Pete Doherty was arrested over the weekend and charged with supplying drugs. Not content to just be a user, Pete, along with three other people was charged with supplying the drugs that led to the death of Robin Whitehead. If you remember, Robin died of an overdose back in January. She had been making a movie about Pete. I can't believe this guy is still out of jail and running around. It is one thing if you abuse your own body, but when you are the cause of someone else dying as is alleged then they need to send Pete away for a very long time.
Did he force Robin to take the drugs? Not to be cruel but unless he forced her then it is her own fault. What did she think she was getting into when she decided to make a movie about Pete?
ReplyDeleteCan someone fill me in on the story behind this? It's the first I've heard.
ReplyDeleteVery sad, such a young life ending so terribly.
ReplyDeleteBut was this woman doing, following around that guy? Are there no better subjects to document than a junky on his miserable march to death?
People have got to stop
a) taking drugs
b) glamorising drug taking and drug takers.
Some things will never change, death, taxes, men cheating and Pete D abusing drugs in one way or another.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I am astounded that Pete Doherty is not in jail, I agree with those who said that this woman was probably not forced to take the drugs. Sad story, nonetheless.
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ReplyDeleteHe keeps getting in trouble because he always manages to escape being punished. No matter what he does - even taking drugs into court with him - gets no more than a handslap, if that. No wonder he thinks he can get by with it - he can.
ReplyDeleteLock this guy up and throw away the key. He's a danger not only to himself now, but to others as well. He has no remorse or desire to change. I'm sick of his bullshit and glamorization of drugs, if you can call looking like HE does "glamorous".
ReplyDeleteSame goes for the tobacco and alcohol companies. They make a substance that kills people, and you can't arrest them. So...
ReplyDeleteThis was a rich girl, with a well-connected family. Not surprised that they are looking for someone to blame
ReplyDeleteWhereas I agree that this fool should be in jail for the countless arrests he has had over the past few years, he does not need to get in trouble for this because he DID NOT FORCE her to take the drugs, she did that of her own free will and that unfortunately led to her untimely demise.
ReplyDeleteSo far there is no report of him actually administering her the drugs that killed her, much less doing it against her will.
ReplyDeleteIt seems that this young woman, as beautiful and wealthy as she was and with all her social connections and resources was really - for whatever unexplainable reason - attracted to the drug world and lifestyle.
How some people can look upon such a disgrace and think that this is something they want to get involved in, I don't know, but there are many of these people around, and this is one of the possible consequences for the folly.
Isn't he the one who doesn't ever do time because he was a male prostitute who serviced judges, lawyers, and cops??
ReplyDeleteI don't know if he forced her to the drugs, but did he get into some trouble when photos surfaced of him injecting a woman who appeared to be passed out, laying on the floor (a different woman)? I remember being appalled when I saw the photos. So it wouldn't necessarily be out of the realm of possibility that he played some role in someone's overdose.
ReplyDeleteSyko is right... This guy is like Teflon, nothing ever sticks to him. How many times has he been arrested with no jail time? He's running out of time.
ReplyDeleteI agree with evryone, if he didn't put a gun to her head then I think it's not his fault.
ReplyDeleteYeah I think that's the common consensus.
I don't understand the people that are defending Pete here?! So only the users are to blame, not the pushers?! According to most articles on this tragedy, this girl started using HARD when she hooked up with Pete, and if he's actually been charged with supplying her drugs, that makes him a pusher in my books.
ReplyDeleteI still cant believe he landed Kate Moss
ReplyDeleteIs it just me, or are her pupils totally pinned in that picture? Granted, it was taken in sunlight, but still...
ReplyDeleteSad. I lived in the East Village years ago, and these wealthy trust fund babies would show up, looking to immerse themselves in what they perceived as a cool lifestyle. They always ended up as junkies, living a degraded lifestyle. Some died, some got out. I had to work for a living and never had the desire to dabble in that shit, because I saw what it could do. I will never understand the fascination of heroin, for anyone. It is a total dead end, every time. I have lost too many friends to it.