Monday, March 15, 2010

Today's Blind Items - Bad Drug Behavior

This B+/A- all movie actor is mostly known for his pot smoking. Recently though he has begun to experiment with harder stuff and even PCP. The first time he tried PCP which was about six weeks ago he knocked out all the windows to his house with his hands. His hands were a bloody mess and he required lots of stitches. As he was running through his house knocking out the glass he kept saying, "I have to get the bugs out of the house." ( Not James Franco)


  1. Woody Harrelson?
    Matthew McConaughey

  2. Oooops. I meant Matthew McC (obviously).

  3. Seth Rogen or Jason Segel

  4. The only thing ruling out Woody H is the "all movie" actor.

  5. Whoops, didn't see the "all movie actor"... that would count both Segel and Rogen out (Freaks and Geeks, How I Met Your Mother)

  6. The "all movie" rules out Rogen and Segel as well.

    (Sorry to be the blind item police today.)

  7. Im with Matt mcc guess

  8. my niece says Woody Woodpecker!
    i say Woody H!

  9. matthew needs to be careful. he has very few brain cells to spare.


  11. Anonymous2:22 PM

    I first thought of Matthew McC, too, but he's been papped all over New York lately and his hands look fine. Glass tends to cut deep, and even with stitches leaves visible scars.

  12. i dont understand why, if this is your experience with a drug, you would continue to do it. unless he became addicted to the first time, like with heroin, but i dont know if that happens with pcp. Some ppl just have death wishes

  13. i think jason segal is a GREAT guess, btw. agree with mathew mcC being too papped to hide this
    please no seth rogan, i have a crush on you and this would ruin it

  14. just saw the all movie thing, duh. yeah, that cancels out jason segal for sure. hmmmmm, but maybe saying NOT JAMES FRANCO is a clue. and the tie would/could be jason or seth as they all worked together

  15. i think i would be more shocked to know that McC is a/b list, his movies are not the greatest...he his more known for muscles and bongos than acting.

  16. If not Franco then totally Woody Harrelson.

  17. PCP is a hell of a drug. It's all fun and games until you kill someone and eat their lungs.

  18. that would also rule out Franco,which is weird to rule out on a BI.

  19. Matthew McConnaghey (sp?) is the first obvious choice. I think Woody Harrelson is A-list (doesn't he have an Oscar?) besides his TV work (Cheers, Will & Grace). Maybe Brad Pitt? He's known as a pothead, but could he be less than an A?

  20. Can't see Matt McC doing this with two small children to care for. From everything I've seen (which is not much, mind you...) he really looks like a caring and doting father.

    Otherwise, no idea yet whom this could be...

  21. Not McConaughey. This just doesn't seem like something a two-time new dad would do. Plus, as pointed out, his hands have been photographed and they're fine.

    I don't know who it is, but I'm thinking it's someone younger and a lot more unencumbered.

  22. I'm not sure why people continue to guess Woody since the FOURTH poster reminded everyone Woody was in Cheers for a long time.

    Gotta be Matthew Mc.

  23. i've seen pictures of mcc with his kids on the beach. so it follows this can't be him? i don't get it.

    maybe it's NOT him, but i wouldn't conclude that based on a few pictures i've seen with his children. doesn't mean he's father of the year.

  24. Every guess on here, other than Matthew McConaughey, includes TV actors. James Franco, Jason Segal, and Seth Rogen all got their start on the same tv show. (Wondering why Enty ruled out someone already ruled out by his own clue?) Jason is now on his 3rd show, so I don't know how he qualifies as "a GREAT guess."
    ...and Woody was on the rarely seen and quickly cancelled CHEERS.

  25. I think Joaquin surpassed just pot long ago and Shia also started on TV.

  26. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Oh, I like the Joaquin Phoenix guess. Is Robert Pattinson B+/A- yet?

  27. I just saw McC on a Jimmy Kimmel repeat of his post-Oscars show (3/7.) McC was gesturing with his hands a lot (it was actually the first time I've seen him act like an adult, a successful businessman) and his hands were fine.

    Also, his babymamma seems like a tough chick (she's Brazilian, just had their second kid and gunning for a ring.) I can't believe she'd even allow those kinds of goings-on.

  28. On second thought, Penn is higher than B+/A-.

  29. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Can't be Shia LeBoeuf, he had his start on the Disney chanel...

  30. "...and Woody was on the rarely seen and quickly cancelled CHEERS."

    The truth is this show was WILDLY popular, won MANY emmy awards, and was on for 13 years. Woody wasn't on the entire run, but I believe that was his choice.

    It would, however, eliminate him based on the "all-movie" clue.

  31. @Adventurous Kate: Holy f*cking sh*t.

  32. Wonder if Mickey Rourke really broke his arm?

  33. @TONIc- Your ability to read sarcasm is uncanny.

  34. Maybe it's just me but I thought Jillian S. was being sarcastic when she said "...and Woody was on the rarely seen and quickly cancelled CHEERS." ???

  35. The only reason Woody wasn't on Cheers the entire run is because he actually replaced a character (Coach) who died in real life.

    Matt McC may be a major pothead but as dedicated as he is to working out I doubt hed put a drug like PCP in his body.

    Beyond that no clue

  36. I wonder if it's possible Enty forgot about Freaks and Geeks... Seth Rogen fits this to a T. And it's been rumored that he lost weight recently thanks to coke.

  37. matthew mcconahey?

    harrison ford? heard he's a big pot head

    owen wilson? doesn't he hang around woody harrilson?

  38. lovin Joaquin Phoenix, Owen guess-but why mention franco: he was in Pineapple Express and Spiderman....

  39. Maybe he mentioned Franco thinking that WE would forget F&G and think the quote about "Bugs" was a Spiderman clue.

  40. Owen was with Franco in Pineapple Express, right?

    @ Jillian S - that line about the quick demise of CHEERS was really funny.

    I have no clue who the BI's about, but I can't get over the idea that after hurting himself and knocking out all the windows of his house, the fool is still using PCP!

  41. i like the mikey rourke guess and the j.phoenix guess. like the phoenix guess A LOT actually.

    dont see matthew mc at all- esp since he lives in a trailer, right? i know its a little thing but the blind does say house and him running around. just dont see that happening in a trailer.
    i like the seth rogen guess too.

    does anyone know who the big pot smokers are supposed to be in hollywood? it doesnt seem like there would be that many as opposed to cocaine.

  42. "owen wilson? doesn't he hang around woody harrilson?"

    I thought woody helped owen get clean.

    I like the Joquin gress. He is just weird these day.

  43. owen wilson makes a ton of sense too. sad that this could be so many people

  44. That was the most subtle sarcasm I have ever seen. If everyone in the world got it but me...I deserve to be run off the blog. Unless you beg me to stay.

  45. Ooooooh, maybe Tobey Maguire via Franco association?

    Although, he's probably a solid A-list due to recurring franchise movie title role...

    Just trying to figure why the Franco rule-out.

  46. puhhhleezzzee stayyyyy @TONIc....I didn't clue in on the sarcasm either.

  47. I actually quite like the Shia guess, now that I think about it. I know he's off the booze and "only" smokes pot now...maybe he thinks drugs are safer than alcohol?

  48. I think everyone will give you a pass, TONIc!

  49. Okay, I'm with those who are guessing Owen Wilson. It just sounds like something he might do.

  50. I think Ent might have rules out Franco because he made a comment about him and drugs in the random photos today and he probably assumed we would all jump on that bandwagon.

    That said, I'm going with Owen Wilson. All the others mentioned got started on TV.

  51. Whoops! **ruled out

  52. TONic what are YOU smoking, my friend?! That was hardly subtle sarcasm. However, since you are able to laugh at yourself then all is forgiven, LOL.

    We are all allowed brain farts. :)

  53. i like j phoenix, seth rogen (a lot!) and owen wilson for this.... seth the most because of the weight loss

  54. @TONIc- Sarcasm 101- My first reference was to Freaks and Geeks, which WAS a rarely seen and quickly cancelled show. Anyone who lived during Cheers' run knows it was on for approximately forever. OK, now you are equipped to stay and play with us. ;)

  55. @pusssycat: I thought of Mickey as well with that suspicious arm injury. Was he just a pot smoker though? I would think he passed that years ago.

  56. So when is someone going to mention Ewan McGregor telling The Scotsman that, were he to have a boyfriend, he'd like said boyfriend to be Philip Seymour Hoffman? Oops...guess I just did... ;-) (Will some kind soul please tell me how to put links in the comments? Thanks!)

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  58. Jonah Hill. Definitely has the Apatow connection, but was he on Freaks and Geeks? Though the blind says all-movies, I wouldn't rule out Rogen or Segel.

  59. Man, I hope this isn't Shia, 'cause he's mangled his hands enough already!

  60. Oh, and more evidence on behalf of my beloved Owen - he was just on 'Community,' and did voices for 'King of the Hill' and 'Heat Vision & Jack.'

  61. this is probably way wrong, but what about keanu?

  62. has anyone seen brad pitt recently? would doing tv in the late 80s/early 90s count?

  63. As far as I've heard, Harrison Ford is supposed to be THE biggest Pot-Head in Hollywood.

  64. I like the Jonah Hill guess. He's definitely in that pot circle w/ Rogan and Segal, friends with Franco, and never a TV regular that I know of. But was Superbad enough to put him on the cusp of A-? He's definitely recognizable to mainstream younger audiences, but I'm not sure how many people on the street could come up with his name.

  65. ppl on the joaquin train, he showed up to an oscars afterparty and was said to be very low key and did not drink. no mention of mangled hands, and people were def paying attention since he's a bit of a nutter. :D

    @heather: i allllmost thought that too but at this point people know him for The Matrix and Speed and he's pretty much dropped that stoner persona. i am pretty sure the Matrix trilogy would put him squarely among the A list as well from what i've learned from others here.

    matthew mcc: no one who is that authentic a hippie is going to touch PCP. i'm sure he's not a chemical virgin but he loves his life waaaay too much right now.


    shia lebeoef's right hand is totally fine on march 2nd. his left one is the one he injured which would not be up to punching windows.

  67. hey - sorry enty, i hate to put a link from a competitor (i love you, not him) - but i did happen to stumble upon this:

    totally joaquin phoenix


    as of late february Owen Wilson has been busy at work in Atlanta on a new movie with Amanda Bynes. he's relaxed and hanging out with the locals. someone would have noticed scarred or bandaged hands. an injury like that might have interrupted filming, too, depending. seems doubtful to me...

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  70. i found this:

    I thought maybe RD j.r. but I don't think he is known for his pot smoking, maybe other drugs AND it looks like he was on Ally Mcbeal for 22ish episodes


    jonah hill at SXSW recently has pretty little fingers that don't look like they've been assaulting windowpanes at all. he does look pretty toasted though, haha.

  72. This blind CANNOT be Shia as he started out on tv as the star of the series Even Stevens. I loved that show but Shia, not so much anymore.

  73. kathrynnova, I thought you might have it, but here's another picture from that set:

  74. Okay! I'm STAYING! Didn't get the Freaks & Geeks reference...must have missed that decade.

  75. Johnny Knoxville

    doesn't really fit the blind but this picture is from six weeks ago.

  76. Some of you people are the worst at reading comprehension and making informed guesses.

    My god. It amazed me how many kept guessing without reading the previous posts...Whats the point if you arent going to take cues from fellow guessers?

    Anyway, its not Penn or Vince Vaughn or Matthew McC. It's not Segel or Franco or Rogen. Jonah Hill isnt B+/A-...Owen Wilson is barely working...Doubt its him...But noone said Woody got Owen clean...He may have helped him kick the chemicals but not the natural goods...

    My guess is Jack Black. He's on the record as being open to using drugs. Tenacious D has played NORML benefits before...

    Works for me.

  77. I know Hello its me....
    I hate that too.

    I REALLY like the jack black guess. But it would be funny to imagine Harrison Ford running around smashing windows 'to get the bugs out'. lol

  78. wesley snipes?

    he's done very little tv, enough that you might never know about it. he's been dealing with all that tax stuff for two years and has been waiting for the court to make a decision. also been in what this site calls "straight-to-DVD purgatory" ever since:

    only thing is he's out on bail right now? and maybe wouldn't want to make more problems for himself...

  79. @Hello, it's me.
    Mooshki said...
    Owen had a pretty well-known coke problem. Remember the Courtney Love/Steve Coogan fight about it? He went from the hard stuff BACK to pot thanks to Woody. :)

    Good thing you take the time to read the other commenters posts. ;)

  80. my only issue with the jack black guess is that he's so much more than an "all movie actor" and acting was neither his first success nor what really made him famous until maybe High Fidelity. Tenacious D had a TV show on HBO even. i just don't see it.

  81. According to IMDB
    Matthew McConaughey
    Harrison Ford
    Jonah Hill
    Jack Black
    Joaquin Phoenix

    all have fairly substantial TV credits.

  82. This screams Matt McConaughey to me. Is 6 weeks enough time for the stitches to heal? It says it occurred 6 weeks ago so couldn't that rule out discounting him because he was photographed in NY recently?

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  84. I'm so excited for my guess I can't even re-read the blind item. I swear I saw either *BENICIO* or **ADRIAN BRODY** wearing leather gloves in a photo, perhaps on Lainey Gossip?

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. Ok so firstly, someone else is using my username because that comment from the first Dr Spaceman was not me.

    Next... Sarah and Melissa the rumor about Seth losing a lot of weight was actually started and perpetuated on this site only. I don't think I have read or heard any whispers about that anywhere else so make of that what you will :)

    I feel like a previous suggestion could be correct in that Ent may have just forgotten that Seth was on a tv show because this really seems like him after the James Franco comment. But if the subject of the BI really has not been on a tv show then I guess it has to be MM. If the cuts were accurately described I can't imagine that they would have perfectly healed in six weeks though? This could be hugely exaggerated or just plain BS

  87. Sorry that should have said " the rumor about Seth losing a lit of weight through the use of coke". It's not a rumor that he just lost weight. Ha!


    lots of pics of matty's movie-star hands in these on march 15. they look perfect to me.

    i'll say it again, as someone from austin, i won't believe this is matt. he wouldn't take PCP and his second kid was just born at the beginning of the year. he's totally in love with life.

  89. J-Mo:

    Per ...Adrien Brody wore gloves to an event on March 5, but he is also at an event March 6 - no gloves and his hands look fine

  90. @RocketQueen - You always crack me the fuck up. And, you always say exactly what I am thinking. (But you do it better) :P

    I have no guess for this. Brad Pitt is Permenant A+ list right?

    The only person (to me) this fits is Matty M. BUT, with that said, I just can't see him doing it. I think it has to be someone younger, because MOST people who have smoked pot, and are older have already experimented with "other, harder stuff".

    PCP is a crazy fucked up drug. I did it once (unknowingly smoked pot laced with PCP). I thought I was going to die. I turned green and projectile pucked in Denny's.. So punk-rock right? :D

    And @Adventurous Kate, I'm going to second the "HOLY FUCKING SHIT BATMAN" comment...

    Please don't be Owen Wilson - I love him and hope he is getting his life back on track.

    I don't know what Jonah Hill has done TV wise, but I think this might be him.. IF he is considered B+/A-....

    Jonah Hill FTW

  91. Somehow I sincerely doubt Jonah Hill is B+/A-. This blind is probably made up/over exaggerated.

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  93. Thanks Icecat! *curtsy* ;)

    @Dr. Spaceman - two things. First, Ted C. at the Awful Truth has suggested SEVERAL TIMES that Rogen lost his weight using blow. In fact, I believe HE originated the rumour.

    Second, that crazylies obsessed website has been using names of regular commenters to post their conspiracy crap lately - it happened to Mooshki last week.

  94. Hello it's me..., I don't know about other people, but sometimes I get so excited about a guess that I post it right away without reading the other comments or checking to make sure my guess fits all the clues. We're all just having fun here. :)

  95. Rocket queen - I didn't know people were doing that. How weird! I also forgot that Ted C started that. I could have sworn it was just a thinly veiled BI on here :)

  96. Its Seth Rogen. The "Knocked out all windows" made me think of him, for Knocked Up! it has to be..

  97. How are people from the crazylies website using regular CDAN posters names? Isn't the name specific to your google account? Like there can only be one Mooshki, or Dr. Spaceman. That's what I thought.

  98. @ Sue Ellen, ditto what you said. How do they do that?
