Jesse James & Sandra Bullock - Everything You Want To Know
It seems like about once every two or three months, there is some story in the gossip world that just explodes. Once that first little match is set then it just goes crazy. I have been trying to keep up with every little thing about the Sandra Bullock and Jesse James story and I thought I would share the best of what I have found. Or the worst.
TMZ, which I thought was in danger of becoming all Michael Jackson all the time has switched gears to all Sandra all the time. I'm not sure they even talk about anything else. They have a story about Sandra and Jesse hiring lawyers which seems like a really good idea. What doesn't seem like a good idea are Michelle McGee's refrigerator magnets spelling out white power.
My friends over at X17 have a story up about Sandra breaking down when she got e-mails from Jesse's kids. I feel so sorry for them, especially the little girl. She has pretty awful luck when it comes to parents.
Betty White is ready to kick Jesse James' ass, while Rosie O'Donnell has plenty to say about it and her new show. And finally, the mistress herself, Ms. White Power 2009, has made a video making fun of Jesse.