Thursday, March 25, 2010

Reggie Bush Sleepover Photos

Apparently Reggie Bush didn't know paps were staking out his home last week. Either that or he just didn't care. The Enquirer obtained some photos which show a woman and her friend leaving Reggie's house at 7am on the morning of the 17th. Yes, I am sure it all could be innocent until you hear what the woman used as her excuse. She said that she just knew Reggie from television and had never met him. Then, when confronted with the pictures said she had found out where he lived and gone over to his house but he wasn't at home. They asked her what time she had gone over there and gave a time totally inconsistent with the time she was photographed.


  1. Shocking. Wait, no, the opposite.

  2. what's the big deal? now if they were dudes or some sort of weird stuff i can see the interes in it

  3. WHAT a known Cheater - cheating ?? Wow i'm so disillusioned i thought they'd work it out this time (yah people thats SARCASM). Oh well Kim had another moment in the spotlight over the playoffs.

  4. Smart and beautiful! It is hard to see in this photo but the blond has some strange things going on with her hair.

  5. anyone who thinks that the overwhelming majority of pro athletes DON'T cheat should have their head examined.

  6. January's friend with the thing covering her head looks a lot like Kim Kardashian.

  7. Anonymous11:24 AM

    It's okay. He's single.

  8. sure it sucks being cheated on, but kim k will parlay this into a payday which sucks even more

  9. He and Kim have split. Why is this on here? Not gossip-worthy at all. The most salacious thing here is that it looks like he had a three-way with these chicks. Even if they are prostitutes, what's the big deal? A pro athlete hires out for sex? Wow. Knock me over with a feather.

  10. i think they'll reconcile once he starts missing the attn...the same attn he claims to hate.

  11. Slow news day, Enty?

  12. Sorry, this still reeks of a publicity stunt. Celebs by and large control when and where they will be photographed "candidly", especially a photog darling like Kim K. The press release roll-out by E!, the bikini pics that Kim knew would accompany breakup stories, the timing with filming in Miami, etc. -- I work in this industry, and it's textbook stuff.

    Watch and see, after a few months, after her sisters' show wraps filming, they will announce that they are back together again. New season of Keeping up with the Kardashians will begin production, and Kim will have her wedding special.

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