Monday, March 29, 2010

Ricky Martin Comes Out

Ricky Martin finally admitted what so many people had suspected for many years. He is gay. I admire the guy for finally coming out and getting the chance to live freely as he is rather than hiding. On his website he wrote,

A few months ago I decided to write my memoirs, a project I knew was going to bring me closer to an amazing turning point in my life. From the moment I wrote the first phrase I was sure the book was the tool that was going to help me free myself from things I was carrying within me for a long time. Things that were too heavy for me to keep inside. Writing this account of my life, I got very close to my truth. And this is something worth celebrating.

For many years, there has been only one place where I am in touch with my emotions fearlessly and that's the stage. Being on stage fills my soul in many ways, almost completely. It's my vice. The music, the lights and the roar of the audience are elements that make me feel capable of anything. This rush of adrenaline is incredibly addictive. I don't ever want to stop feeling these emotions. But it is serenity that brings me to where I'm at right now. An amazing emotional place of comprehension, reflection and enlightenment. At this moment I'm feeling the same freedom I usually feel only on stage, without a doubt, I need to share.

Many people told me: "Ricky it's not important", "it's not worth it", "all the years you've worked and everything you've built will collapse", "many people in the world are not ready to accept your truth, your reality, your nature". Because all this advice came from people who I love dearly, I decided to move on with my life not sharing with the world my entire truth. Allowing myself to be seduced by fear and insecurity became a self-fulfilling prophecy of sabotage. Today I take full responsibility for my decisions and my actions.

If someone asked me today, "Ricky, what are you afraid of?" I would answer "the blood that runs through the streets of countries at war...child slavery, terrorism...the cynicism of some people in positions of power, the misinterpretation of faith." But fear of my truth? Not at all! On the contrary, It fills me with strength and courage. This is just what I need especially now that I am the father of two beautiful boys that are so full of light and who with their outlook teach me new things every day. To keep living as I did up until today would be to indirectly diminish the glow that my kids where born with. Enough is enough. This has to change. This was not supposed to happen 5 or 10 years ago, it is supposed to happen now. Today is my day, this is my time, and this is my moment.

These years in silence and reflection made me stronger and reminded me that acceptance has to come from within and that this kind of truth gives me the power to conquer emotions I didn't even know existed.

What will happen from now on? It doesn't matter. I can only focus on what's happening to me in this moment. The word "happiness" takes on a new meaning for me as of today. It has been a very intense process. Every word that I write in this letter is born out of love, acceptance, detachment and real contentment. Writing this is a solid step towards my inner peace and vital part of my evolution.

I am proud to say that I am a fortunate homosexual man. I am very blessed to be who I am.



  1. Good for him. Better late than never.

  2. Go Ricky, Go Ricky!!
    Well done! and about time :)!

  3. Bravo! I bet he feels a huge weight lifted on his shoulders. To hell with people who may start treating him differently after this.

    I am so proud of him!


  4. I'm pleased for him.
    If he felt he was hiding something, good to lift that weight off his shoulders.

  5. good for ricky. i see no reason for anyone to stay in the closet these days. except for some knuckle-dragging cretins, i think most people no longer see homosexuality as a major issue.

  6. Great for him! That was a touching letter.

  7. I totally don't care for his music but what a classy, classy man. Good for him!

  8. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Hearkening back to the 90s: go Ricky! go Ricky!

  9. BRAVO Ricky!!!

    No need to be afraid. I am sure he feels so liberated!!

  10. this is so beautifully written... good for him... and good for his sons to have the role model of someone who isn't ashamed to be who he is!

  11. on a similiar note, Howard Stern all but outed Jaime Foxx this morning

    Good on ya, Ricky!

  12. Good for him! Especially now that he has kids - he will be a great role model for them now that he is honest about who he is.

    I don't blame anyone for staying closeted these days - too much hatred out there - but I am truly happy for those who come out and live their lives in the open. It's a beautiful thing. Like Ricky's abs.

  13. First, the straight men/women who refuse to believe that Tiger Woods is a man ho.

    Now, all of the straight Latinas who have refused to believe all of these years that Ricky Martin is not straight.

    I feel for all of these people. Not.

    More importantly, I congratulate you, Ricky.

  14. this still doesn't excuse Shake your Bon Bon.

    good for you, Enrique!

  15. @farmgirl - more details, please!!

  16. Anonymous2:47 PM

    It's sad that anyone needs to write an official letter declaring their sexuality these days, but if you have to do it, this is the way to do it.
    Good for him.
    Now just waiting on Clooney... ;)

  17. famgirl - I heard Howard this morning & was sitting waiting for him to just spill the beans.

    Bravo to Rm for being who he is!

  18. His sons are adorable.

  19. @ea73, ITA with you but I think hell will freeze over before that happens.:)

  20. And the world keeps turning.

  21. Howard was pissed b/c Jamie started talking shit on his Sirius channel about Howard for talking about Gaby's weight and how it will affect her ability to get leading roles.
    The worst part was that he said something about HS being a "jew". Howard said JF better not go down that path b/c HS knows a lot of stuff that JF would not like out there.
    A few minutes later, HS said "I wonder what Jamie has up his ass? He definitely has something up his ass." Then he asked George Takei what it felt like to have something up your ass.
    I thought I was going to die laughing. I know you can't hear the inflection, but trust me, if you knew the rumors, it was very obvious what he was saying. :)

  22. surely this doesn't come at a surprise to anyone....but I do love his frankness.

  23. @farmgirl - thanks. Hard to take sides on that one since I think they're both pigs, but at least Jamie was defending Gaby.

  24. Finally! Jeez, took long enough! His son's are absolutely adorable! Good for Ricky.

  25. @RocketQueen - just for the record, the only thing HS said was that an obese woman does not get hired much in Hollywood. He never maligned her at all.

  26. Good job Ricky. Even if it seemed obvious to many and there were rumors for years, it is still so great for those in the public eye to be open and help pave the way for others.

    How dare Howard say a fatty can't get work. The mom from What's Eating Gilbert Grape had such a long and prosperous career!

  27. While I'm very glad he finally admitted the obvious, it gripes me just a little that these revelations occur when there's something to sell. Ricky hasn't been big in the news in a long time, yet he's writing his memoirs? Hmmm.

    Oh well, if this helps even one young person or anyone struggling to live a free life then it's worth it.

    I still love him and his bon bon.

  28. I'm glad he was finally able to come out and be honest about things. I look forward to a time where it won't matter and where someone announcing their sexual preference won't be considered news or a big deal. I hope this helps bring him happiness; I'm sure it must be difficult to try to keep up appearances.

  29. Bravo, Ricky! You have a beautiful family, much love to you.


  31. So much fear in the entertainment industry is stirred by business interests repressing personal integrity. I'm going to iTunes now and buying a Ricky song.

  32. Good on him!! Mazel Tov - Ricky!!! (Okay .. Okay .. I know he is not Jewish .. but really .. it is such a great saying for a joyous event, isn't it!)

  33. His sons are adorable. Glad he was finally able to reveal the world's worst kept secret. I am sure he feels alot better now that he was able to get that monkey off his back. Congrats Ricky and may you and your family live a nice happy life!

  34. Yay! Good for him.

    Blessings to his family.

  35. Regarding the Howard Stern Vs. Jamie Foxxxxxxxx (are the extra xs really necessary?):


    He made some pretty mean comments about Miley Cyrus's appearance not that long ago.

    I know people like to make fun of her a lot, including on this blog. But no one needs to be called ugly publicly, much less a child, and then have said "ugly" body parts individually mocked. Nobody chooses their DNA.
    I wonder if he thinks he's a perfect specimen of humanity.

  36. Actually, Howard Stern called Gabourey Sidibe "the most enormous black chick I have ever seen", and then him and his pathetic fucking piece of shit sidekick whoever she is made jokes about how they probably had to give Gaby two chairs at the Oscars. So no, he didn't just say that overweight people have a hard time getting work.

  37. wooo hoo! :) Congrats on being free now Ricky. How inspiring.

  38. Has Howard not seen Aretha Franklin?

  39. TinselSass, what a great idea! I'm buying some of his stuff too. He just made the world a better place if he made even one person feel more comfortable with who they are.

    I was just catching up on last week's TMZ, and the clip of Gaby flirting with Gerard Butler was so hot! I love that girl!!!

  40. I lost interest in his rambling in the first paragraph. It's easy to 'come out' when you have no career at stake and are looking for free publicity. Hardly brave.

  41. Still wondering what part of that is untrue.
    Why is everyone offended by the truth?
    I am a "big girl". I get it.
    I am fat.
    So what?
    If someone said I was, I would not, could not argue.

  42. There hasn't been much doubt about RM's sexuality, but that was about a heartfelt an open letter as can be. I yearn for a world where gays can come out of the closet without fear. It breaks my heart he was in the closet for so long. As for Gabourey Sidibe, I find her absolutely beautiful. Her skin is gorgeous and she probably needs a larger skin to hold all that personality. I don't worry about this girl. She's more secure and comfortable in her own skin than anyone who is prone to bash her.

  43. I've had a crush on this guy since I was fifteen [I'm turning twenty-seven in two weeks]. It's so nice that I was crushing who swung my way for once! [With the exceptions of Neil Patrick Harris and John Barrowman.]

  44. No one cares now Rickey. You're a has been.

  45. pdxbellarocks said...
    wooo hoo! :) Congrats on being free now Ricky. How inspiring.

    This is very funny to me. How is it inspiring for someone to announce they like it in....well you get my drift. Why is everyone so pleased about this. I wonder if he's just another George Michael and soon something will come out that he was involved with Matthew Broderick and not Betty White as I had assumed. You got me Rickey.

  46. I can't wait to hear the shit he is going to have coming out now that he outed himself.
    Let loose, Ricky!

  47. Wow. Admittedly I was never a fan of Ricky Martin's music, but I am happy that he has found peace and is comfortable and happy with who he is- there is no reason for shame due to your orientation. I wish him and his sons nothing but the best.

  48. This was indeed beautifully written and I'm sure he feels a million lbs lighter now that it's off his shoulders. Its sad that he had to hide it for so long.

  49. Congratulations, Ricky. Today you are a man.

  50. He only did it to make money, because he is a has-been. Sadly, people feel the need to whore out their personal life when they need money. Instead, he could have lived the truth relatively close to before he went into exile.

    I am very -pleased that he has found the peace he needs to raise his sons too. They were gorgeous!

  51. Jaime, I don't see how he's making money by posting a statement on his website.

    If he really needed cash, wouldn't he have sold the story to a tabloid?

    My understanding is that he still has a pretty good career in Spanish-language music.

  52. I love when Celebs are honest/ernest every once in awhile about something all these ppl come out of the woodwork with an instant bad attitude about it. 'He's a hasbeen' 'He's doing it for the money' blah blah blah

    lets just chill out and appreciate another person in the public eye who is happy with what they are and who they are so that they may help to inspire kids that still have problems getting out of the closet. If he helps even one person feel more comfortable within their own skin then I dont give a shit if he is hawking a book, it was worth it

  53. I support your choice to go public with personal details of your life. I still question why strangers push to know details about such private issues? Obviously you're the same man today as you were yesterday.

  54. Bullshit. Liar. Thief. Anyone who buys his book is getting bunked twice. Mmmhmm.

  55. Congrats on finally being who you are come on Jake ...see you can do it too, we'll still love you.

  56. He is kinda cute Ricky

  57. A little too late Rickster. Now that you're that has-been perhaps record sales will pick up. Good career move. You know Richard Chamberlain did the same thing and I wonder weht him. After all everyone knows it so it's no big secret. Just be careful, if not, depends are on the horizon at a young age.

  58. good for him! a weight removed.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Whatever happened to committing such thoughts and revelations to one's journal. You know, the paper and private kind.

    I don't care about his sexuality anymore than you should know or care about mine.

    As they say, thanks for sharing.


  61. There's a great big world outside the borders of the US. Just because you don't hear an artist on your radio every hour on the hour doesn't mean he's a has-been. Ricky Martin has had one of the most successful global careers of any Latino in the music industry. These US-centric views are inaccurate. I don't spend my evenings shakin' it to Ricky's CDs in my living room, but calling him a has-been is dismissive and wrong.

    Regardless of his motivations for choosing this specific time to come out, I applaud him for doing so and not using Kneepads as his platform.

  62. I'm sorry to see some nastiness here - @Charlie - what exactly was the point of mentioning where Ricky likes to "take it"?? I'm sad for you if that's all you think this means for a gay man - it's about who he chooses to love and spend his life with, publicly.

  63. "Jillian S. said... Has Howard not seen Aretha Franklin?"

    ... Or "Super Pear"???
    No clicky on the linky if you ain't ready for some SERIOUS jelly!

    Booty dance

  64. I actually have more respect for Adam Lambert who didn't play the am I or not game like Ricky did. Sorry, but after all the checks are cashed NOW you come out.

    Being brave is taking a chance at the beginning of your career not at the end of it.

  65. I found his note a little rambling and difficult to read. He's in serious need of an editor.

    Good for him to finally get it off his chest tho. He must feel a tremendous sense of relief.

    I let my Sirius subscription run out in December. I'd been listening to Howard for over 20 years but strangely I don't miss him all that much.

  66. a beautiful letter and a huge step out of the closet for many, hopefully.

  67. from gawker:

    "I am proud to say that I am a fortunate homosexual man. I am very blessed to be who I am," he says at the end of a long missive on the site. Congrats, Ricky! What a nice change from this quote from back in the day:

    "If I were gay, why not admit it?...I am a normal man. I love women and sex. I am a real hot-blooded Puerto Rican, but I have never been attracted by sex with a man."

    nuf sed.

  68. Glad he finally came out, even if it was a bit belated. Everyone except my husband knew this for years, so it's obviously not a big shock.

  69. Love him! Did someone say radio? Do people still listen to the radio???
