Kim Kardashian Has Invented A New Zodiac Sign
As far as my two minutes of research have led me to believe, the signs of the Zodiac were first introduced in the second century. By my math that would be say, 1,900 years ago give or take a little. One of those signs is Pisces. You are a Pisces if you were born between February 19th and March 20th. Apparently though, Kim Kardashian, despite being a Pisces and her apparent love for Pisces has no actual clue how to spell the word Pisces. I know it is tough with that "sc" combination, but in no way, shape or form is it close to this spelling she uses. Of course she could be a graduate of the Lindsay Lohan school of spelling. From her Twitter page.
"Pieces are the best! My dad, brother and boyfriend are pieces... Best sign for boys!"
Now, I make a lot of spelling mistakes. I realize that. I also realize that if I had been a Pisces my entire life and claimed to be such a big fan of the sign that I probably would learn how to spell it. Of course maybe she is just trying to secure some type of Reese's Pieces gig or something.