Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sandra Bullock Knew The News Was Coming

I was thinking about the whole Sandra Bullock and Jesse James thing a lot yesterday. I kept thinking that ten days ago she was on the very, very top of the world and then it all just came crashing down in an instant. To go from those highs to those lows must have been just devastating. What makes it worse is that apparently Sandra knew the story was going to break. What probably happened is that In Touch called Sandra's publicist for a comment or Jesse James' publicist because on Monday, Sandra moved out of the house she shares with Jesse.

So, not only do you have these revelations about your husband having an affair and knowing the entire world is going to know about it, but having two wait two days until the story gets published. Just waiting for the news you know is going to change your life gets sent out to the world. What do you suppose life was like those two days?


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