Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Has Lost It

So, you know those pictures of Lindsay Lohan with all the white powder in her shoes? Just in case you forgot, it is posted again up above. Well, I thought they were funny. George Lopez thought they were funny too and yesterday on his show he said that Lindsay probably used it to loosen the leather on her heels so they would fit better. Fairly harmless considering where he could have gone with the joke. Somehow Lindsay took offense to his remark and on her Twitter said, "Thanks for the childish comment regarding baby powder in my shoes to loosen up the leather. Don't you have kids? U wouldn't wanna hear that about them, or would you? Act like a grown man, have some respect and dignity for yourself."

Umm, hello? Act like a grown man? Last I checked he wasn't walking around with an entire container of baby powder billowing out of his shoes. I am also pretty sure that if George's kids were seen like that he would make fun of them too. How is this not acting like a grown man? I think the way she is acting, maybe it wasn't baby powder. Maybe she did lose her entire stash and was disappointed she was losing it. Maybe she thought if she put it all in her shoes it would be like a flask. You know, she goes to a club and when she needs a line, she takes off her shoe and dumps some out.


  1. "... have some respect and dignity for yourself."


  2. her little retorts about her recent falls and overall debauchery tell me she's gone over the edge. this girl is an addict and in serious, imminent danger.
    addicts lie, addicts rationalize, and when they can, they try to turn the tables on someone else to get the spotlight off their own situation---hence her comments about george lopez.

    i don't believe that was baby powder, and i think she was so fucked up, she didn't even know it was there until these pictures came out. she's teetering on the edge.

    say what you will about her dad. yes, he's an enormous dickhead. but he's been saying for awhile that she's in trouble, and in this case, he's not wrong.

  3. I know there was a website that asked the fans if they wanted a Heidi and Spencer ban and when they said yes the website banned them for about a month.

    It's time to do this with people like Lindsay unless she goes into rehab or the hospital or dies.

  4. What the hell is she talking about? It was a comment to justify her mysterious white powder

  5. how is this thing still walking around.....seriously ? anyone ? Why hasn't the judge ordered random drug testing and revoked her probation. Does the judge not own a computer or watch TV ? Does he think she's actively participating in an alcohol educaton course ?? Agggrrh

  6. I would like to echo the entire first half of nancer's comment, and add that Lindsay's obviously gone crazy. What exactly is it that George said that is so offensive to her that it would be horrible to say about his own children? That shit makes no sense.

    not_on_my_dollar has a very good point - if tabloids refused to cover her partying (which only make her look bad), she might learn that the only way to get back in the news would be to WORK?

  7. To support Enty's point I don't think this is spilled Coke, I am sure that if it was LiLo would have become double jointed and sniffed her shoes dry.

  8. i agree with canadachick here, why is she still free?

  9. To quote Stewie Griffin, "And it's not so much I want to "kill" her. It's just I want her not to be alive...anymore."

    (I'm kidding, I don't wish her dead lol, I just want this piece of sh*t OFF MY FAVOURITE BLOGS... ;) )


  11. Dear Dr. Drew:

    Please try harder to get LL on Celebrity Rehab!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Sorry, I can't agree with you guys about the ban - I love reading LiLo gossip.

  13. Oh come on Lindsay. That is probably the most HARMLESS joke he could've made. I wonder if she'll try to sue him like she's trying to sue e-trade. she just keeps proving she's an addict, and yeah i think that powder is of the illegal sort.

    Let me write you a letter, Lindsay.

    Dear Lindsay- Listen, I don't have the greatest parents in the world. My dad is an obnoxious and narcissistic overgrown child who throws temper tantrums over unbelievably petty things. Like buying nonfat milk when he meant to get 2%. Yes, seriously. He tried to secretly tape record me when I had a nervous breakdown and was threating to commit suicide at a very low point in my life. And was provoking it..on tape. To use if he wanted to call the police on me. Yes, the police, not a psych ward. He has also knocked the crap out of me in drunken tirades. And I have a mother who is more like a frienemy who has sold me out to family members and done some serious backstabbing and played atrocious mind games more fit for popular high school girls out for blood. She also cheated on my father and one of my earliest memories is of my father confronting my mother and him in an empty parking lot while I just watched and my dad let my 1-year-old brother scream his head off in the front seat of his truck. I found a bag of coke when I was about 8 years old and my mom told me it was bath salt. You might think this all sounds white trash, but I lived in an upper-middle class neighborhood as my parents had good jobs(yeah in spite of all this).

    And yeah, I've been to dark places and I did a lot of the blame game, mostly with my parents. And then I realized well it's MY life and I can only take responsibility for what I do and if I don't want "drama", well I'll stop getting myself involved in it. And just work on myself and be a good person and if I don't have anything nice to say, well I won't say anything. And I'm much happier now that I've learned to do that. Try to be nice and thoughtful, realize everyone has sh*t to deal with, don't take thing too personally, and good things happen. It can be difficult, but it works.

    SO...with that said, get help. For YOU. For your life. Stop with the excuses as you're digging yourself deeper and deeper into a black hole that is going to eat you up much sooner than later if you keep up with this obviously self-destructive lifestyle. You're cheating yourself and letting the "haters"(that's a term you seem to love) win. Well, Lindsay, if you want to win...go away to a rehab center. You obviously do not like or love yourself, and that is very sad. But no one is going to feel sorry for you if you continue to turn tables and project and rationalize. And things don't magically get better overnight and they certainly will get worse if you keep going down this road. So STOP. Just STOP. Do you realize how obvious you are? The world sees your desperation and that should be enough for you to see, too. And that should be the impetus for you to get help instead of clouding that humiliation with things that are killing you and giving people more ammunition to say negative things about you. Notice the cycle? Every single person in this world has problems. You are not the only one. Your life can change if you want it to change, but in order for that..YOU have to change. That is all.

  14. I'm with Mooshki. She's such a guilty pleasure for me. Like those windup monkeys that bang on drums. Every time I see a photo of her I hear the Benny Hill theme song in my head.

  15. LOL@Cancan "Every time I see a photo of her I hear the Benny Hill theme song in my head"

    So true! I hate her becuase I am from Long Island and she represents everything I hate about those white trash pretend i'm blue blood but not rich kids.

  16. How many of you have actually used cocaine?

    Rarely is it in a completely powder form. Hence the need for razors and mirrors. That's not just for making pretty, straight lines. It's to break up the chunks as a result of cutting agents and moisture that affects the coke.

    The chances of that being cocaine on her foot is slim and none.

    First, theres so much she could easily scoop it off and snort it.

    Second, so many of you make it clear you've never touched cocaine. Coke isnt like X or even alcohol where you can be completely unaware of whats going on. If anything, your paranoia is heightened...So the chances of you dumping a bag of cocaine (which, to cover that much of her foot would have to be a HUGE bag of it) on your foot and not noticing are almost impossible.

    The reality is if this were Demi Moore noone would make a coke joke. The talk would center around her having sweaty feet.

    But because it's Lohan it makes for a great "what if!" story. It'd be the same if paps caught Jesse James shaking Mel Gibsons hand. "James and Gibson discussing anti semitism!!!"

    Let's all grow up. It's not coke and if you think it is youre an idiot. She's an addict who obviously has problems and is a moron and didnt realize all the baby powder she put in her shoe would come out like that.

    She's at a point where noone wants to work with her. She's getting defensive and upset because she wants things to change without her having to change. Shes convinced its everyone out to get her thanks - in large part - to her enabler piece of sh*t Mother.

    Sadly, none of this will change until everyone agrees to not even discuss her Tila Tequilla esque mother, and to stop running photos of Lohan doing anything other than shooting a film.

    And thats all I have for the moment.

  17. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Excellent post, palealebrew10. I get tired of her parents being blamed. Granted, neither Lohan parent is good at parenting, but so many people have worse parents and manage to overcome it and lead normal productive lives.

    I don't understand why the judge who is supposedly overseeing her probation ignores the fact that she is out of her gourd and out all night every night and looks 45 years old.

    But I also agree with Mooshki, I love to read about the trainwrecks.

  18. so when she dies, will corey feldman lecture all of us about how badly she was treated and how she just needed to know she was loved?

  19. Maybe she thinks that he meant she had ground up babies in her shoes.

  20. Pale, I wish you had Lindsay's phone number...

    When I read that the L.A. cops were considering putting Lindsay in lockdown, there's something seriously wrong.

  21. I don't understand George Lopez' joke. What am I missing?

    Websites such as TMZ and Perez (sorry - still read it) are posting stories about how those close to her think she is going to die and that websites are already getting the obituaries written.

    I agree that once you turn 18, blaming of the parents for your behavior goes out the window. I've heard about far worse childhoods than hers that have been overcome by people with far less money and resources.

    However, I will always blame her parents for not instilling any sense of moral obligation to the world. And I will always blame them for not dragging her ass to rehab and making sure she stays.

  22. Coke-induced paranoia.
    She probably couldn't see WHY what he said was offensive (because it wasn't) but thought it MUST be offensive (because she's whacked out on coke).

  23. Ms Cool--It's standard operating practice to have obituaries ready to go for prominent public figures of whatever ilk...however, I daresay they've been keeping Lindsay's at the top of the pile, just in case. :-( When the cops are seriously contemplating taking you in on a 5150, you've got problems, and my only question is: why DON'T they haul her in for a little involuntary commitment? It seems to me that was pretty much the only thing that helped stop Britney's downward spiral (yes, she's not in great shape, but at least she's alive, and there's still hope for her), and frankly, the LAPD really needs to just "cowboy up" and haul her ass in for a spell. Being committed isn't something I take lightly or want to see happen to most people, but at this point she's so fucked up that it may be the only way to save her life.

  24. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Dr. Drew is as narcissistic as the celebs he talked about in his book. His shows will never be on the same caliber as "Intervention" nor TLCs "Addicted".

    Drew has sold out.

  25. Great posts by palealebrew AND Hello, it's me!

  26. well said @hello its me- thank you for being the voice of reason on this one. yes the girl is lost, along with her mind, but it's not coke. the people who say they've never touched the stuff, should be the last to accuse her of it being on her feet. make your jokes all you want, cuz it is funny, but a lot of people really think it's coke? oh please.

    the girl needs help. who cares what's on her shoes, or where she falls and when. she needs positivity and support and unconditional love. she needs to be inspired to help herself, not given more reasons to numb herself. i never thought i'd say it, but her father has been right about this one all along. it's a shame his own poor judgement causes the world not to take him seriously on this one.

  27. Ms.Leigh - I have to disagree about Lindsay needing positivity and unconditional love at this point.

    She needs TOUGH love. Wake up calls and people who take a stern stance at this point. IMO

    IMO, it's that unconditional love and acceptance of her behavior that got her here in the first place.

    No one says no, no one holds her accountable. By what I have seen, no one has asked her to take an unflinching look at herself and change.

  28. She should take her advice and apply it to herself.

  29. I just wanted to add, that I agree with hello its me and ms. leigh. I think there's a good person there in Lindsay, but the drugs/alcohol make that hard for people to see(and her to see). It must be very hard to go from being touted as Hollywood's hot "It" girl to everyone talking about her "busted" face and suddenly absent career. She's obviously emotionally fragile.

    Ms. Leigh, kudos on your comment: "the girl needs help. who cares what's on her shoes, or where she falls and when. she needs positivity and support and unconditional love. she needs to be inspired to help herself, not given more reasons to numb herself."

    I hope she gets help and realizes she's more than a drug addict. I think she's probably bipolar and self-medicating and that is an obvious recipe for disaster.

  30. nancer - It's just that with every incident, her mother is issuing a press release supporting her and making a new excuse. Urging her on in bizarre antics like suing e-trade for 100 million.

    I imagine her entire world is people simply validating her at this point.

  31. No it's not coke on her shoe but she's pretty messed up something to not realize she has white powder spilled all over her foot. And I absolutely don't believe she knew and just didn't wipe it off.

  32. cecilia, i was agreeing with you. she does NOT need unconditional love. she needs love....with conditions. 'i will always love you but if you don't get help, X will happen.'
    it's harder with her because it would need to be people no longer hiring her, paps no longer photographing her, syncophants no longer enabling her, friends (if she even has any) no longer being around her if she's using.
    it's just a fact that for some people, the rug has to be pulled out from under them before they get it. clearly, she's one of those people.

  33. Oh I know you were agreeing I was just expanding on my thoughts :-)

  34. I know good and well that nobody on here really thought that was coke, people. Come on!

  35. Schmooey -- I agree it's paranoia, (probably coke-induced paranoia). And she seems especially touchy about ANYTHING -- ESPECIALLY anything INDIRECT -- that might be perceived as suggesting she's a druggie/alcoholic/milkaholic. The only way George Lopez giving a non-druggie explanation for the powder could be offensive to a paranoid person like Lindsay is if she thought the only reason he gave that alternate explanation is because he assumed othewise everyone would think the powder was drug-related. Yes I think she is that deeply paranoid.

  36. Totally agree with Hello, It's Me.

    No WAY a cokehead wouldn't scoop that stuff up and repackage a spill like that immediately. Also, Lord knows what it is, but this is a TRAVESTY of waste in Cokeland and would have been attended to immediately.

  37. As much as I take such guilty pleasure in reading about trainwrecks in the blogs, I'm voting for a ban on Lindsey. Unless it is a story relating to her is performance or professionally related.

    At this point it's obvious she is creating these feuds with George Lopez & with the whole lawsuit against that company over the baby commercial to keep herself in the headlines and to get publicity. Bottom line is these shenanigans are beyond the point of ridicule. They are sad & she is in need of help. I feel that if we, as a gossip community (if you will), stop giving her the attention then maybe, just maybe she will realize "hey this isn't working anymore, maybe I really should get my sh*t together". Of course, the bad side of just completly ignoring her might be that she does something really harmful to herself to get back in the spotlight. Idk...just sad all around.

    Also just wanted to add that was a really great post palealebrew10. I give you so much props for being able to get your life together after that. I'm about to turn 31 & had a mom that wasn't all together either. Everything you said is so true. And yes it is at times difficult and sometimes it's almost a daily struggle to do what is pretty much common sense regarding what you mentioned about being nice & thoughtful to others and to not take things so personally....but it is worth trying, doing & eventually living with those attitudes in mind cuz it really does make a person feel a whole lot better.

  38. Or maybe she is just deliberately being ridiculous and provocative in order to get publicity? And rather than ignore the fly buzzing around, everyone is falling for it and giving her the press she craves?

    This is boring.

  39. I have used A LOT of drugs in my life, more than I care to remember, and I agree with Hello, it's me that coke does not make you out of it like that. The only time I've been in the state that Lindsay is in, is using multiple different kinds of drugs.. uppers downers alcohol whatever all at once. That's what makes me think she is severly effed up, she always seems this out of it, she obviously goes in to these parties and takes whatever is available, combinations of whatever.

    And yah, I think I posted yesterday... when you're high, you sweat. The baby powder is for her sweaty feet.

  40. She must have sh*t on herself stomping out her stash while the paps were snapping pics. I could only imagine the hysterics she went into when she realized she was out of coke.

    Baby powder, my ass, we all know she was sneaking the snow into the club. she's so high she didn't even realize the coke was amidst.

    She's in a dire situation. I hate watching people die. Her dad is a worm but he speaks up and doesn't enable her drug use unlike the Wicked Witch Of The East, Dina Lohan. One has to wonder if she wants Lindsay to OD so she can reap the benefits of the story. Dina is a worthless sack of sh*t insisting Lindsay is fine when Stevie Wonder can see she's a crackhead. Some women should have their uteruses snatched out of them with a heated stoker. What a heartless money-grubbing b*tch.

    Lindsay its up to you to save YOU.

    You're in bad shape.

  41. Nothing can help Lindsay until she decides to help herself.

  42. How many other young girls (plus those who are not famous) did Wilmer V. Do damage to in his deflowering campaign of underage girls? Why he has not been held accountable for giving most of Hollywoods troubled girls their first taste of 'adulthood, as a child' is beyond me. He is as bad as Ryan O'Niel from what I have heard.

  43. I don't think its coke but of course everyone is going to speculate...

    I have a bad feeling about this.

    I really wish someone that was truly her friend and loved her would help her.

  44. It's not coke. People, how much coke have you done in your life? If that was coke it would have all clumped immediately upon hitting the moisture of the air and her skin. That's why you keep it in baggies and chop it up. It's NOT coke.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.
