Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Scott Weiland Off Drugs - On Whiskey

Scott Weiland gave an interview to Details Magazine and its a doozy. And by doozy I mean he has some good quotes in there. The thing I was most curious about he actually answered. I don't know if you recall, but his very soon to be ex-wife wrote a book about her experiences with Scott. In her book she teed off on him because he got a massage while she was in labor with their child. Here is Scott's explanation. "I was incredibly stressed-out. She was having contractions and that was tripping me out, so I called up our friend and she gave me a massage. I laid out right next to where Mary was. No one I've ever talked to thought it was weird. It's incredibly stressful when the person you love is having a child. And I was sober at that time, so I needed something to take the edge off."

Wow. I hope he doesn't wonder why they got divorced. Forget the drug binges and the jail time, I think that any guy who decides to have a massage right next to his wife in labor while she is going through intense pain because he feels stressed out is going to get his butt kicked to the curb. She is probably in a ton of pain, and probably even more so when she looks over and sees her husband being massaged so he can relax. Seriously?

In the interview he also says that he has given up heroin but that he can have all the whiskey he wants because it doesn't make him do heroin. Umm. OK.


  1. Is he angling for the douchebag of the year award? If so, he's made an excellent case for it.

  2. Oh Scott Weiland, all that heroin has scrambled your brains and logical thinking abilities. Yikes!

  3. WOW! He needed something to take the edge off. This guy is some piece of work!

  4. Lol! I laughed my head off at this comment about how stressful "his" experience was. His poor (ex)wife.
    Whiskey, hey? I know a lot of people who don't/can't drink whiskey. It apparently makes them violent and do things similar to those Weiland used to do on heroin.

  5. What a douche bag.

  6. Scott, Scott, Scott... wtf?

    Also, can we please rewind to about 1993 when he was incredibly HOT??!! He looks, acts, and behaves like an asshole now.

  7. Saddest thing is this asshole is a FATHER.

  8. nice guy!(irony) his wife has contractions and he wants a massage!
    a good example of "don't touch drug" is burn your brain

  9. I like how he justifies his behavior during labor by saying that no one he's ever told about the experience thought it was "weird." Who on earth would totally agree with him on that? Obviously someone who has never been through labor as either a mother or father! I'm surprised she stayed as long as she did.

  10. wow. it's all about you, scott.


    and here's yet another addict in denial.
    heroin or whiskey. he's still an addict.

  11. It is such a shame I loved him with the Stone Temple Pilots.

    I may have to remove him from my Ipod.

    If my husband would have pulled that crap... I had horrendous back labor, not to be outdone by the throwing up from being in so much pain (and no the drugs did not help, only the epidural once I FINALLY was able to get one) I would have stopped barfing long enough to bitchslap my husband, and making sure he ended up in the ER downstairs!!

  12. I'm surprised the friend would do that, not have the sensitivity to not give him a massage. Or that no one else in the room put a stop to it, geez.

  13. Umn, yeah. If he loves her, his job was to be over there massaging HER, or call the friend to massage her, because there are special techniques that will help relieve at least back pain while in labor. What a whiny, self-absorbed little shit.

  14. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Wow! If I was his wife, there would have been a birth and a death on that same day. The my- husband-was-getting-a-massage- while-I-was-loosing-my-mind-due-to labor-pain-so-I-took-broke-his neck-in-between-contractions defence. No jury would argue...

    Imagine what the tombstone could say....

  15. When I had my son I went into labor around 3:00 a.m. My husband sat next to me in the hospital room all night. Around noon, still no baby, I asked him to hold my hand and talk to me, and he said, "can you just leave me alone a while? I am really tired from last night and want to take a nap."

    I almost left "father" blank on the birth certificate.

  16. Scott is a mess - perhaps he's always been? Testimony to my questionable teenage judgment, I was a Stone Temple Pilots fan in Grade 11. Fortunately, I've grown.

  17. Early 90's STP definitely on my Ipod. Too bad he went over the edge. Their record contract must suck(little no royalties?)if they are going to try to come out with a new album.
    Dang mansion payments are expensive.

  18. I think it is more likely that drinking whiskey just means that he won't remember doing heroin.

  19. Here is my experience. I was given pitocin to get my labor going, and it didn't really help- so they gave me more, and then to really get my going- the Dr popped my sack/water with a needle- and it HURT. They make you get into a crazy ass position, and again- IT HURT.

    I told the Dr to FUCK OFF.

    My husband said that wasn't very nice to say. I told him to bend over and let the Dr put her hand up his ass and give his kidney a good squeeze- that that might convey the feeling I had just experienced.

    Again- my Husband said that wasn't very nice to say.

    The Dr turned to my Husband and explained that the procedure REALLY hurt, so maybe he could be a little more understanding and STFU! LOVE HER!!!!!

    Suffice it to say- most men have no idea what women go thru- and it must be scary to see your wife go thru that kinda pain, and it makes people do and say things they may not mean. I mean- most men want to get in your pants- but seeing a kid come out your vagina is a TOTALLY different thing.

    Just saying.

    I want to read the whole article and see if this is taken out of context- as I hope it is. At least he admitted it, right?

  20. While I have no doubt that Scott Weiland is an self-absorbed idiot, his comments do make some sense. It is stressful watching someone you love be in pain and not be able to do anything about it. And this is a guy who deals with things be getting wasted. So to him having someone come and give you a massage is better than going to shoot up. Of course I totally understand why his wife was so pissed off.

  21. Sounds to me like his ex had grounds for a justifiable neutering of his parts.

  22. I may not have all the details right, but this reminds me a lot of when Frances Bean Cobain was born--IIRC, Kurt was in the hospital for something or other (detox? stomach trouble?) at the same time Courtney was in there, and when she went into labor, she basically hopped out of bed and, dragging the IV pole with her, stomped down to his room to snatch him out of bed. "Goddammit, you are NOT leaving me to do this by myself!" So she hauled his ass off to the delivery room, but she might have been better off doing it by herself, as she spent a fair amount of her time holding his hand & rubbing his tummy, as the poor guy was sick to his stomach and damn near turning green. (Um, Kurt, weren't you supposed to be doing that for her? Just sayin'...) Lord knows Courtney can be a piece of work, but I really do have to cheer her on for this one...it's the principle of the thing, damn it! ;-)

  23. I know I have said this before, but for newbies, I know his mother. She is pissed that he turned his brother onto H. When it came time for rehab, Scott could afford it. Brother could not. Scott would not pay for his brother.

  24. Of course no one he has told has thought it was "weird," b/c most people he would be telling this would be his friends.

  25. WTF??? LOL @ this story. He is a dumbass. Yeah, getting a massage next to your laboring wife. Not weird AT ALL.
