Have an affair? Must be a sex addict. Spend $20,000 a week on hookers? Must be a sex addict. Want to pretend to save your marriage? Go to sex rehab. Jesse James is the latest person to head off to the Arizona desert for sex therapy. Apparently he thinks it is going to save his marriage. Uh huh. I think that ship has sailed a long, long time ago. I am hoping that the Elin Woods ship has sailed a long time ago too, but she might be wavering. Sandra won't waver. Sandra is strong. I also think Jesse might have gone to sex rehab to try and save his public image more than his marriage. His image has taken a beating and the release of the Nazi photograph today is not going to help much in the reputation front. His publicity team had a story ready for the pictures. It is a big, big stretch but they say that Jesse isn't a racist and that he used to have a step-mother who had a father who lost family in one of the camps.
The good news for Sandra Bullock fans is the picture was taken prior to them getting married. Yes, they were dating back then though. It was back in 2004 so there is a chance she never knew and never saw it. I'm not saying Sandra is a complete innocent, but at least there isn't a picture of her standing next to Jesse or a movie of her goose stepping.
Here. Let me help. Sandra is a complete innocent. I don't think we can criminalize believing the best about anyone just quite yet. Well, maybe. Probably. Yeah, let's just do that. It's just better to believe everyone is a lying sos. Truly.
ReplyDeleteI love the story that his step-mother's father's unlce twice removed was in a camp, so that means it's ok. My family was never in a camp and I would NEVER EVER EVER EVER pose like that. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, act like you have some sense for God sake.
ReplyDeleteTo me the guy has no balls to stand up for his responsibilities. He thinks that by going to rehab that's going to be all good and dandy, Think again asshole.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if his reality show is taking a beating.
Sandra Bullock's situation is very different than Elin Woods. Sandra does not have 2 very young children with Jesse and is not living in a country that is not her birth land. Elin also holds less "power" in her marriage to Tiger. Sandra is a powerful woman in Hollywood (even before her Oscar) and is not beholden to Jesse. The stepchildren are older. Also, IMO, the children's mothers would be fools not to allow Sandra access to them, as they will reap lots of benefits through their connection to Sandra.
ReplyDeleteThis sex addition crap is getting on my nerves. Not that I don't think it's possible to have that problem, I just don't think every celebrity that is caught being an entitled, faithless, A$$ has that problem. They just got caught and look reeeeeeeally bad. There's no rehab for just being a jerk.
ReplyDeleteI'm wondering why it took him so long to get to rehab. I was expecting it a week ago.
ReplyDeleteToo little too late and it's not going to change his character. I hope that Sandra doesn't fall for it.
He's a douche
There is no way in hell that Jesse James' ex-wife is going to allow Sandra Bullock to adopt her kid. That's her weapon and she won't give that up. No way. I'd bet money in fact...Anyone?
ReplyDeleteI'm really, really tired of this sex rehab BS. Most psychs don't recognize sex addiction as a viable condition, and the those that do hold a very narrow band of behavior within its definition. Tiger Woods, David Duchovny and Jesse James do not fit this definition. They do, however, fit the definition of "entitled douchebags." Funny how that works.
ReplyDeleteCan I get an award or something? I called his admission to sex rehab a while ago in a comment. And yes, I'm really that desperate for validation. And no, it's not really hard to guess.
ReplyDeleteAnd the excuse or explanation or whatever the hell about the Nazi picture is insulting. To everyone, not just Jews.
Dear Jesse, you dont need to deal with your sex addiction.
ReplyDeleteYou need to learn how to be a decent, thinking, feeling person. Something most people pick up when they are in kindergarten.
This is not sex addiction...it's the case of a guy who likes to sleep around and didn't expect being caught
ReplyDeleteI'm not so sure I believe in sex addiction. I think a lot of it is just lying scumbag hound dogs who think it cleans up their image if they have a disease where they can't resist sex. Most people like sex. Most (but far less than I had hoped) resist it for the sake of a marriage or relationship. It's like saying I'm overweight from a food addiction, sounds like I'm not at fault, instead of sounding like the truth, which is that I eat too much and eat the wrong things. Just another cop-out and a way to avoid taking the blame for your failures.
ReplyDeleteSurprise, surprise. Of course this was his next move. If not to "save his marriage" (which is cooked), it's to try to salvage a bit of goodwill from people/fans who are naive enough to buy this bullshit that everything he's done (and everything he IS) stems from a "problem" he can't help.
ReplyDeleteSorry Jesse, you're just a dick.
Run, Sandra, run.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, the sex rehab manoeuvre ... So new, yet already a classic.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah - there is no way in hell that Sandra will get custody of any of his kids. She has no legal or blood connection to them. If both parents are incompetent, the courts will look to other biological relatives. If there are none, then it would be foster care. There is a chance that, in that circumstance, Sandra could petition the court for foster care of Sunny, but somehow, despite her feelings for the child, I don't see her wanting that many souvenirs of Jesse around, or the forced contact with him that such a situation would bring. Maybe whoever gets the kid will let Sandra maintain contact and be the kid's friend. But the court isn't going to give her the kids.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty confident that there is no such thing as sex addiction. A more apt description is CHARACTER FLAW.
ReplyDeleteLoser. I doubt Sandra will stay, and would be extremely surprised if she did. The sex addiction excuse is getting really lame. And for the people saying that Sandra should adopt his daughter, she is NOT doing it and really has no basis to do so. Although she was a positive influence on his daughter's life she really owes nothing to none of them and it would be in her best interest to cut ALL ties. It sucks but sometimes that is the way it has to be.
ReplyDeleteWhile I'm not totally on the sex addiction train, I have a friend who is bi-polar and during one of her manic phases, she is all about sex and does crazy things that are completely out of character for her. So, perhaps its something like this that caused 'sex addiction' to be thought of as real?
ReplyDeleteAnyway, JJ is a real douchebag. Also, for whoever said that Elin has a completely different situation than Sandra, THANK YOU. It is very, very true. The children are huge factors (in my eyes) along with the fact that she isn't making money of her own (that I know of). It's an extremely different situation; however, I wish both of them the best, whatever decision they make.
I totally believe that "sex addiction" is complete crap. There is nothing that can be said to change my mind.
ReplyDeleteThis guy is just a complete douche. That photo is real classy.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIt's hard for me to believe she didn't know about this white power/Hitler side of him!! That would just turn me off from the get-go!! That's even more repulsive to me that the cheating!! She got herself a real zero in my book!!
ReplyDeleteHis sex addiction did not make him don the Nazi hat and "Heil Hitler" the camera. That is who he REALLY is. (That airplane in the background of the picture cements it for me). I can understand how Sandra fell for him -- I was taken by his act (hook, line and sinker) on Celebrity Apprentice and thought he was a wonderful, sensitive guy. Well, Sandra, you and I were both fooled. He's obviously the next worse thing to a skinhead (IMHO, of course).
ReplyDeleteAlso, if he is trying to salvage his public image, the "sex rehab" only addresses part of the damage.
ReplyDeleteWhen is he starting Nazi rehab?
OK. Call me crazy but I think that at one time or another everyone has done the heil hitler salute as a joke, so how do we know the idiot wasn't just screwing around. To me it looks like a joke. Not to say he isn't a scumbag but this seems like scant evidence to hang the racist tag on him.
ReplyDeletenope, nope and no. I have never, and noone has ever done it in front of me.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, if he wants to rehabilitate his image, I don't think he should've used the sex addiction thing. It's become a joke and an obvious go-to when caught cheating. He would've been better off blaming it on drugs or alcohol IMO. But yes, he is scum. I don't think he has a sex addiction, I just think he is a compulsive cheater.
ReplyDeleteWith that said, I do not think sex addiction is complete bs. I think it is an addiction that is usually a comorbidity of a psychiatric illness(bipolar, borderline, etc.) I think it is defined as someone whom is having sex with multiple people, engaging in hardcore gang-bangs or orgies, or brutal sex with people they feel no emotional connection to or are incapable unable of feeling any emotional connection to. Like other addictions such as alcoholism or drug addictions, it is usually linked to depression/psychiatric illness and if it is a habit one feels ashamed of, I think that's when it can be called a "sex" addiction. I think it usually stems from childhood trauma, and often goes hand-in-hand with drugs and/or alcohol as well.
The best revenge for a guy like this is for him to end up BROKE. Back to fixing motorcycles for a living. That would be fitting.
ReplyDeleteMe either. That's disgraceful.
ReplyDeleteSorry, my previous comment is in comment to linnea who's commenting to looserdude. Thought I could sneak it in there. I was wrong.
ReplyDeleteUgh...not this damn sex rehab bullsh*t again!!
ReplyDeleteIt's just a way in hollywood to do damage control. These guys are just upset they got caught...so their people make them go to rehab to help their "image".
Sorry Jesse...your image isn't looking so good.
I'm not entirely sure that being a racist pig is something you can hide from your spouse for many years. You live together; you spend every waking minute together ... there is no way he never slipped up or racei topics never came up, etc., over 6 years. Sorry to say that I think Sandra may have been aware of him being a little racist ("Everyone's a Little Bit Racist", right?) and was either hoping to change him or perhaps thought it was just a minor character flaw she could overlook.
ReplyDeleteIn this day and age, any celebrity who would pose like he did wearing a Nazi hat with that airplane in the background has to be either serious about his beliefs or a complete a-hole. All-right, maybe he is the latter, but he certainly does not show much smarts if he allowed the photo to be taken.
ReplyDelete@ellapetal "There's no rehab for just being a jerk."
ReplyDeletebwahaha!!! Exactly. Sex addiction IS an actual psych problem and it's horrible for the people who go through it. These flaming douches jumping on whatever filthy tawt is around are NOT sex addicts- they're entitled dicks.
@christine- *pats on head* good job! lol jk Props to you for calling it!
tawt=twat, apparently I'm dyslexic today
ReplyDeleteUh, I don't know about everyone being a little racist. Giving in to stereo-types maybe, but racist denotes hate/anger towards another group based on ethnicity/colour. I don't hate the brown people or asians that I serve at work, I just know I'm getting a 10% tip (in general).
ReplyDeleteI'm sick of the sex addiction thing. It's a plain and simple "addiction" of being a manipulative liar who uses people for what he wants, when he wants it. I agree with others on here, this wasn't about saving his marriage, but trying to escape the public light for a few weeks & rebuild his public image so his checking account doesn't suffer. What scum.
ReplyDeleteLoser dude, it must a guy thing!! We females don't think Nazi's are funny!! Besides that, it looks sooo bad!! When almost all the big shots in Hollywood are Jewish, it's defiantly not going to help her career out!! She's about to hit the wall age wise, even if she won the oscar (I'm the same age btw)
ReplyDeleteIt was a joke ... there's a song called "Everyone's a Little Bit Racist" from a Broadway show.
ReplyDeletePenelope, I thought he was great on Celebrity Apprentice.
ReplyDeleteI guess I seriously misjudged yet another man. No surprise there.
I can almost believe she didn't know about the skinhead tendencies. Only because a young friend of mine who married, at the age of 23, a 37 year old guy who seemed the epitome of normal, and within a week after the wedding he'd shaved his head, hung his racist posters and flags in the garage, and sat out there in a lawn chair every Sunday yelling obscenities at any black person who drove or walked by. Needless to say, the marriage did not last long, but she was totally clueless about that phase of his personality before she married him. And they lived together day in and day out. Unlike Sandra, who has a busy career that keeps her away from home a good part of the time. I can see her not knowing.
ReplyDeleteThat's not a Nazi plane in the background. It's a WWI German bi-plane, before the Nazi's even existed.
ReplyDeleteSorry, I don't see that many plays. I have, however, heard that saying for years, but never knew where it came from. I figured it was literal. Now I know.
Sandra would never adopt his kid. If she ever wanted kids she would have bought them by now. I don't think she would want to be around anything that would ever remind her of this douche-bag. I think she has already thrown away the Oscar.
ReplyDeleteLooks like he made it to rehab in the nick of time before this photo hit.
ReplyDeleteAlso, sounds like a bunch of people must hate him to be digging out this photo and the lowlife women he slept with.
Not even Hitler is impressed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4lDkAHS5Hk
ReplyDeleteYe, looserdude, the Red Baron fly just such a plane.
ReplyDeleteI think to keep the story moving in the press they are saying she is going to divorce.
ReplyDeleteShe hasn't made a move one way or another.
I still think she is as obsessed with Jesse the way his other whores were.
She will lay low and start putting out Jesse does charity events Jesse is a German history buff. Sandra can't abandon her step daughter.... All to stay with Jesse. If Sandy was so strong she would show her face and file for divorce.
How could anyone believe this could just be a joke. I don't know about you guys, but I don't have a Nazi hat laying around to do funny photos when the mood hits me. Whose hat is it? Why was it there? He really has some splainin to do.
ReplyDeleteBet her handlers are hating on him. Apple, I think she will take him back. Sad.
ReplyDeleteYou may be right about her taking him back, but it's just gonna make her look bad!! She can't win whatever happens!! Saddest part about this whole thing is that she should be on top of the world right now having a great time. He has totally ruined it for her!! I hate him just for that!!! lol!!!
ReplyDeleteYou know, it looks like that photo was taken in a museum or something, with the plane and poster in the background. If that's the case, it makes the photo even worse, because how offensive is it to roll up to a war museum and start "heil hitlering!"
ReplyDeleteSex addiction my arse.
It looks like he is in a museum of some kind and probably just did the heil thingy as a joke, not knowing that someday the picture of it would help bring his ass down in flames.
ReplyDeleteWait a minute -- does he have a dollar sign tattooed on the palm of his hand? Wasn't that a blind item once?????
ReplyDeleteAccording to US weekly the picture was taken at his house.
ReplyDeleteBeing "strong" does not necessarily mean leaving him. Being "strong" means doing what is right and best for ALL involved, not just her, not just Jesse.
ReplyDeleteAs a step MOM to a 12 year old girl whose own bio mom is scum of the earth like Sandra's, and loving her like I do I know that I would likely choose differently until my daughter was old enough to be without both parents in the home. Despite what a douchecock her father was being.
There are kids who love and adore Sandra to think of. And so many times we see parents (as Jesse has done) choose themselves over their children's best interest. In this case it may be hard, hell, the hardest thing she's ever done.. but honestly I'm rooting for them. I've seen far worse marriages healed and bonded after things like this.. It is possible.
I don't wish this nightmare on any.. but if she stays I'll forever root for them 100%.
For the kids people.. for the kids.. I always tell my daughter that when her dad and I argue that she has no worries - because we are adults and can put our big kid panties on and deal with the situation. There will be no leaving or divorce for her Father and I - even if he chooses douchecockery over us at some point. He'll have to grow up and deal just as I will, because SHE is first and foremost.
Do you really mean that? In my opinion and experience, staying together "because of the kids" ALWAYS - and i mean ALWAYS leads to the kids hurting even more. Unhappy parents make for unhappy kids, no matter how much of a front they think they are putting on.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you, Linnea. Looking back, I WISH my parents would have gotten divorced. Staying together just meant that we kids witnessed way more years of horrible, damaging behaviour. To this day, I'm convinced I would respect my mother more if she had left.
ReplyDeleteI just hope he's at the sex addiction place in my hometown because it's only a matter of time before he hits the tattoo parlors and I know a few folks in that world and the LOVE to talk!!!! (I promise if I hear anything, I'll let you guys know first!!!)
ReplyDeleteI agree with you, Apple. I am also NOT a fan of staying together JUST for the kids.
ReplyDeletePeople should work to make their relationships good and healthy. It takes TWO PERSONS to achieve this. Both realizing that they need to compromise.
But when one is not trying or does not care, it shouldn't take the other partner 5-25 years to figure out that the marriage is rotten. Two years 'trying' in a CONSISTENTLY fucked up marriage is enough for me.
Kids would rather be FROM a broken home than to live in one.
I know people that make nazi jokes (and gay jokes, and jew jokes, and black jokes, and misogynistic jokes, you name it. It may be stupid and infantile but it is how some people deal with serious and tragic things, and subjects that are taboo. Also, when they make jokes like that, they are mostly making fun of the kind of people that would say racist things and be serious, if that makes any sense at all).
ReplyDeleteI also know people that collect WWII "memorabilia", including but not limited to SS and nazi regalia. But they don't pose wearing it, because that would make them a goddamn fucking asshole.
Let me clarify - not stay together because of the kids.. but make it work for them. It does take two, and without two involved it won't happen and it will be ugly for all. But I know that when two do work together at it, it can and will be better than one could imagine.. ;)
ReplyDeleteThe man is an asshat who ran to rehab to calm the mobs outside his home with pitchforks and torches.
ReplyDeletelol@Harriet. Your last paragraph made me laugh. Your writing style in general!
ReplyDeleteas i don't care his cheating stories as i think he's moron here!
ReplyDeleteOoooooh, TMZ says he IS in my hometown! He better stay clear of me cos I'll whup his arse for breaking Sandra's heart and humiliating her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDelete(I've been working out so even if he's bigger n me, I can still whup him!!!!)
Anybody watch the South Park season premiere?? It's hilarious and all about sex addiction. Enough about this jackass.
ReplyDeleteIs it possible to be addicted to sex? Of course. It's possible to be addicted to anything. In the sense that you get used to the rush of finding someone to hook up with, and you like that feeling so you do it more and more, like gambling, or heroin. The difference between sex addiction and heroin addiction, or alcohol addiction is that your body is not PHYSICALLY addicted to sex. Coming down off heroin, or even alcohol withdrawal can KILL you. Yes, the withdrawal can physically kill you. Stopping having sex with random strangers will not kill you, and if you can't do it, you aren't trying or you don't want to. That's weakness. Not addiction.
ReplyDeleteThat being said, neither Tiger or Jesse is a sex addict. As many others have pointed out, they're simply entitled d0uchebags.
Cupcake cutie.. kids are smarter than that, they know if the parents don't love each other, and it sets SUCH a bad example. Kids need examples of good healthy loving relationships in order to learn how to be in them themselves one day. I agree that if you're still in love and it's possible to work it out and stay together and keep a STABLE household, the parents should do that. I think in this situation, there is NO way that they could ever get past this and show that child a healthy relationship between them. Unfortunately THIS child is probably never going to see a stable homelife, but she's at least better off seeing that men shouldn't be able to treat women like that, and if they do, you leave them.
ReplyDeleteSandy make a clean break don't look back reconnect with the little daiughter and any of the other kids when they hit 18.
ReplyDeleteIn reality they ARE NOT your problemo.Thinking they are just invites the drama.
Penelope-good catch, I totally missed the plane & poster with all the other stuff he has going on in this pic
ReplyDeleteJust disgraceful
Now there are claims that he has Nazi regalia in his shop office as well. This seems like it was an open secret, so how didn't Sandy know?
I'm more inclined to think he's a white supremist, cheat & louse and Sandy was aware of it. She just never expected things to snowball in such a humiliating Tiger Woods-fashion.
There is no way you can clean this up. There is nothing worst than a coward. If you're a Nazi, and thats your beliefs, stand by them, no matter how off the beaten path. He is a worm.
Sex rehab is a joke. We have to blame everything on addiction instead of just atoning for our actions. Is there a rehab for being a d*ckhead? I'm sick of it. Always the quick fix.
Run Sandy, don't walk. You're better off without him and his harem of ho-bags.
I'm totally against the Nazi stuff, but in the matter of history, the plane isn't a Nazi plane, it's a Fokker Dr.I triplane. Yeah, like Meet the Fokkers. And Snoopy flew it ....
ReplyDeleteJesse James doesn't even come close to Snoopy
for me, it's not the photo that cements his alleged racism, it's his nickname he's referred to himself as: vanilla gorilla. we've all taken stupid pix and done regretful things (tho it's suspect that he'd allow it to be photographed unless he believed in his stupidity). but to have people call you vanilla fricken gorilla says something. sure, you act like an ape, but he makes the distinction 'vanilla' for a reason. that to me is more offensive.
ReplyDeleteas for whether sandra knew or not- i wouldn't be surprised if she didn't only because their marriage is different than most. they didn't spend every moment of every day together. i'm sure they were closer than a lot of hwood marriages, but they did spend a lot of time apart and had obviously different social circles. so i could see him getting away with his racism, right along with his infidelities without sandra knowing. just my 2 pennies anyway.
@cupcake kudos to you for everything you've had to go through and i agree, sandra staying doesn't make her weak. i just hope her and jessie work through his issues honestly. maybe they can make it work. jessie has A LOT of work to do to save his marriage. fuck the image!
ReplyDeleteIt is the rage today, ask Betty White.
ReplyDeleteThis guy is a douchebag. Pure and simple. I'm from Long Beach, and I don't know anyone who has actually MET JJ who likes the guy. From what I've heard, he's a nice guy-as long as he can get something out of you. If he can't, then he's an arrogant jackass.
ReplyDeleteI can see where Sandra would have gotten fooled. He probably kept the Nazi stuff (Like others in this thread have said, the model plane is from WWI, not WWII. He probably didn't have any WWII stuff in his house) in his office at WCC. He was also probably VERY careful about his behavior in front of her. Sandra was hardly at WCC-from what I've heard, she considered WCC his turf, so she didn't go there.
We have all learned from a reasonably reliable source when it comes on sex matter it is a important issue that good subject to explore even it is very sensitive we have to be open minded.
ReplyDeletehuman pheromones