New Jersey Woman Trying To Become Fattest Woman In The World
I don't even know where to begin. This mother of two from New Jersey wants nothing more than to become the world's largest woman. It is her goal to weight 1,000 pounds. To that end she eats about 12,000 calories a day. She is doing it on purpose. Why? So she can leave her kids without a mom? It seems to me from reading between the lines that she might not be raising her son. Well, I think someone should take a really good look at whether she should be raising her daughter. This isn't someone who has a disease and can't control her eating, she is forcing herself to eat more. If she keeps it up she will die. How is that any different from a parent who does drugs? Yes, I suppose it isn't illegal to eat food.
I eat lots and lots of food. I do so voluntarily. However, I also recognize the risks and if I had a young child I would improve my eating habits. As it is, I don't really fluctuate in my weight and I don't want to buy larger sizes so I am pretty content with where I am.To make all of this happen she spends about $750 a week on food. Oh, and she says she pays for most of it by charging men online to watch her eat. Really? It is like porn although I guess she keeps her clothes on. She is with a man who loves larger women and he introduced her to the online world where men love larger women. Fine. Great. I love it. BUT, that doesn't mean you should take it to the extent where you are going to kill yourself on purpose, especially when you have kids.
At one point she lost a bunch of weight and was going to have a gastric bypass, but when one of her friends died during the procedure she just went back to eating. It took 30 medical people to deliver her daughter. She already holds the world record for largest woman to deliver a baby. I am speechless.
(Thanks Chloe)