Justin Bieber On QVC - A Chance For A Mike Rowe Moment
Most performers and entertainers wait until they can't sell their records the regular route before hitting a shopping channel. Usually people at the top of the entertainment food chain don't usually go selling to home shopping channels. The reason? Well, it kind of diminishes their brand. That's why you you see people like Diddily Piddily selling there. He isn't worried about his brand, only making money. Justin Bieber on the other hand seems to have done pretty well for himself without the need to go on QVC. That being said he has gone on there and last night performed songs from his new CD and QVC also had a very special offer for all the 14 year old girls who were "borrowing" their parent's credit card to buy it. They got a free bonus DVD. I know, I know, it's crazy. Anyway, I'm sure Justin will be back in a few years when his voice has changed and he has been ravaged by a merciless record company and he is bankrupt and is going a new route and trying to relive his glory days right back on QVC while he chain smokes and hits on the hosts. That is the kind of person I like to see on QVC. Not some kid who is barely out of puberty.
Anyway, all QVC stories come with a complimentary, Mike Rowe moment. You really can never have enough of those. Today we have Mike Rowe selling Dickies and in the second video selling cherubs.