I was thinking about the whole Sandra Bullock and Jesse James thing a lot yesterday. I kept thinking that ten days ago she was on the very, very top of the world and then it all just came crashing down in an instant. To go from those highs to those lows must have been just devastating. What makes it worse is that apparently Sandra knew the story was going to break. What probably happened is that In Touch called Sandra's publicist for a comment or Jesse James' publicist because on Monday, Sandra moved out of the house she shares with Jesse.
So, not only do you have these revelations about your husband having an affair and knowing the entire world is going to know about it, but having two wait two days until the story gets published. Just waiting for the news you know is going to change your life gets sent out to the world. What do you suppose life was like those two days?
hell, i am not famous and the humilation i felt when i found out my SO was cheating... it was the worst night/days/weeks/months of my entire life.
ReplyDeleteI feel so bad for her. Plus, she was the only decent mother his daughter knew. He messed up a lot of lives with his sleezy actions.
ReplyDeleteI just can't help but feel that this gives his ex-wife some ammunition now. Like she can say that because that home is unstable, now she should have the kid. What a douchebag this Jesse James turned out to be.
ReplyDeleteShe certainly wins the award for the most embarrassing Oscar winning spouse gushing speech. This maybe would have been less embarrassing if she'd never talked about her husband let alone gushing about how great he was.
ReplyDeleteNot that I'm blaming her but I just think the gushing to the public makes it more embarrassing right behind the Oscar win.
She's also the first to have a break up so close after her Oscar win.
Oh well at least no one cares anymore what the heck is going on with Tiger and Kate Winslet's break up seems like a non conversation after this one.
I f**king hate this. What a screw up. And you know he isn't sorry he did it, he's sorry he got caught.
ReplyDeleteI really feel for her. Its happened before to stars and I haven't cared much, but Sandra seems such a nice person. I could be very wrong,I really don't know what she is like as a person, but hell, I feel so sad for her.
ReplyDeleteI always thought he was a dick, it was only when she took up with him that I decided to give him a break. I should have known better.
ReplyDeleteI hope she has is in a place now where she can just escape. Does anyone know if she is filming now? I hope not. I hope she has friends she can just cry with and just come to terms with what happened.
ReplyDeletePoor Sandra. This is just so devastating for anyone.
I never understood why she would marry him in the first place, she is so clearly above him. I have a friend who knows her, and says she is just as sweet as she appears to be. This is heartbreaking. I'm so sorry for her. Going through a breakup is bad enough, but to go from such a high to such a low, and to have to do it publicly, is just pitiful.
ReplyDeleteShe's Sandra Bullock so she probably spent those days getting her ducks in a row and cursing him up and down.
ReplyDeleteShe doesn't deserve this but she will be fine. She's a strong woman and I'm so glad she acted quickly and isn't going to pretend that all is well.
She'll come out of this smelling like the rose that she is.
He's a prick.
They always struck me as a mismatch, but in truth I kinda cosigned on him because of her. Just goes to show.
ReplyDeleteHey, I'm sure she feels embarrassed, but really she's got nothing to be embarrassed or humiliated about. She's conducted herself very well and was obviously dedicated to their relationship - the real shame of it is that he wasn't at all.
She's done the right thing in getting away from him and in the long run she'll be fine.
He's a big jerk and I feel sorry for his kid too.
I, too, wanted to give JJ a break thinking, if Sandra can fall in love and marry him, there has to be something decent about him that we don't see. Obviously, I was wrong. He's a total douchebag and I hope she comes out of this and has a kickass year. She needs to channel Leann Tuohy!
ReplyDeleteUmm...Did she start dating him when he was still with his former wife? Were they divorced at the time? Separated does not mean divorce.
ReplyDeleteHer life sucks right now, but I don't feel sorry for her.
If I remember correctly didn't she say she put off trying to have a baby because she was dealing with the custody battle of his daughter?
ReplyDeleteShe might be glad they didn't have their own baby and custody to add to this drama.
agreed with what linnea said. This sucks universally, for famous and non-famous woman alike. I am actually really proud of her for not 'standing by her man' like so many other insipid woman do in the public (hello Tiger Woods' wife).
ReplyDeleteFor her to move out that quickly shows really guts, it made me just like her more that she did that. Good for her for not putting up with this shit.
YEah moron, go back to your little garage and continue banging all the skanky chicks your heart desires, ugh
God i hope they had a pre-nup...
ReplyDelete@ not on my dollar - The 'gushing', "you've got my back" comments were at the Golden Globes & other pre-Oscar awards shows. She didn't thank him as such at the Oscars, but basically thanked her mother for her upbringing which allowed her to have "this", at which point she gestured toward Jesse. Could be the gushing was before she knew...
ReplyDeleteAs much as I love Sandra B, why would you knowingly date a man who was married to (and had unprotected sex with!) a working porn star, she should of seen this one coming.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately this is "our" fault too. We need to stop turning these skanks into celebrities. We need to go back to the time when women who were stupid enough to sleep with married men, just kept their mouths shut, not try to get a reality show out of it. We need to bring back shame into the world.
Shame would have made me call Sandra (maybe), but not the media.
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ReplyDelete"We need to go back to the time when women who were stupid enough to sleep with married men, just kept their mouths shut...We need to bring back shame into the world."
ReplyDeleteSay that one more time...
Come on, lets not blame the woman. Yeah, sleeping with married man isnt that great, and personally i would NEVER do it. But she hasnt made any commitments to anyone, HE has!
ReplyDelete@shazzzba I agree, he would have lost his daughter but she help him a lot! It must be awful to be in that situation in the public eye
ReplyDeleteNicola, you're right...bring shame back into the world...it worked...i'm ashamed that you're a woman making these kind of statements...
ReplyDeleteI love Sandra Bullock, and I feel so bad for her. But his past - the baby mama porn star, etc., just made me think that this match was a little shaky. Kudos to her for being a good stepmom and I can only hope that great things come to her.
ReplyDeleteOh, and that she bankrupts his Chopper business.
I love Sandra Bullock, and I feel so bad for her. But his past - the baby mama porn star, etc., just made me think that this match was a little shaky. Kudos to her for being a good stepmom and I can only hope that great things come to her.
ReplyDeleteOh, and that she bankrupts his Chopper business.
His loss. What a dickhead. Have fun banging that skanky bitch, Jesse (and God knows how many others). Hope she was worth it.
ReplyDeleteOn a positive note: I'm sure Sandra will be fine. She's strong and smart. She has a lot of houses in different parts of the country, I'm sure she'll just hole up for a while until this all blows over and come back stronger than ever. I just feel for Jesse's little girl, who probably got really attached to Sandra.
I didn't like JJ at first, but like some of you also changed my mind when Sandra married him. She seems like a good person so I thought she knew who the real JJ was and he must be a decent guy. I guess my initial impression was closer to the truth. What a creep to go with her to these award shows listening to her praise him during the moment SHE had earned when he knew all along what he had done to her behind her back. What a complete sleaze. While she seems to be a strong woman she has to feel horribly betrayed and hurt. For all of the support she gave him and his daughter, she did not deserve this. What a shame that the year she earns those awards she dreamed of now is blended with stories of her soon to be ex-husband's cheating. I hate people that ruin other people's moments, but JJ took that to a whole new scumbag level.
ReplyDeleteDammit! I was so upset when she hooked up with this porn star banging, repeatedly unfaithful scuzball .. and this was the reason. I just knew he was going to do her wrong.
ReplyDeleteI hope she finds a nice wonderful man next time who will treat her with love and respect.
I don't blame Sandra at all. She was very obviously in love with this guy and when you love someone .. you are willing to take chances on them. My heart just breaks for her ..
I hope she feels the love and support the public has for her .. because just from reading here .. it seems it is very much there for her.
I feel really bad for her. I feel even worse for the little girl. Sandra seemed to be the only one looking out for her. WTG, Jesse. Douche.
ReplyDeleteI always heard that he was violent - I also thought she married way below her. I hope this ruins him, I really do and I feel so bad for her right now. This is so low......She is way to nice a person to have to deal with a schmuck like that.
ReplyDeleteAlso Jesse's dog Cinnabun is missing again,according to TMZ. Now why would you not keep a extra eye on your dog after it went missing once already?
ReplyDeleteI was really hoping this was just a semi-porn star looking to get some free publicity.
ReplyDeleteBut Jesse seems like a serial cheater. Maybe the relationship worked for the first few years. But they are just from two diffrent worlds.
I don't think Jesse is meant to be settled down with anyone for long.
This truly surprised me! I hope that scumbag didn't give her anything that she's going to have to see her doctor about!
ReplyDeleteMaybe Sandra took the dog. I've done that before.
ReplyDeleteyou broads love the bad boys
ReplyDeleteKarma's a bitch Jesse...the dog may be gone for good this time.
ReplyDeleteI hope Jesse's dog is ok, but finds a better owner. JJ deserves nothing but diseased porn stars and famewhores to comfort him now.
ReplyDeleteI'd really hoped it wasn't true. I really like Sandra, and can't believe what an ass Jesse is. That does suck for her to be on top of the world, only for him to fuck up like that. And after she helped him get custody of his daughter and helped raise her and everything. What a fucking idiot he must be.
ReplyDeleteWhat JJ (above) and Sporky said. We got your back, Sandra.
ReplyDeleteIs it true that Sandra got with him when he was still married to his ex? IF that is true wouldn't this just be KARMA?
ReplyDeleteShe probably called her lawyer first to confirm the pre-nup terms, then walked out and had her assistant box up some necessary things. Poor girl.
ReplyDeleteThis guy just doesn't want the responsibility of being married. He's a weak sister. When the heat was on from his custody battle and she was getting mroe and more successful,he jumped ship. He'd just wanted a clean-cut american beauty, as though she were a motorcycle to acquire.
I feel bad for her. She doesn't strike me as fake so I'd say 10 days ago she thought her marriage was in a good place. They seemed like a lovely couple!!! Remember his tears at her speech? Ugh, life can be so lame. Or men can be so lame.
ReplyDelete<3s for Sandra.
He was a serious douche who got a Hollywood Princess. It happens. But wow, what a dumbass loser he is.
ReplyDeleteI hate the SCUMBAG. He is DEAD to me.
ReplyDeleteI hope his business dries up like yesterday's jizz and his dick rots off from fucking skank whores.
(after he raises his daughter properly....yeah right, like THAT is gonna happen now.)
And there was Sandra saying she only felt she could take the Leigh Ann Touey (sp?) role after living as such a tight family unit with r "kids of her own," blah blah.
JJ just screwed his kid out of having a great Mom and half-way normal upbringing, IMO. Now it's even more possible the kid will grow up to be a total skank like her real Mom and the whores that JJ will bring around.
Of course Sandra could be a raging bitch for all we know. But I REALLY doubt it.
What a fucking DICK.
I am not only pissed at JJ but at the farkin' magazine that decided this was great news and everyone should know about it days after Sandra had her big moment. I will NEVER buy that moronic P.O.S.
ReplyDeleteI hope her prenup is iron clad. I am sickened by the whole thing.
ReplyDeleteI've said it for years, and will do so again: Sandra married waaaay beneath her level.
ReplyDeleteI feel sad for her, she didn't deserve this.
What kind of douchebag are you that your wife AND your dog quit your ass in the same week!
Well this is bad. Really thought those 2 were a good couple but I guess looks are deceiving. People don't really know what they got until they go and do something stupid and selfish. I am not a fan of Sandra but she looked so happy just too bad something like this had to happen.
ReplyDeleteeeep. poor girl. heartbreaking.
ReplyDeleteyou can take the boy out of the ghetto...
I don't think there's any reason to 'spare' the other woman in this case. How about her timing? It's no coincidence that she's coming forward AND releasing text messages only a week and a bit after Bullock won her Oscar. This was a well-thought-out plan to dismantle a woman who she is jealous of in order to ruin the good she has going in her life. This isn't just a random 'Oh, I didn't know he was married...'. She knew. She knows what she's doing, and I feel so badly for Sandra who has always been known as a decent, down-to-earth girl in a world of plastic, phoney performers.
ReplyDeleteJesse James, you are an idiot, sir.
I hope she plans on getting tested for anything & everything.
ReplyDeleteSad. Just. Sad.
ReplyDeleteI really thought they were in it for the long haul..
Someone on another site said it best...
It's the world vs. Jesse James right now..
You got that right, Icecat ... that piece of vermin won't be welcome anywhere!
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to figure out from Enty's position on this if Sandra Bullock was an answer to a blind anywhere. If he thinks that she went from a high to a low unexpectedly, then perhaps she wasn't Jesse's beard, OR his BIs were wrong on her.
ReplyDeleteI thought another gossip site claimed that they were in a sham relationship.
Well, Jesse made a statment it is on people.com
ReplyDelete"Jesse James has broken his silence.
Facing allegations of infidelity, James issued an apology Thursday to his wife Sandra Bullock and his three children, taking full responsibility for their heartbreak.
Although he called "the vast majority" of allegations against him "untrue and unfounded," he says in a statement provided to PEOPLE, "There is only one person to blame for this whole situation, and that is me."
"It's because of my poor judgment that I deserve everything bad that is coming my way," he says in the statement. "This has caused my wife and kids pain and embarrassment beyond comprehension and I am extremely saddened to have brought this on them. I am truly very sorry for the grief I have caused them. I hope one day they can find it in their hearts to forgive me."
If Sandra doesn't divorce him she will look like such a fool. She doesn't need his money the way Elin does.
"The vast majority"...whatever, you liar and cheater. Yes, you do deserve everything coming your way, Jesse. And I'm sorry, but your apology to your wife & kids should be private. I understand the whole "get ahead of the story" and maybe Sandra even said "Go out there and admit to everyone what an ass you are", but to phrase it as a public apology to your family is just wrong. As part of the public I didn't need to see that; just makes me hate you even more right now.
ReplyDeleteSo the vast majority of the allegations are untrue. I'm thinking he really isn't hung like a gorilla. I bet somewhere Tiger is doing the happy dance. There's a new douchebag husband in town.
ReplyDeleteHe "confessed" on People.com?
I was honestly going to go the carpet on this one, fully believing that it was all a publicity stunt by that over-inked bimbette.
I honestly hope she takes him to the cleaners financially, isn't obligated to give him a dime, *and* gets custody of the kids.
And when she gets tested for STD's, if God forbid anything comes back positive that she takes matters into her own hands and makes sure he won't be able to do anything again... and does it with a dull, rusty spoon.
OMG are you all forgetting he left his 7 month pregnant wife for Sandra. I like her but what did she expect? it doesn't matter that she's a classy A list actress and not a drug addict porn star. He proved his character to her a long time ago
ReplyDeleteI never understood that relationship. Sandra Bullock always seemed way too talented, smart, hard-working and beautiful for Jesse James. Forget the fact that he is hideous and unattractive. The relationship with a porn start would have been a deal breaker for me. (Wasn't this in Liz Lemon's book??) I was really disappointed in Bullock's taste level. I'm sure she will rise above, but how embarrassing to have given the "got my back" speech just before this story broke? I would feel like a fool about 30 times over.
ReplyDeleteShe'll be fine in time, but she needs to reassess her choice in men.
I want to know if the Vanilla Gorilla label is true!
ReplyDeleteSandra, though humiliated- will come out of this fine. I have every reason to believe she will continue to see the child and treat her well. She just seems like the type, doesn't she?
It's usually true... if he cheats with you, he will eventually cheat on you. :\
ReplyDeleteSexism, pure and simple. That is why when an unattached woman sleeps with a married man, she gets 99% of the blame. She's the one people foist their contempt upon. I mean, after all, the man can't help himself because some skank foisted herself upon him. Bullsh*t! They're both to blame and I'm sick of men getting a pass because they are expected to behave like the basest of creatures. If you are married, you should not be trolling around for women - think about how much you loved that person enough to commit to them. If you are unattached, please stay away from someone who is married - think about how you'd feel if someone did that to you. I don't know - sex is great and all, but it's not worth hurting another human being over.
ReplyDeleteSandra is pure class. I bet whatever she does about can't-keep-it-in-his-pants JJ will be done quietly.
ReplyDelete@chris - Evidently he had that nickname long before he started his relationship with skank "bombshell".
I have a kooky theory: what if one of the Academy Awards losers (or someone in their camp) outed Jesse as revenge for Sandra's (much deserved) win? She so did not deserve this at this time.
ReplyDeletepoor Sandy. we love you Sandy!!!
ReplyDeletewhat a dog of a husband.
it's a little upsetting that people would actually blame sandra for marrying jesse in the first place. how many times have you given someone a chance when others may have doubted you for it? sometimes people prove you right and change their ways, sometimes people prove you wrong. you don't know til you give them the benefit of the doubt, like sandra did. jesse could have very easily been the great man she knew him as, but it's HIM that decides to turn into a prick. not her. it's his actions to blame, not her for believing in him.
ReplyDeletei hope she's surrounded by loving friends and family. the world has her back and i know she'll be ok. jesse on the other hand, can go f*** himself all the way back to whatever rock he crawled out of!
He filed for divorce in October. He met her in December. She wasn't "the other woman" in his prior marriage.
ReplyDeleteAnd to all of those people going on about how she should've kept her mouth shut about loving her husband during awards speeches, I say: How sad and cynical of you. No one should ever praise his/her spouse/partner publicly because that person might end up betraying you and you'll look stupid? I pity anyone you are involved with.
She knew he was baaad boy did she not, duh?
ReplyDeleteThat's what attracts girls like her to guys like him.
The whole scuzzy custody battle is what ruined it.
stress and
IF Lainey is correct she says that Jesse has cheated before and that he smokes dope (not sure what kind). If this is true than I have to wonder what is Sandy's definition of a good man?
ReplyDeletelike someone said above, ladies love the bad boys ... wasn't there a clue that his ex-wife was a very famous porn star with a big drug habit and tons of tatts?
ReplyDeleteI don't think it's fair to say she should have known...it's disappointing to see her make such a typical feminine mistake, but those of us who go for the dogs, or ever have, know that deep down we want(ed) to be the one woman who is just amazing enough to make him change his ways. It's part of the appeal.
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ReplyDeleteNo Jesse, this was not simple "poor judgement". It was you CHOOSING to SCREW another woman OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER...
ReplyDeleteThat's not "poor judgment" buddy. That's a decision you made time and time again to screw over your beautiful wife and each of your children.
Dear Sandra,
Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser and you don't realize until later that it's because it f*cked you.
Hahaha! I'm going to use that quote!