Scott Weiland Off Drugs - On Whiskey
Scott Weiland gave an interview to Details Magazine and its a doozy. And by doozy I mean he has some good quotes in there. The thing I was most curious about he actually answered. I don't know if you recall, but his very soon to be ex-wife wrote a book about her experiences with Scott. In her book she teed off on him because he got a massage while she was in labor with their child. Here is Scott's explanation. "I was incredibly stressed-out. She was having contractions and that was tripping me out, so I called up our friend and she gave me a massage. I laid out right next to where Mary was. No one I've ever talked to thought it was weird. It's incredibly stressful when the person you love is having a child. And I was sober at that time, so I needed something to take the edge off."
Wow. I hope he doesn't wonder why they got divorced. Forget the drug binges and the jail time, I think that any guy who decides to have a massage right next to his wife in labor while she is going through intense pain because he feels stressed out is going to get his butt kicked to the curb. She is probably in a ton of pain, and probably even more so when she looks over and sees her husband being massaged so he can relax. Seriously?
In the interview he also says that he has given up heroin but that he can have all the whiskey he wants because it doesn't make him do heroin. Umm. OK.