Tuesday, March 30, 2010

This Is Outrageous **Graphic**

There are few things in this world that make me more angry than some guy raping an innocent kid. Luckily most of the time the guy goes to jail though so I get some matter of satisfaction. Never enough though because the child still has to live with what happened. This case in Belgium though will have me angry for days and days. A 30 year old Belgian man was released and all charges dropped when he said that the reason he raped his four year old daughter was that he suffers from sexsomnia. Apparently he falls asleep and has no idea what he is doing. One night he was drinking with friends and fell asleep next to his 4 year old daughter. He says the next thing he remembers is his daughter saying, "Papa, it's me. It's me." The girl told her grandmother who called police.

Well, some doctors bought his story and the prosecutor decided to drop all charges. Seriously? The mother is shocked the guy was released. He says he feels bad about what happened but that he was powerless. So, does this mean that he can now rape anyone he wants for the rest of his life and claim this defense? Is he getting a free pass for life? What about all the other rapists in Belgium? You just know they are going to try the same thing. This is disgusting and if the charges were dropped and there was actually no trial, they should get rid of the prosecutor too. What about the 4 year old girl? What kind of life is she going to have now? Does the dad still get to see her? I need a drink.


  1. it makes me sick that globally children barely have any rights. They are still basically seen as property of the parents until they are of legal age.

    Didn't some guy get off murdering his wife becuase he said he was "sleep walking" and somehow plunged a knife into her like 30 times.

    And why did he sleep next to her in the first place. Whole thing sounds planned to me.

  2. Disgusting. Can they at least take the kid away from him so she can grow up without him?

  3. So if a man gets drunk and maybe passes out and then he forces himself on you it's ok because he doesn't remember it?

  4. "Papa, its me, its me"
    This is just awful. Tears to my eyes.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This is sick.
    "Sexomnia"???? "Sex" has became a prefix that people can tack on any other word/syllables to mean something that does not require its own name: sexcapades, sexting...

    This is disgusting. So, he is free to fall asleep and then "innocently" and "powerlessly" go around raping people.
    And the worst part of this is that both the Belgium medical and legal systems combined to make such a terrible outcome possible.

  7. @Shmooey I agree and I'm so tired of seing sex sex sex sex as justification for EVERYTHING!

  8. Anonymous11:35 AM

    That just makes me totally sick. A four year old? Oh my god.

  9. Those doctors don't live in the real world and nor does the legal system, it seems. Even if he DOES have this 'sexsomania', that is MORE reason to keep him away from people he could do it to again - after all, it's 'involuntary'. Appalling story.

  10. Well, the least they can do is castrate him so that
    he longer poses any harm to his daughter and the rest of the population. Better yet -- he should be shot immediately to prevent "sexsomania" from being spread to other people. Sounds like it has the potential to be very contagious.

  11. Just WOW.

    @Apple - Yes a guy got away with murdering his wife by the "sleep walking" defense. I didn't buy it then, and I don't buy it now. (I've seen the episode of Forensic Files a couple of times)...

    Wouldn't you think heavy drinking would make the sexsomnia defense void. I mean lots of people pass out and do weird stuff. It's called Alcohol Abuse... In Salt Lake in the 80's or maybe 90's, a guy got really intoxicated and broke into a bird aviary.. and well, let's just say he had his way with and endangered Stork?? (I think).. Well he killed it, and ended up in prison for 4 years. He had no recollection of what he did when he woke up that morning..

    I guess my point is.. If you're drinking you shouldn't be able to use meaningless defenses in court. What a joke, and very disturbing...

  12. I have a four year old daughter. She's the sweetest,most loving, innocent child (and yes, she has her moments, too.) To have this happen to her would be unthinkable. And may God forgive me for saying this, but I'd put a bullet through the head of any man to touched her. And I would not even blink. And when he was dead, I'd take a baseball bat and beat on him for an hour or two just for good measure.

    I have no tolerance for child abusers or rapists. Probably a good thing I'm not a cop. God be with that poor baby...she's going to need a lot of angels on her side because apparently the damn legal system isn't.

  13. that should have said "who" touched her, not "to." Just the thought of this had me so angry I could hardly type,..sorry!

  14. Ugh. If this guy, for one minute, is truthful in that he doesn't remember doing this, he will volunteer for chemical castration. No? Didn't think so.

  15. I'm with you Sue. I have three daughters and I've always said if anybody ever touches or harms them, I will kill him. Period.

  16. I have no words that would do justice to how this makes me feel.......

  17. it's cases like these that i really hope there is a heaven... and a HELL!

  18. Anonymous12:31 PM

    I'm sorry, but I have a hard time believing a 4-year-old child would even know to say, "Papa, it's me". As in, she knows that what Papa is doing to her is something he usually does with someone else? Oh my God, this is disgusting and so sad on so many levels. It breaks my heart, but it also smells really really bad.

  19. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Seems like the wife didn't know that he had that problem. So was this something that happen once or did he have this problem before??

  20. Anonymous12:31 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. i lived in the Netherlands for 7 years, and this is nothing new when it comes to Belgium. Remember the girls who got kidnapped and held,tortured, raped for years in basements? not by one person, but several? ....and no one could find them. Meanwhile this all happened in the same town they were taken from.and then one girl escaped and it fell like a house of cards? then a huge case went underway due to police and government cover ups? and you can still have sex with certain farm animals legally in this country. This compared to a country not being able to form its own government for 3+ years.and has major immigrant issues as well as 2 sides of the sames street speaking different languages. its not pretty.

  22. I don't know what the Belgian system does with psychological defenses. If it were here in the US, I'd say he should go to trial and plead not guilty by reason of mental defect. That way even if he didn't go to jail, he'd have to be locked up until he could prove that he was no longer a danger to anyone.

  23. This is why I couldn't be a cop. Because if I were a cop in that city, that man would be dead, and his body would never be found

  24. Take him out back and shoot him like the dog he is. I'll volunteer for it

  25. @ssica...sounds like the U.S!

  26. @ssica - Rape of certain animals is allowed?? Wow.

  27. @theAM: no, really, this country is so strange. it is so small it usually never shows up on the radar of international news. No economic impact. I am glad some inroads are being made. They make good beer and have a great fashion academy, but the rest of the country are completely worlds apart from the big cities like antwerp and brussels. This country is smaller than Rhode Island and is ready to split in two. One half to Netherlands and the other to France. But neither one of them wants their problems.

  28. DISGUSTING! I saw something like this on an episode of Law and Order before, I always wondered if someone would use it as an excuse.

  29. @rocketqueen: yes.. certain animals.. I believe they changed the law about 5 years ago to distinguish from household pets to farm animals. so donkeys and horses may still be okay. This is also why you have such fervent political animal rights groups who are part of the government. Both in Belgium and Holland. For humane treatment of animals. In the lowlands, this encompasses other items you may not think of in the US. either way, this post is about child abuse and, granted, they way europeans treat people who break laws is different. And more conciliatory, there is no excuse for the severe mishandling of girls and young boys in this country. It gets swept under the rug.

  30. Any chance of throwing this fucker in the same cell with Roman Polanski?

  31. The prosecutors could have at least told the man: OK, we believe it. But now the burden is on you that this never, ever happens again (i.e. he must be locked up every night when he goes to sleep, or something like that).
    I don't buy it, but they had an opportunity to prevent the man from ever getting away with it again.

  32. @ssica- OK, i know this is arbitrary, but Belgium is in no way smaller than Rhode Island. A quick wiki search shows that Belgium is over 11,000 sq mi and Rhode island is less than 2,000 sq mi.

    It is a silly thing to pick on, but mess up one simple fact like that, and i begin to question the rest of your argument.

  33. This wouldn't be so bad if they at least allowed the child's mother to go the way of Lorena Bobbitt on him. Every time a man commits "sexsomnia" on a child, whatever he used to violate said child should be cut off. I bet he'll never commit that damn crime again.

    Otherwise I feel so bad for this kid. I pray this evil excuse of a lie doesn't make it's way to the U.S.

  34. @mei, my mistake, My point was more to population density in the main cities. but if you are going to fact check one thing, especially on this topic, dont make it about geographical data.

  35. I guess it is easier for the cops (and the world) to believe that a father rapes his daughter due to a condition called sexsomnia, rather than he is just a pedophilic incester.

    On a side note - Enty - you are awesome. Thank you for always taking the child's side.


  36. This is truly sick. How could this defense actually be taken seriously? A better question is how can Tila Tequila walk around with her ass out and not get raped?

  37. That is the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard. Super sick. I don't care how shitfaced you are, that excuse is beyond improbable. I'm so angry that they let him off for that.

  38. I'd tell him he can go free as long as he gets his dick cut off. That should give him pause. Hopefully his photo has been on TV and everyone in Belgium will know his face.

  39. If the mother is shocked he was released, then I'm guessing too that he didn't have that condition around her ...

    Why are people so evil towards one another? Especially to the ones who love them?

  40. Remember the 'twinkie defense'? And that guy shot Harvey Milk and point blank in the face.

    I am in school to obtain a degree in therapy and this kind of shit scares me. I blame the doctors as well for this shit. Twinkie defense, sexomomnia? Holy god, these docs need to take their heads outta their own asses and feel a human emotion for once instead of being all scientific.

  41. er, sorry for the double posts, i was angerily sending this and must have pressed it twice~

  42. How do we rationally respond to this? I've been thru stuff and have no sympathy for sex criminals. Don't care why they did it. As I have stated before- once you are a perp. or whatever of these crimes, there is no going back. I feel such sadness for that poor baby.

  43. And the prosecutor's name is????? Really, that should be brought out in the open too.

  44. There is also "The Matrix Defense". Has been used - successfully - in court several times!


    "A better question is how can Tila Tequila walk around with her ass out and not get raped?"


  45. Does that mean I can shoot him "in my sleep" and my defense will be that I didn't know what I was doing? I was 'draw-a-bead-on-his-ass walking'?

    Come to Texas sucka, just come on to Texas...

  46. Anonymous7:59 AM

    um I have to say that I've had a version of sexomnia. While it rarely happens anymore, I've been told the day after that I've groped and sleep sexed friends that I have had to sleep with while travelling. I'm gay and I groped a female friend I was travelling with! She was pissed off at me but I couldn't figure out why. Then finally, with a frustrated tone she asked me why I grabbed her in the middle of the night. I was at a loss for words. I had no memory of it.
    I had a straight male friend and his girlfriend visiting once and were sleeping on the floor in my room, I woke up naked next to him. I had removed all my clothes in my sleep, gotten out of bed, stepped over his girlfriend and laid next to him. He woke up and pushed me off. I awoke at that moment totally confused and horrified. The next day he left without saying much. We never spoke again.
    When I first met my now husband, I used to sleep-sex him all the time. I would awake mid-activity and think he was the one climbing on me.
    One of the things I have noticed is that my emotions when this all happened, I sort of recall feeling homesick from having left my family. I think I was unconciously reaching out for love.
    There have been a few times in recent years where I've had to share a bed with a family member and I truly go to bed terrified. But thankfully nothing has happened, or at least nothing has been brought to my attention.
    So people, sexomnia, I didn't know there was a word for it, is a real thing.

  47. Hate to point this out, since everyone thinks the guy is evil, but TLC had a show on recently featuring a woman suffering from this exact disorder. She's had the same experience albeit with her boyfriend. He didn't realize she wasn't awake and the next day she didn't realize what had happened.


  48. This just makes my heart break for that child. There is a special place in hell for those that abuse children and animals.

    Sexsomnia? That's a new one on me.

  49. A version of this supposed disorder was one of the things that helped break up my marriage. My ex says that *I* had it and would make advances in my sleep (supposedly). Well, twice I woke up to him having sex with me. Personally, I considered it rape. And he "diagnosed" me with this - well, my psychiatrist and two counselors said that I did not have this disorder. All I ever thought of when I thought of sexomnia is "Well, that's a good excuse to rape me, huh?"

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. Once nations turn away from God, yes God, they begin to implode and disintegrate. Does anyone remember the Sun never set on the British Empire? It does now because England turned away from God just like Nazi Germany did in the 1930's and 1940's. Laugh all you want but as Muslims take over Europe and recapture lands lost in the Crusades you see the White race dying off and those societies begin to embrace the concept of liberalism which means to them, anything goes. And no it's not the liberalism we know of in American politics right now, this is a liberalism of what liberalism has become today, pure evil. Check out a story in Sweden where those of the Jewish faith are beginning to leave and head for Israel because of the violence that is precipitated against them by Muslims. It use to be right wing Whites that would terrorize them now it's Muslims. Check out this link.


