Monday, March 15, 2010

Peter Graves Has Died

Peter Graves died yesterday of a heart attack. He was 83. I loved this guy. When I first saw the television series Mission Impossible it wasn't until after I had seen Airplane and it made me realize what an extraordinary actor he was. In my opinion it is because of him that A&E even exists today. They sucked when they started, but they came up with that Biography show and were smart enough or lucky enough to have Peter Graves host and narrate. They have a Biography channel now. I think it is because of him. He will be missed. Below are all of his scenes from Airplane. Love it.


  1. I loved Peter Graves, too. Largely because of MST3K and The Film Crew, but also because of Airplane.

    R.I.P. Peter, you will be missed.

    "Hi. I'm Peter Graves. Is this Biology 101?"

  2. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Loved those Airplane movies. "Bobby, have you ever seen a grown man naked?" I also love that he and his wife married in 1950 and were still together. Very cool.

  3. Any actor would be proud of having such a successful career.

    RIP Peter.

  4. Oh, Airplane...One of my all time favourites!

  5. I love AIrplane. Bobby, do you like movies about Gladiators?

  6. Rest In Peace Peter. I loved you in Mission Impossible.

  7. we were just talking about him on Thursday. random.

  8. Back in 1997 I temped at the A&E Headquarts in NYC for about a month. I was filling in for a executive producers assistant.

    The most exciting thing that happend was I picked up a call from Peter Graves looking for something he left on set. I was so nervous I got tung tied. He was a cranky old man to me. But I can still hear the sound of his voice being very annoyed with me.

  9. I used to watch Mission Impossible when I was a little kid. The opening theme was pretty awesome. Tom Cruise killed the movies for me.
    RIP Captain Oveur.

  10. He was quite the hunk back int the day. RIP.

  11. I'm sad to see him go.

  12. Peter Graves was sex-AY back in the day.


  13. Anonymous3:14 PM

    My 75 year old Mother is crushed...she's loved him for years.

    Loved him Airplane but to see his greatest work I suggest viewing Stalag of the best WWII movies ever made.

    RIP Peter.

  14. I used to watch Fury every morning when I was a kid before I went to school. He played the father on that show. That was the first thing I ever saw him in. He always seemed like a real classy kind of guy.
    RIP Peter
