Monday, March 22, 2010

Miley Cyrus Mentoring Idol Contestants This Week

Apparently this week;s American Idol must require the remaining contestants to chew gum while singing. I can't really think of any other reason to have Miley Cyrus be the guest mentor this week. I haven't watched the show in a long time, but I seem to recall that mentors used to be singers like Mariah Carey and Paul McCartney. You know, people who can actually sing and have done well based on their singing abilities and not because they were on a Disney show. I guess Idol is really after the Disney crowd this week because Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas are going to be on too. Isn't it kind of funny that they are "dating" at the same time their duet was just released. Miley is also going to sing on the show, or lip synching. Tough to chew gum and sing.


  1. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Ew, how condescending. Sometimes these AI contestants are actually trained vocalists, and even if they dohn't have Miley's fame, it seems condescending to have her of all people "mentoring" them. What's the first lesson, how to set the timer on your camera?

  2. What is the world coming to?
    And for the record, I heard my first Justin Bieber song this past weekend. Good taste is dead.

  3. Last year (or the year before?) Jennifer Lopez was a mentor. Gwen Stefani too. Those two have way less singing talent than Miley.

  4. I think this week's theme is something about younger singers...

  5. ^^ Teen idols. Should they have gotten Sean Cassidy and Leif Garrett instead?

  6. LOL @ chopchop.

    I'm actually thinking that even though they aren't my style, it's nice to see someone 'relevant' and on 'current radio' on this show. The judges b!tch about how singers don't choose something current when Neil Diamond is the mentor. WTF?!?

  7. @RocketQueen~ is it the one he is doing with Sean Kingston? I heard it and by the time the chorus started I was laughing so hard I could barely hear it. You know a song is bad when you are laughing and cringing for them in embarassment.

    As for Miley, can she sing, I mean really? I dont think I have ever heard her do acapella work

  8. Miley is total trailer trash!! Her voice crude and harsh. I'm ready for her to go away now!!

  9. Isn't it funny how they started "dating" right after the rumour about a promiscuous teen surfaced?

  10. Oh, geez. A whole hour featuring her going, "well, yeah ya know" (chew, chew).

  11. I'm having a hard time believing Crystal Bowersox will be able to be in the same room with Miley without projectile vomiting. Crystal far more talented than Miley will ever hope to be. Sigh. Oh well.

  12. Miley just had a lot of luck and a good PR team...that teen can't sing as good as some people you hear in a bar or in the bus, people who doesn't use vocal aid

  13. Teen stars can get by on packaging and handling up to a point but by the time they hit their early twenties, they better have something pretty legitimate or they're over. I'm sorry, Miley, but I think you are almost over.

  14. And furthermore, Katie Stevens is far from being my favorite on AI this year but she's about the same age as Miley and has a much better voice. Maybe Katie should be mentoring Miley?

  15. Cancan FTW!
    Miley's already a VH1 diva!!! So, I think this post is actually a clue. Joe seems gay...and Lovato, well, being on Idol would qualify her as "A" list, and she knows about the rumours. The "dating" thing -->just perfect timing.

  16. Imagine that I am chewing gum as I say this: I like her hair, like, in this picture.

  17. It's offical. Hell has frozen over.

  18. Ugh...why would they do this. I can't bear the idea of watching American Idol, but Joe would be my one reason for doing so...

    And yeah. The Joe & Demi thing seems like utter convenient crap for promoting their projects, but also pushed because of the rumors about both of them, but Demi in particular. (Joe's probably gay, but he's also a late-blooming one, in my opinion.) They at least seem like friends though, so whatevs...but I have higher hopes for Joe. He's a much better performer than his unctuous little brother who gets all the credit for their success. :P

    And Miley is fine with me. She can be obnoxiously her age, but I think she's good at what she does. Mentor away. I won't be watching that segment with any luck.

  19. I really don't understand this at all. She hasn't had a career for very long. As weak as J Lopez is as a singer, she has been out there for many years and knows how to succeed in show business. And I agree that watching Miley trying to mentor Crystal Bowersox will be entertaining to say the least. Crystal has a lot of class, so I am sure she will be polite. Siobhan too. I hope those two girls go on to have really good careers making the music they want to make.
