Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tiger Woods Has Nothing On Winston Bennett

Unless you are a huge NBA fan you probably have not heard of Winston Bennett. He played in the NBA in the late 1980's and early 1990's. He was a decent player. Not spectacular, but he was in the NBA. This gave him access to lots and lots of women. Despite the fact he was married, Winston has admitted to ESPN that during his career he would often sleep with 90 women a month. Yep, 90. "One was never enough," he said. "Three or four in a day was very typical for me." He also said that the day after he got married he had sex with another woman and during the course of his marriage gave his wife two STD's.

I think it is remarkable he only gave her two STD's because according to Winston, despite having sex with 90 women a month many of whom were hookers and escorts and strippers he rarely used a condom. Winston was interviewed by ESPN to talk about his sex addiction.

"I spent a great deal of time either having sex, cruising for sex, calling for sex, looking for sex."

If you look at his career, that is pretty obvious.


  1. If someone wants to have sex and not a relationship then ok but 90 women in a month?! at that point it's really gross

  2. Why did he bother getting married?


  3. This is really outrageous. I don't know if there is a sex "addiction", but I definitely think people can have unhealthy relationships towards sex and be destructive. Two things strike me - one, his wife has been so hurt by this. You just look in her eyes and it's written all over her! I feel sorry for her, sorry her husband is a sick man and sorry she won't/can't leave.

    Favourite question? When the interviewer asks "What did these women look like?" Crazy!

  4. You don't have to give someone herpes more than once, so I doubt he's counting multiple exposures on that one.

  5. I'm surprised his dick didn't fall off from having all that sex with some many different women.

  6. Tiger Woods has nothing on him... as far as we know...

  7. Why is he talking about this now? Is he feeling proud and wants to brag about his conquests? Scum!

  8. OK seriously, that is so foul. I'm no prude, and sex is great, but COME ON. Revolting, disgusting people.

  9. I have two words before anyone casts any further stones ... Wilt Chamberlain.
    How quickly we forget... I believe (and will quickly admit to honestly not caring) he was the first NBA'er to claim multiple partners (somewhere around 20thousand, I believe?) in his biography.
    There was an uproar at the time, but apparently since he's history, so is the uproar - the accomplishment (if you want to call it that) however entered popular culture.
    The only difference is that he wasn't married and Tiger Woods and Winston Bennett are.
    Please note, I'm not defending any of them by any means. I'm just trying to point out that historically, sports figures (regardless of the sport) have groupies and groupies mean sex.
    Because no matter what, they are men. And most men will shtup anything if it's thrown in their face and it appears that they can get away with it.

  10. I just do not understand why these dumb fuckers (no pun intended) don't wear condoms. Especially in this day and age when sex can kill them or their spouse. I mean really, what are they thinking?

    Not to mention that the first and easiest way of getting found out is giving their spouse an STD. Stands to reason that if you didn't want your wife/fiancee/gf to find out you're banging legions of groupies you'd wear a condom and not give her gonorrhea, or worse.

  11. I recently saw a show - maybe on HBO or ESPN - about Magic Johnson and Larry Bird's relationship on and off the court. They discussed when Magic found out he had HIV. He said he would have sex with up to six women at one time - because women liked being with other women. Really? He was making it sound like he was only trying to make them happy. Then he said when he found out he had HIV, all he could do was ask "Why?"

    Really, you think it is normal and healthy to have sex with that many strange women?

  12. I say bravo to Winston Bennett for admitting his sex addiction, and how he's come back from the brink. And his wife has the forbearance of a saint. However, I don't think their marriage will be 'til death. I give 'em 5 more years.

  13. I don't care who you are or if you bang 1 ho' or a truckload for the sake of your own, those you love and public health keep a GD cover on it.
