Sacha Baron Cohen Oscar Skit Pulled
Part of me thinks that The Academy Awards telecast could use some shaking up and having Sacha Baron Cohen performing a Jerry Springer type skit dressed as a Na'vi is probably a good way of doing that. On the other hand, Ben Stiller was also going to be in it and I really don't need to see him. He plays one character in the movies. I don't need to see the same character during the Oscar's show.
According to New York Magazine, Sacha was going to be dressed in an evening gown, painted in blue and speaking and having Ben Stiller translate. The pay off would be Sacha opening her evening gown to show she was pregnant with James Cameron's child and confronting James out in the audience Jerry Springer style. Sounds good to me. Not to The Academy though who were afraid James would walk out of the show. Really? Let me ask you something. If your movie is nominated for Best Picture are you going to walk out because Sacha Baron Cohen embarrasses you for two minutes?
I think The Academy just doesn't get Sacha's sense of humor.