Friday, March 26, 2010

Puck Admits To Drinking With His Kid In The Car

Have you been following the story of Puck from The Real World? At first it sounded just like a bad accident where his 8 year old son saved his life. Now it has become so much more, but the main point still exists. Puck's son did save his father's life. Of course that saving might not have been necessary if Puck had not been drinking in the car. For some reason he admitted to The National Enquirer that he had been drinking. “I drank two shots of Jack Daniels in the car,” he admitted, “but I also ate a sandwich. I was doing about 40 when a deer jumped out in front of me.”

If someone says they had two shots of Jack they probably had four. Plus, I doubt he was pulling out a shot glass so he was probably drinking straight from the bottle or a flask. How can you do that when your 8 year old son is in the car? At first I thought this was just an unavoidable tragedy. Now I think it was if not totally avoidable, at least more so if he had not been drinking. I'm just grateful his son is doing better and out of the hospital.


  1. ok first off...the kid's name is Bogart? christ on a cracker,don't people even like their babies?

  2. He hasn't changed much since his Real World day. He was an idiot back then and he's obviously still an idiot. I hope that boy has other role models in his life.

  3. In AA people know that "I only had two" is code for "I drank way more than I want to tell you, or than I remember."

  4. Jax the answer to that would be a resounding no.

  5. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Kid looks adorable. I'm not sure how anyone can justify a couple shots of Jack and then driving with the kid. Any bets on whether there was really a deer?

  6. Wait, he drank WHILE driving in front of his kid? That friends, is the opposite of a role model. Go directly to jail.

  7. Nasty piece of work. Who would have a kid with him?

  8. Love the qualifier "but I also ate a sandwich". Oh okay, you're covered then.


  9. If you have never heard Allison Moorer sing-- go buy, borrow, or download something by her NOW- she is the most amazing ever! Thanks for the pic, Enty!

  10. Can not stand this man. I had the displeasure of having him in my home one night (not my choice a friend showed up with him) and he is a disgusting, annoying person.

    Very sad for his kid though.

  11. absolutely vile and unacceptable. people that stupid should not be allowed to have children. period.

  12. I hope Children's Services was called on this fuckery. Hello this is child abuse. If you want to drink yourself blind, deaf, and dumb be my guest. Just don't get behinde the wheel and don't drink infront of your children.

  13. Okay it is true that deer just jump out in front of your car and you can't avoid them. They destroy your car and it can kill you. A deer jumped in front of my mother's car on the freeway and smashed three vehicles. She was very fortunate in that it hit the passenger side and not the driver's side.

    That being said, by him drinking, we will never know if he could have avoided the deer because the asshole was impaired.

  14. Give him a break, folks.


    What more could he possibly have done to avoid this tragedy?

    Thats right. Nothing. So get off his back, alright?

  15. He was a piece of sh!% on MTV and it's sad to see he hasn't chaned one bit. He should have had his dick snipped a looong time ago. He has no right to reproduce. Do you think it will register that he could have easily killed his own son? Probably not. Damn deer. I wouldn't be surprised if he tries to parlay this incident into some kind of reality show. Ugh. PLEASE go to jail immediately.

  16. LOL @ shakey

    Hope this is a wakeup call for him.
