Friday, March 26, 2010

Peaches Geldof - Heroin, Booze, Naked Photos & Scientology

If you believe the post over at Gawker, Peaches Geldof had one hell of a night last Thanksgiving. While the rest of us were polishing off the turkey and stealing the pumpkin pie from the refrigerator, Peaches Geldof and a guy she picked up that night had a one night stand for the ages. I will let you read the whole thing at Gawker, but apparently the night involved heroin with supplies being obtained at 4am at a pharmacy and a Denny's. It sounds from the report that Peaches was not a stranger to heroin as she knew what kind they had and what to do to it before injecting it. During the night they also had sex and Peaches posed for naked photos. In the morning, the guy who wrote the report said he woke up at the Celebrity Center for Scientology. I know, I know. Craziest Thanksgiving ever. For all of the pictures you can click here. It sure looks like her and she looks messed up.

Her legal team says the heroin use is untrue. Peaches' mom died of a heroin overdose so you would think if she was doing heroin, she would have learned that lesson.


  1. UK's LiLo, what a HOT MESS!

  2. I read this on Dlisted earlier and my only thought was wtf is the deal with using a lemon? Wouldn't that be too acidic to be putting in your bloodstream? I guess when you're using heroin, a lemon is the least of your problems.

  3. They went to DENNY'S?!?!!?!?!??!! Ick!!

  4. That's one helluva grand slam.

  5. The only thing about this that surprises me is that Eli Roth is dating her. Why?!?

    That bit about purifying the next day in the Scientology Center was FASCINATING. Like they see it a LOT. Many people always assume Scientologists don't do drugs. I guess we can drop that lie now, can't we?

  6. I am fascinated by this girl. I have no idea why.

  7. COS do EVERYTHING and then some...that's why its such a protective cult,it's a brotherhood of fuckery.

    i love how they say the haven't been able to authenticate the pictures HELLO look at dem tattoos.

    Eli Roth..i dunno about that guy. he seems a when i see him on tv.

  8. That dude cannot write for shit. What a sleaze bag.

  9. I also think the most interesting topic was the Purification center of the COS!

  10. Big sigh, it'd be sad if it wasn't so obviously a pathetic cry for attention.

  11. Hey RocketQueen - I think the center likes when the newbies do stuff like this. They take photos/document everything and then hold it over your head if you make it really big and then think about leaving them.

  12. "She had a cute English accent and wasn't bad looking at all. The tattoo discussion leads to us deciding we should get each others names tattooed on each other."

    These 2 sentences indicate that a psychological imbalance already existed prior to the drug taking.

  13. Re: the lemon - It is the common solvent used here in Europe.
    When you're about to poison yourself, a little citric acid is pretty innocuous, by comparison.

  14. Why the hell is Eli getting involved with this shit? He could score a much hotter barely legal hobag.

    Is Peaches named after the Presidents of the United States of America song?

  15. omg that guy looks like a cross between richard simmons and michael keaton. NO PEACHES NO

    the Paula Yates story is just o.O in itself. I feel bad for Sir Bob.

  16. I'd say it's definitely her in the pictures...I mean...the tattoos. Come on. And she sure does look fucked up.

  17. Anonymous12:36 PM

    I loved Michael K's description of Peaches. "If you have no idea who Peaches Geldof is, just stick your finger up your b-hole, pull it out, smell it, and that pretty much sums her up."

  18. @mike. Very good point.
    Scientology Center: If you ever fuck up or ever need any help - come here, we'll take care of it.
    Celeb: Yes! Thank you! I don't see how that could ever come back to haunt me!

  19. Anonymous12:43 PM

    She is a socialite, right???

  20. It's a shame, because she is an interesting looking girl, & with her connections she could probably have been successful at something. I don't see a long and happy life for her.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. You would think that she would stay away from Heroin, but my friend's mom was a crack user and she decided to try it to see why it had consumed her mom so much and voila, years later and she can't stay away from it. Sad too because before the drugs she had her life together and was a good friend

  23. I could be tempted to attend a church that helped you overcome a hangover or drug binge without being all preachy.

  24. One look at their pupils will tell you that the herion use is true...either that or some other opiate. And that is obviously her. She has a pretty distinct face.

  25. @Julie, You are so right! That guy is absolutely creepy. I hooted when I saw the other picture with his hair.

  26. Is she wearing a patch????? For what -- smoking? That ship has sailed ....

    Or would it be for birth control? Ewwwwwww.

  27. I want to read the story on gawker but do they have nsfw pics on there? I don't want to get in trouble,thanks

  28. she's the english Lilo?!
    Sir Bob, be careful with your kids!!!
    I feel Eli Roth isn't a "good" boy!

  29. Those Gawker comments are priceless.

  30. hahaha @rocketqueen
