BMW does NOT stand for break my window. "


    My friend that used to boost cars used to say this all the time. Thanks for the flashbacks!

    Oh and I'll wager Miley Cyrus.

  30. me and fiance say Natalie Portman. Shes a cuntbag.

  31. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Drew Barrymore? Wholesome as in, I've been clean and sober for 20 years.

  32. I think Natalie Portman. Didn't Anne Hathaway's movie recently open? She might be on publicity stints right now.

  33. i'm out of the loop on this. why does everyone hate natalie portman? is there some news of her being such a bitch that i've missed? (i'm out of the loop a lot, so i'm sure i've missed something)

  34. Hmmm. I get the feeling with the way Enty uses the word "spoiled" that this is someone very young and someone from a Hollywood family so I'm gonna say Emma Roberts.

  35. I'm voting for Heigl or Dunst. I'd consider Portman and Hathaway to be A-list by now.

  36. the diva comment makes me think she has had a rep for being a diva even before this, so...I'm going with Katheryn Hiegle or however the F it's spelled.

    Sounds like a stunt she'd pull.

  37. Spoiled? Sounds like Kate Hudson. She's B-list but thanks to Goldie, she's A-list name recognition.

    She's a rom-com queen = wholesome

    My guess is Kate.

    I'd truly like to know which idiot this was. PLEASE let this be a reveal.

  38. Someone who posted here went to school with Natalie and said she was a CUNTuesday. I'd love to hear the skinny on her!

    Dunno who it is but I'm gonna BEG a friend of mine who works for the LAPD for a reveal !!!

  39. I like the Emma Roberts guess a lot! Spoiled...check...B-list...squeaky clean image...check...possibly...A-list name recognition...oh yeah! I'm on the Emma Roberts train. I've heard some things...

  40. Why not check the licence plate of the car before assuming that there is a problem with the key and breaking the window?

  41. Lovin' "BMW does NOT stand for break my window." Other than giggles, I got nuthin'

  42. I think you are on to something VentingVixen... the video posted earlier about "the spoiled brat"


  43. How about Elizabeth Banks? Definitely B list, though not sure about the diva stuff.

    I don't see Natalie as wholesome...there were several stories about her hooking up with Sean Penn while he was still married, and she stole her current boyfriend from his girlfriend of several years.

  44. I hope the shoe is ok.

  45. The blind says MOVIE actress. That would rule out a lot of guesses.

    Heigl, Miley, Biel, Roberts, and Bynes have all done a considerable amount of TV.

    It has to be someone noticeably famous for them to want photos and autographs...

    I would consider Portman A list, but I guess she really hasn't done anything big to deserve it. Maybe it was her and Rashida Jones? :)

    Portman FTW

  46. Drew Barrymore
    Emma Roberts
    Kate Hudson
    All B list actresses with A name recognition

  47. mango- I have a couple friends who went to Harvard with her and some of the shit they've said about her entitled beastly ass is NUTS. As in, apparently she isn't as hot in person, nasty nasty attitude, notoriously slutty (likes other peoples' boyfriends/husbands), etc.

  48. I haven't heard of Portman being known as a diva, nor anyone else I could think of who might fit the clues. Fanning? (The most popular guess on Defamer/Gawker.) Hathaway? Page?

  49. I would rule out Drew Barrymore too, as she was A-list in a previous reveal or two. Portman was B-list in a reveal. There is also an old post about her shoe launch where Enty called her a diva and complained bloggers give her a free pass despite her behaviour. Not many fit the wholesome image/secret diva description. Also found this on a forum: "One of my gf's friends went to Harvard with Natalie Portman. Apparently she's a big-time coke-head." ;)

  50. dude, people.

    shoe vs. tempered glass = no contest. tempered glass wins.

    this is not even possible. maybe she was hammering at the window, but without a very sharp, metal object, it's not possible to break a window. maybe she damaged the paint, but no.

    and no, bricks and baseball bats don't do it either, contrary to Carrie Underwood's video. Mythbuster's has debunked all this.

  51. What about Kristin Stewart? Is she B list?

  52. @jittacatgirl

    Yeah, I have a hard time with this one too, given the shoe v. tempered glass think. This sounds like someone saw someone out of control and expanded the story into a glass-breaking coke binge.

  53. @childeroland

    nice username. English major?

    maybe she pulled a LifeHammer out of her shoe? haha.

  54. Yeah or a Coleman. (And, yup, English major.)

  55. When I googled "how to break a car window" all sorts of fascinating (degenerate) info came up.

    I feel fully qualified to steal someone's ipod out of their car now.

    Unfortunately, shoe was not one of those objects.

  56. Kristen Stewart works for me. I saw some blurb about her mistaking someone else's car for hers.

  57. I thought KStewart was a pothead?

  58. "Spoiled" always makes me think of Kate Hudson, and she still has a pretty wholesome image...so I go with Kate

  59. @icecat

    Roberts did do tv early on (Unfabulous finishing in 07)but lately it's been all movies and she has publically stated she intends to concentrate on her film career.
    So I think she's really more of a film actress.

    I think under the "rules" Enty reiterated the other day, this could still be her.

  60. but if the shoe was a clog.... a wedge platform.... or alexander mcqueen alien shoes or the hooves.... or the jil sander one with the large metal heel shaped like a coat hanger.....

    many MANY possibilities when it comes to the designer stuff...... i'm sure with force a window could be broken with these kinds of heels....

  61. @kathrynnova - no. that's the point. if most people are incapable of breaking a car window with a baseball bat, a brick, and a hammer (which is totally true; go ahead, give it a shot), no shoe is going to do it. i don't care how heavy. it's not the weight of the object or the force. the glass is TEMPERED. you have to compromise the glass by piercing it with a sharp object.

    that's why there are special tools designed to do it, like a center punch or a LifeHammer, which is both metallic and very sharp.

    no shoe heel is "sharp." otherwise it would damage wood floors, get caught in the ground, skid on tile, etc.

  62. @ChasingHeaven

    Holy shit, that was hysterical

  63. Agree Kate Hudson fits being spoiled, but is she known as a diva? Not sure about wholesome either, but I guess she's thought of as clean-cut. I do think it's someone like Portman or Hudson who really only get B movie roles but are very famous and whose box office pull is overestimated by the general public because of their fame. I don't think it can be Emma Roberts because she doesn't have the name recognition by the average Joe. Even my Mum, who reads gossip magazines, has never heard of her.

  64. Wait, if it isn't possible to break a window without the special tool thing then why does my windshield have a nice sexy crack right now thanks to a pebble flipping up from the road? I thought you just had to hit it at just the right angle for it to break?

    Thea - Thanks! I think we can agree this is the true concern in this matter. ;)

  65. kirsten stewart was pictured getting into and leaving the wrong car...and there was a rumour about a pretty boy actor (rpatz) not being able to face public/do interviews without a bit of coke....

  66. @ChasingHeaven - First, windshields and side windows are made of different kids of glass. Second, with regards to your situation: how fast was the pebble going toward you, and how fast were you moving TOWARD the pebble?

    There's a few things things here with regards to a SIDE WINDOW: the hardness (i.e. the Mohs scale) of the object in question, the force at which it hits the window, AND how concentrated the force is (i.e. the more force hits a smaller area of the window, the more likely it is to break).

    This is why a shard of ceramic (which is harder than glass on the Mohs scale), thrown hard enough, will shatter a window; and why a baseball bat whacked at a window WON'T.
