Monday, March 22, 2010

Tila Tequila Actually Had A Garage Sale

Over the weekend, Tila Tequila had that long awaited garage sale. Well, ok, so it probably wasn't long awaited, but she did have one. Apparently a lot of people showed up. So many people showed up that a fire marshal and the police were there to keep everything under control. Tila let everyone walk through her house in groups of five and she sold just about everything she had. Shoes, clothes, her television. You name it, she sold it. While you were paying for your items you even got to get a picture with Tila. For the video, click here.


  1. First! (I had to do it!)

  2. Anonymous10:15 AM

    She's followed up on that garage sale better than anything else in her life, including pregnancy.

  3. Be careful, Robert - there are people here who will verbally kick your ass for doing that.

  4. i cant be bothered to watch that video. Can someone tell me if she is in fact pregnant?`

  5. Babs, I apologize; I really had something I was going to say, but lost my train of thought when the opportunity presented itself. It's never happened before, I swear! I don't know how I could have lost my self control that way; it won't happen again, I promise!

  6. I heard, from another site, that this "garage sale" was a complete bust and the helicopters and such were unrelated to this. There is a video on tilasrotspot dot com that shows 30 people there. Ha.


  7. @Robert - take a closer look at my blogger picture - it sums up how many of us feel about people who write "first!", etc.

    WRT Tila: what was the point of this garage sale again??

  8. RocketQueen, I stand convicted,yet humbled and apologetic. As I said, a momentary loss of self control, not to be repeated.

  9. So, is she pregnant?

  10. No need to apologize to me, Robert. I was on the receiving end of the 'verbal ass kicking once', and was just letting you know what you were potentially in for.

    That's all.

  11. This is going to embarass me, but I need a break from school work, so here it goes...

    1. She's having the "garage sale" cause she has too many "stalkers" that know her address. No kidding, considering that she tweets her address.

    2. She allegedly had a miscarage after she fell off a chair, then she didn't after all and is still pregnant(with twins!)

    3. She talks about adopiting children from Russia, Haiti, the USA and so on. She also claims that it took her a few months to get approved for a child.

    4. She says she's due in December, which would make her pregnancy 11 months long

    5. She offered to adopt some of her teenage twitter followers after talking about her "swollen breasts" that are "milky" and asks who wants to "suck on them" (so grossm, right?)

    I know too much about TT. :(

  12. ugh Tila Tequila is the vilest little elf-looking thing ever.

  13. i am so happy to see I am not the only one that has followed the sad sad little life of Tila T. LOL @ Sue Ellen. I have read that entire saga a couple weeks back due to a friends direction, and i was in awe of how twisted TT was. Absolutely insane. She needs to just go away. Although, if she did...i would have no trainwreck to giggle at or indulge in. *le sigh*

  14. Sue Ellen - wonderful updates, thank you so much!

    Robert - it's okay.

  15. @nikki

    I'm glad I'm not the only one. I just want to see if they take her down. The stuff I've read about her is SHOCKING and she certainly needs help.

  16. @Sue Ellen

    I concur. She is wacked out of her mind. It will be interesting to see what unfolds!

  17. Is she that broke that she has to have such a massive sale? This reminds me of when I go to an estate sale and the person's magnets and dishes and clothes are still on their bed somtimes. Ugh, going into her house and just plucking anything you wanted from her house sounds so fucking sad I just want to hug it out with her, demented or not~

  18. If you Google her address the first entry that comes up is a link to info about the property.

    It's a three bedroom house, about 1500 square feet that was last sold in 1987, meaning she was renting it. I don't know what the rental market is in that neighborhood but I can't imagine she was paying more than $2K a month so I'm guessing {no surprise} that money probably is an issue for her these days.

  19. I watched her show a while back when she was choosing a new date, and I could only take about 5 minutes of it. It was obvious that the woman is mentally unstable, just plain nuts, and has a pathological need for attention.

  20. I just passed this into a colleague who was doing a little research on that. And he actually bought me lunch because I found it for him smile So let me rephrase that.
