Friday, March 12, 2010

Shocker! Katie Holmes Not Pregnant!

You know all those rumors about Katie Holmes being pregnant? You know the extra Scientology sessions and the visit to a restaurant which was conveniently next to the office of a doctor and how Katie has been wearing what looks like maternity clothing, well forget it all. According to her rep, "Katie is not pregnant." Would any of us think she was? I think it is fair to say that Tom Cruise would like nothing more than having another child. He could use the publicity. Oh, and he would probably like to have an heir to the Scientology throne in case Suri backs out and runs for her life at some point.

All this does is show me that there is something very funny about the parents of Suri. Tom and his people want the world to think he is Mr. Macho and can pump out babies as fast he wants. To that end they keep throwing those rumors out there about her being pregnant. He couldn't have kids with Mimi Rogers. He didn't have biological kids with Nicole Kidman. Katie had a child, but we don't know if it is his. Does she look like Tom? Tell me one feature on her that looks like Tom. The thing I look forward to more than just about anything is the day Suri turns 18 and someone convinces her to do a DNA test.


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