Part of me thinks that The Academy Awards telecast could use some shaking up and having Sacha Baron Cohen performing a Jerry Springer type skit dressed as a Na'vi is probably a good way of doing that. On the other hand, Ben Stiller was also going to be in it and I really don't need to see him. He plays one character in the movies. I don't need to see the same character during the Oscar's show.
According to New York Magazine, Sacha was going to be dressed in an evening gown, painted in blue and speaking and having Ben Stiller translate. The pay off would be Sacha opening her evening gown to show she was pregnant with James Cameron's child and confronting James out in the audience Jerry Springer style. Sounds good to me. Not to The Academy though who were afraid James would walk out of the show. Really? Let me ask you something. If your movie is nominated for Best Picture are you going to walk out because Sacha Baron Cohen embarrasses you for two minutes?
I think The Academy just doesn't get Sacha's sense of humor.
They don't wanna make Mr. Cameron upset - Lame..
ReplyDeleteOh, hooray! Another Oscar snoozefest! It's gotten to the point where I don't want the Oscars to ever get "hip" or "with it." If that happened, it'd be like catching grandma doing the hully-gully!
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ReplyDeleteI am not a fan of this guy, I'm glad the academy believes he is innapropriate for the Oscars.
ReplyDeleteHe is highly annoying and his comedic range doesn't stretch too far beyond MTV's Jackass show from several year ago. I can't stand him!
anything that results in less ben stiller is a plus. he is truly odious.
ReplyDeleteThis gives me the sads.
ReplyDeleteIt would have been funny! Not to everyones liking, but funny!
ReplyDeleteI'm going with the "Cameron is that much of an assbite and would huff and walk away" answer.
According to Nikki Finke (Deadline Hollywood Daily), almost every decision made by the ceremony producers is supposed to accommodate Fox, as they all have ties with the studio. The whole scandal about the e-mail in favor of "The Hurt Locker" is laughable, as there are tens or hundreds of similar campaigns from every side. This one was picked up by the press, as if every voter in the world had been spammed and the fact that the producer was excluded from the ceremony because of it speaks volume about the integrity of the guys.
ReplyDeleteIf I were in the position to make decisions about the broadcast, I wouldn't want him on the loose either, because it would be my ass on the line. Despite what he claims he would do, you know for a fact that he would have taken it further.
ReplyDeletePlus, this skit doesn't even sound that funny, esp with Ben Stiller involved. Woof.
I like Cohen...Stiller not so much. I recently read that article Enty linked to where Linda Hamilton talked about what a jerk Cameron could be, so I suppose it's possible he might have walked, but he would have looked like a hell of a poor sport if he did.
ReplyDeleteI'm with Ivan - I'm tired of the Oscars being a snooze-fest.
I agree with MissJenny and Ny Emerald. I don't believe Sacha would stick to the script and even if he does it would be WAY OVER THE TOP.
ReplyDeleteI like watching the Oscars and am glad people like Sacha are not part of it even though Cameron sounds like he's a douche too.
That being said I think this year's Oscars will be very long and boring.
American, you can have James Cameron, he's a dick of epic proportions.
ReplyDeleteThe Oscars have turned into one dull ,long, 3 hour food fest at home.
Good for the Oscars. Sasha Baron Cohen sucks, i don't know why he was going to be there in the first place.
ReplyDeleteCan't stand either one of them. Glad the act was canned.
ReplyDeleteThey were probably more afraid that he might do something unplanned and unscripted. His idea of funny is what I call "making people feel uncomfortable". That would probaby be an easy feat or him at the Oscars.
ReplyDeleteIf the Oscars doesn't want SBC for the night I would be more than happy to host him over at my house. That man makes me lauuugh and he is gorgeous. No issue here!
ReplyDeleteAgreed, Miss(pdx). Always thought he was hot.
ReplyDeletesascha's humor always struck me as adolescent boy stuff. I mean, dick in the face, hohum. just not appropriate for oscar night.
ReplyDeleteI am not an SBC fan at all, but I would have loved to see this at the Oscars, just to shake it up a bit. Ah well. Save it for the MTV Movie Awards.
ReplyDeleteYay, Academy! SBC is NOT funny.
ReplyDeleteSBC isn't funny and Ben Stiller is only borderline funny. Glad the act was canned.
ReplyDeletei would love to see SOMEONE walk out of the oscars, for whatever reason... its a little bit too bland for me. More controversies, please!
ReplyDeleteKudos to the Academy!
ReplyDeleteIt's not that they don't get his sense of humour - they just don't find it funny.
ReplyDeleteThey're not the only ones.
I only watch for the clothing, hair, makeup and jewelry no matter who performs or hosts.
ReplyDeleteI say get Hugh Jackman back doing the Oscars. All I kept thinking was how good he looked in a tux.
ReplyDeleteI hate Ben Stiller. He makes me want to punch him in the face. I don't need the bad Karma.
Damn, we were so close to not having to listen to a long-winded speech.
ReplyDeleteI like Sacha. I still think Ben Stiller's a dick for making fun of Joaquin Phoenix at last year's yawnfest. Oh and if they didn't want to make it more "hip" (hip in their terms), then they won't be keeping the younger viewers just by having Miley show up.
btw Ivan, I like your comment.
And they couldn't have just warned Cameron in advance that Cohen would be pretending to be pregnant with his baby? It would have been even funnier if Cameron played along. Of course, maybe Cameron did find out about it and said no.