Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Most Ridiculous Jesse James Story

It has been a few days since I talked about the whole Jesse James and Sandra Bullock thing and I feel healthier. It is kind of like a detox. Now though I am ready to get back in the muck of their lives. Sandra hasn't really shown her face and I'm assuming that if you see her in LA or Austin and take her picture you could probably out your kids through college with the proceeds. Just saying. Always is nice to have a plan. Apparently Mistress #4 must have reached some kind of deal with Jesse James because two days after she hires Ms. Allred, suddenly Mistress #4 doesn't want to share her story. I just wonder how big the check was. Oh, and Sandra Bullock has no plans to adopt Jesse's kids. Umm, she probably wouldn't be able to anyway. Yes, Jesse is a sleaze and a cheater and a possible Nazi lover, but unfortunately, he is still the parent and Sandra adopting the kids is ridiculous. Don't even read those. But wait, it gets better.

The most ridiculous story during this whole situation is the one Radar Online ran today. Here is the headline.

EXCLUSIVE: Jesse James Mistress #2 Buys Pregnancy Test!

Wow, now that is an exclusive which must have made the entire newsroom jump for joy. Hell, I bet they had free Jello in the cafeteria after that one. Yes, if you look in the picture, there is a pregnancy test that was bought. Who wants to bet that someone told her to go in the store to buy it?

Oh, and a note to Miss Smith. Don't let Demi Moore see you in that shirt.


  1. Haaa! Good one, Enty.

    I noticed the oh-so-classy T-shirt, too.

    Skanks, the lot of 'em.

  2. well considering she "allegedly" had a fling with him 2 years ago...that's a hell of a pregnancy she must be part elephant (and i'm not just talking about those cankles)

  3. Or she went to the Tila Tequila school of pregnancy.

  4. These mistresses sure are colorful.

    I'm really just crossing my frickin fingers for Sandra's health, to be honest.

  5. I hate to sound like a total dick b/c everyone loves Sandy and bla bla bla, but why is no one wondering if maybe she's also a "Nazi-lover" as Enty calls it? Apparently he had a Swastika or something in his office at the shop...You're telling me she's never been to the shop? Please.

    Maybe she is all sugarplums and rainbows, but shouldn't it at least be considered?
    Hashtag: PleaseDon'tYellAtMe

  6. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Maybe she didn't go to his shop. He seemed to have a fairly steady stream of skanks marching through there and using the couch in the office with him, maybe that was off-limits to the wife?

    Think of that couch. They'll need to wear haz-mat suits to carry it out of there.

  7. b*tch please! a pregnancy test to stir up the pot, after 2 years?? really?

  8. I understand that Jesse James acted like a dirtbag and it's scandalous with all the women involved. But it doesn't help anyone when sleazy sites like radar perpetuate fake news by noting that a woman who had an affair well over a year, possibly more bought a pregnancy test this week. Fine, she may be pregnant by someone, 99.99999% probably not Jesse, is that really news? This kind of coverage makes me mad.

  9. i really think this is just another case of a woman being drawn to trouble. shit, i always went for the dangerous guys too.
    she's a nice person by all accounts. i don't believe she's a nazi or thinks that way.
    she married her bad boy and then he turned out to be bad----NO SURPRISE.

    i feel sorry for his little girl who seemed to finally have a stable woman in her life. fuck him for that too.

  10. Oh, can I attend the tila tequila school of pregnancy too? I hear theres lots of good drugs.

    And yeah, i am thinking the same thing about sandras political ideologies... but i keep my fingers crossed its bull

  11. Just on the Demi thing - ugh. I'm tired of her holier-than-thou twitter bullshit. While I agree with her in principle, who the hell does she think she is??

  12. Yes THE Insider had the nerve to show that pregnancy test and then admit that it's irrelevant because the affair ended over a year ago.

  13. lol the first thing I thought of when I saw that shirt also was demi not gonna like that.

    I have to admit I am dying to see wher Sandra is. When is her next movie coming out. Whichever network scores her first interview will have a ratings bonanza.

  14. Maybe that's why she's so thick looking?

    Just sayin...

  15. lol@canadachick and cankles!!!

  16. Thinking Jesse has made a couple purchased recently. In addition to #4's silence, I think he also bought and paid for the alleged photo of himself in Nazi regalia. All of a sudden, it's release isn't imminent. If fact, seems like no one is even talking about it anymore. Coincidence? Oh hell no!

  17. I hate the paps but I gotta say props for the photo zoom.

  18. LOL @ the Demi comment. That was enjoyable to read on Twitter.

    Jesse James seems to become more of a POS as each day passes....

    Poor Sandy! :(
