Tuesday, March 16, 2010

More On The Rielle Hunter Interview

This morning on Good Morning America they interviewed the reporter who interviewed Rielle. They got some more information from her about Rielle and also the relationship between Edwards and Rielle and even Elizabeth. The main point of the story though was I think to address those GQ photos. Yesterday Barbara Walters said that Rielle had called her and was repulsed by the photos and thought they were only going to use headshots. Full stop.

This is a videographer. She knows photography. So, if she thought they were only going to use headshots then don't you think she would have worn pants? Oh, well maybe she does walk around photo sessions in just a man's shirt. It's possible I guess. Please. She knew what she was doing and GQ even provided video to ABC where the photographer asks Rielle her opinion of the photos. That is about 1 minute or so into the video below. It is worth your time.


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