Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Real Life Bridezilla

Apparently Bridezillas are not just for the television show. I do know the producers need to call this woman quickly though. This all started because the Detroit bridal shop owner didn't want to make any additional alterations to the dress of the future loving bride. Obviously the woman didn't know there was a camera in the store because she then started threatening the owner and warned him that her future husband would kill him and everyone else in the store and teach them all a lesson.

Suddenly three guys run into the store and push the owner and his wife to the floor where they are slapped and also spit on. The store suffered about $15,000 in damages and the couple were both injured.

The police arrested all three men. The future loving bride is still waiting for her alterations.


  1. Wow. I am totally eloping to Gretna Green, just to avoid the bridezillas of the world.

    I don't understand when people act like that.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I can't view the video right now but this lady sounds like some piece of work.

  4. What is wrong with people?

  5. How awful that people take things this far when they're angry.

  6. Gretna Green??? Now that's a chapel in my neck of the woods.

  7. Please.

    Wanna see a bitch go from regular bitch to SUPER MEGA BITCH in like three seconds? Have a stepdaughter go ballistic on you and hubby's ass.


  8. Am I the only one who had the Benny Hill theme running through my head while watching this?

  9. Detroilet. We really should just wall it off (with these animals still inside) and have a "most dangerous game". Think about it, it would get rid of useless subhumans like this, create jobs for millions and possibly even lift the economy! Or we could do the same and just send the army in to do training...I bet it would be just like "Blackhawk Down"! I know that when I see this, I don't think first world country, I think third world shit hole, so let's just stop it cold, right now. No great loss, right?
