Random Photos Part One
Three parts today.
Ryan Seacrest and Randy Jackson headed out to a club opening last night. Judging by the smiles on their face I'm guessing Simon didn't go.The male Kardashian. Tool.
Look at that bodyguard for Robert Pattinson. It is like he always wanted to be a Secret Service agent or something. Robert is just leaving a club, it isn't like the world is ending.
Robin Thicke celebrating his 33rd birthday with Jay Z and Beyonce.
Robin Wright at a party and that looks like Eli Roth next to her.
One of my favorite people showed up again on a red carpet. Samaire Armstrong. Of course she will always be known as no pants on the blog.
How Daisy the St. Bernard enjoyed the St. Patrick's Day Parade in New York.
This just screams tetanus shot.
Speaking of shots. No, just kidding Wilmer.