Monday, March 29, 2010

Mindy McCready Names Names And Calls Oprah A Racist - Sex Tape To Be Released

Apparently Mindy McCready needed some money and Vivid was more than happy to provide it to her. Of course she had to give something in return. The former chart topping country singer and now Celebrity Rehab star is the star of a sex tape with an ex-boyfriend named Peter. What makes this tape unique is there are interviews with McCready interspersed with the sex. In the interviews she names names of all the celebrities she has been with sexually and she also talks about her affair with Roger Clemens. She insists that she was of legal age when she had sex with him although he had problems with impotence throughout their relationship. She also says Dean Cain is well endowed and to top everything off calls Oprah a racist. She says that Oprah told her that Mindy should be able to escape an abusive relationship because Mindy is white.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Eeww... I thought Dean Cain had better taste than that.

    I also thought, after reading the title and half the post, that she'd named Oprah as one of the people she'd been with. Ick.

  3. Color me surprised.

  4. And Kari Ann Peniche just started looking a little bit more sane. Which is scary.

    I can not imagine Oprah saying that. Oprah is a lot of things, but she didn't get tto be where she is by being blatantly stupid.

  5. I remember the Oprah interview and as I recall, Oprah wondered how Mindy could possibly be depressed, seeing as she is white and blonde and successful.

  6. Mindy is seriously a crackhead. Sorry but no one should take anything that girl says seriously.

  7. ^^^ Oprah for real said that?

  8. Kerri Ann & Mindy need their own Odd Couple reality show. They were my favorite train wreck on Celeb Rehab.

    I luv that the only woman Dean Cain has been engaged to is Mindy. What a bullet he dodged.

    Though it is sad she was very beautiful before she let drugs & alcohol rob her of it. Keri's looks are pretty rough now also.

  9. I was actually liking Mindy on Celebrity Rehab, she seemed so sweet. Guess I was fooled, huh. I remember she had a serious seizure that was taped, and subsequent MRI's showed brain damage from abuse and drinking.

    Kari Ann is a piece of work. I usually change the channel when she's on.

    And Roger Clemens is one of the biggest tools on the planet.

  10. And wasn't Mindy the one who released the Kari Ann/Rebecca Gayheart/ERic Dane tape?

  11. Harriet, saw that too. Oprah was all "How could YOU be depressed,you had it all. I don't understand."

    i actually remember thinking,you out of touch, racial biotch.

  12. Wow, Oprah said that? It's actually pretty frightening how out of touch people are about the whole depression issue. It's clouded in outdated stereotypes.

    I'm more upset that she got to sleep with Dean Cain.

  13. Is Dean the one who gave her brain damage by beating her head against the bed??

  14. Not taking up for Oprah but I don't think she's a racist. I've seen Oprah treat both Blacks and non-Blacks the same. I've also been to the show and didn't witness any preference to Blacks.

    It's about economics.

    Oprah is Pro-Celebrity. She treats all of her Black and non Black celebrity friends equally well. However if she doesn't consider you to be a mover and shaker black or white etc. she can be condescending, abrasive and offensive.

  15. Jax, You are spot on about Oprah being a out-of-touch racial Biotch.

    Also I have noticed that Oprah seems to forget her roots. I live in Nashville and she hasn't,or has done very little for the community, or anything charitable for Nashville,which I find strange considering that this was her home for a good while. And also she got her start at WTVF, our CBS affiliate,yet she doesn't give props to Nashville for putting her on the air and paving her way to stardom.

  16. Also, on one show about "class": one of the guests was asked "who do you think of when you think of lower class?" and they said "you know, people like waitresses and immigrants." The only thing that I could think is that if they had said "black people" she would've corrected them. Why not do the same for the waitresses and immigrants?

  17. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Most of the white women I know can get what they want at the drop of a hat. I guess Mindy has fallen into white trash territory.

    Isn't she supposed to be home with her kid?

  18. I was astonished at her on Celeb Rehab -- she is a master at producing lists of everybody who is wrong in the universe, which turns out to be everybody she has ever met. She was perhaps the worst person I've ever seen on any of Dr Drew's shows, and that's a pretty filthy bucket to be scraped off the bottom of, isn't it.

  19. I don't know how it is racists.

    Did she say anything bad about being white or having blonde hair.

    She was like you had it are what everyone wanted to be the blond barbie that could could you be have everything.

    I have family members who bleach their skin to be light b/c light is right.

    Oprah has talked in the past how she used to think she was ugly b/c she was dark skin and fat...and to see someone who is at the top of attractiveness in the American society ( blonde/thin w/ money still miserable) probably shocking.

    But, we don't know if this ever happened....who ever takes a crackhead alcoholic for their word. They are liars and will do anything for attention.

    Come one people...we are using the word racist...the wrong the you lots of favor.

  20. The fact that Oprah didn't understand how someone who is blonde, thin, successful and white, yet miserable, somewhat invalidates her "happiness from within" stchick. And I wonder what part of her TV demographic consists of "low class" waitresses and immigrants? By the way, who's on the cover of O this month?

  21. All I can focus on is that Dean Cain has a big willy. Nice.

  22. I didn't find Oprahs comment racist as much as I thought it was incredibly uneducated. And I actually like Oprah and usually watch her show, but that one comment kind of gave me the hiccups for a moment.

  23. @Melody, you don't know many white women do you? And aren't "white trash women" also white women?

  24. BTW, a few episodes of Celebrity Rehab made me hate Kari Ann so much that I didn't watch any of Sober House. Any as in any.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Kari Ann is a "charming little piece of magic," isn't she? I didn't see the episode, but didn't she get physically evicted from the PRC at one point during a previous stay? Nuts or not, her behavior must be infuriating for the staff who has to bear the brunt of this little monster's selfishness.

  27. @__-__=__ No, it wasn't Dean Cain who beat her and caused brain damage. He was long gone by that time and there weren't any DV allegations during their engagement.

    Truth is, Mindy was a karaoke singer who got "discovered" and then proceeded to burn every bridge built for her in Nashville. She had one album out and she refused to do press, publicity and was chronically late for everything. There's a documentary that was made on how to make it in Nashville and she was hailed as what NOT to do.

    I'd be curious as to who else slept with her, to sink that low LOL

    And here I was beginning to feel sorry for her. She actually mostly behaved on Celeb Rehab. I have been watching Sober House and Kari Ann's appearances have had me ROTFWL!

  28. I thought the Oprah comment was a bit racist.
    I'm not a fan of Oprah.
    I think she's done a lot of wonderful things, but I don't understand why people put her on a pedestal.

    She's not always right.

  29. Yes, Mindy obviously needs money! She is a drug/alcoholic. After she got her payday from Celeb Rehab, I be she went back out into the drug world. I remember hearing Kari Ann tell Howard Stern about how Mindy stole the sex tape of Rebecca Gayheart and McSteamy and sold it. Then a few weeks ago we see Kari Ann freaking out on Sober House about Mindy selling the tape, which gives Kari Ann some credibility. Mindy is sick and needs help and I hope she gets better. If she ever gets into recovery, she will be making amends to all these people!

  30. Melody said...
    Most of the white women I know can get what they want at the drop of a hat. I guess Mindy has fallen into white trash territory.
    Isn't she supposed to be home with her kid?

    Bea Arthur too? She's pasty white.

  31. Oprah is absolutely a racist cunt; anyone who doesn't see it is living with blinders on.
