Monday, March 22, 2010

Jesse James Nazi Photo To Be Released

According to TMZ, there is going to be a photo of Jesse James that will soon be all over the internet. The photo is Jesse in Nazi regalia and giving the Nazi salute. This story just keeps getting more weird. The photo was taken about two years ago which means it was while he and Sandra Bullock were together. Apparently it isn't just Nazi women Jesse likes but also is a big fan himself of dressing up Nazi style. This just totally seems at odds with everything Sandra has tried to portray in her life. Did she know? How much has her life crashed into a living hell the past two weeks? I don't see how she can possibly stay with him after all of this.


  1. This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone who is familiar with him or his LB crew… Seriously… The stories about those kinds of things and him aren’t very well-kept secrets. If *I* know, then damn sure Sandra Bullock knew.

    Although maybe not, denial can be a powerful thing.

  2. 1. There are certain types of star f-ers out that will do anything including fabrication to get their moment of $tardom.

    2. People do stupid things when they think no one is watching.

    3. You never know what is going on inside a marriage.

    4. People get married and stay married for many different reasons.

  3. Maybe Sandy took the picture.

  4. If he is so into Nazi's that he is wearing the outfits and sleeping with women who wear it what does that say about her? Its kind of hard to believe that she is COMPLETELY clueless to ALL of it.

  5. I am afraid this will make her look bad too. As much as I like Sandra, you do have to wonder if you are the company you keep. How could she not know he was like this? If she did, how could she stay with someone like that, and all the while promoting a film like The Blind Side. It is all so bizarre.

  6. I don't think she had a clue. I just feel so bad for her.

  7. Well, Sandra Bullock's mother is German and she lived there in childhood...

  8. Yikes! This is really getting ugly. My understanding is that Sandra comes from a German background to boot. Germans continue to struggle with the stigma that comes from their past and this kind of publicity does not help.

  9. Uuuugh.

    I have always had a crush on JJ, and when he married Sandra- in my hometown- I was thrilled. Bad boy and good girl, marriage made in heaven!

    What he has done to himself is fine, what he has done to her- in regards to envy and inability to be proud of her/insulting their union, by making a complete fool of himself in the eyes of 99% of the public....well GOOD LORD is all I can say.

    Of course she knew, probably looked the other way and gave him space- only to be hit right in the face with the truth.

    This girl is ugly, and must be a pretty crappy parent- who can be so selfish and still be a good Mom???? It just isn't possible, not in my reality.

    Sad sad sad.

  10. Too much of a big deal over one picture...come on now. There's a lot of reeeeaaaacccching from those of us who really honestly don't know these people at all...just what we read/hear.

  11. That BI is def. Jesse and Sandra, right down the the Blind Side reference. Sigh. :(

  12. When this came out, everybody was making a big deal about how mismatched they seemed from the get-go. I've seen much, MUCH odder couplings, so personally, it didn't faze me much.

    But unfortunately, there seems to be a lot more to this story(and their marriage)and its getting worse. Like a trainwreck I don't even really want to watch to be completely honest. What a buzzkill of epic proportions to go from being an Oscar winner to...this.

  13. @austinrob

    Once is enough, don't you think?

  14. Did Sandy dress up as Poland to keep him interested?

  15. I think Sandra has been hiding out with her lawyers before she puts the proverbial nail the coffin on her marriage. I'm sure she knows there is some more dirt out there and will want to distance her name from it. Plus I have also heard that Sandra is the unforgiving type. No second chances with her.

  16. Sandra will come out of this alright. No one ever died because their spouse cheated on them. Hell she isn't the first person it happened to or the last. Celebs change partners like they change their underwear so this is nothing new. She is better off leaving him behind.
    As far as the photos and the Nazi gear, who knows. For all we know they could have been from a costume party he went to. If he is into Nazi's then what does that say about Sandra. I find it hard to believe that she could be in a relationship with him for this long and not have no clue what he was into.

  17. Tenisha you nailed it.
    That's them.

    The "dead man" reference is for the show "Jesse James is A Dead Man" and there's the Blind Side reference in there too.

  18. @sue ellen, yeah once is enough. but is just a f'ing picture. i've seen bigger deals....just my opinion, that's it.

  19. As long as she follows the Anne Hathaway guide book for not getting dragged down by your ex then she should be just fine.

    People want to like Sandy. If this were some celeb that people wanted to see go down it would be a different story but Sandra is pretty well loved by the public and people she works with.

  20. First of all - dressing up as a Nazi "just once, and for a party" is the crappiest excuse ever. Would a sane, normal, human being ever dress up as a nazi? I dont think so. Only someone who identifies with them would ever think of it. Also, that girl he slept with said her favorite book was mein kampf on facebook - she is beyond just dressing up.

    Second, how can you not know you are marrying a nazi? That just seems strange to me. Did he manage to hide it from her that well? Or is there a lot more to Sandra than we have led to believe?

  21. Tattoos - yawn! But Nazi stuff??? I really hope Sandra didn't know about this. If she did, it changes my view of her completely.

  22. didn't prince harry have a picture taken wearing a nazi costume?? maybe jesse was attending the same costume party!

  23. it makes me sad that in 2010 some people would take nazi photos lightly. if we come to find out that sandra bullock knew about/had no problem with the nazi stuff, i would never watch anything with her in it again. no decent human being can allow such hatred to exist beside him or her.

  24. @austinrob

    We'll have to agree to disagree then cause I think it's pretty offensive regardless. Also, when I think of things that are really bad, white supremacist nazi's are up there on the list.

  25. Guys, she knew. See the BI that was posted and think about it. JJ's antics are well known in a lot of circles. He was famous already when he met her. If random people in the US knew about some of his crap, a HWood actress who has access to Private investigators/people who know him would have NO clue?
    C'mon. She knew. She probably loved him and agreed to look the other way as long as he kept it on the DL. He didn't, it blew up, so she was forced to act.

  26. Relax, people. The nazi costume was just on loan to Jesse from Mel Gibson.

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  28. As someone once put it, "Men marry women thinking they won't change, women marry men thinking they will." I wonder if she knew about his indiscretions in the past but assumed he would clean up his act after their marriage? I can't believe someone as seemingly good-hearted as Sandra Bullock would condone this Nazi association; at best I hope she considered it some foolishness from his past, best forgotten about--"but don't do it again!"

  29. Weird is right. Here she is working on a film about a woman who takes in a black kid, and wins an Oscar for it, only to come home to find her husband cheating on her with a Nazi freak with White Power tattoos.

    Go back to him? She's going to need intensive therapy after this.

  30. @austinrob - yeah, I must strongly disagree. The vast majority of people *I* know would never EVER put on a Nazi uniform and salute, whether only once or as a joke. In fact, you couldn't pay me to pose that way. It says a lot about a person, if you ask me.

  31. Oh, and she did give a shout out to her family in Germany in German during her acceptance speech. How could she not know he's got a fetish?

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  34. I think people who play around with Nazi symbols are mostly getting off on the fact it is incredibly offensive to most people - they're taking a taboo as far as they can go. I don't think they've seriously thought through what the symbols represent.

    And if this girl actually tried to read Mein Kampf - which I doubt she did - she would discover it is pretty much unreadable. Even Hitler's followers thought it was a mess of a book.

  35. One great big flaming bag of dogshit.

  36. excuse me, elephant shit.

  37. Anonymous11:32 AM

    What a douche. I don't care if you wear the costume/uniform once or a thousand times: it's unforgiveable, plain and simple.
    Those who are arguing that it's not a big deal should pick up a history book once in a while-it would do you good. You should be ashamed of yourselves for defending assholes like this. Seriously.

    That said, I'd like to think that I would pick up on something if my husband were up to this much wretched crap. I don't buy for a minute that SB had no idea what was going on.

  38. I feel bad for Sandy, but damn, Merlin, I had to laugh.

  39. We don't know these people.
    We think we know Sandra because of her movies, but we don't really know what people are like in REAL life.

    Nothing surprises me.
    JJ cheated?
    Why is anyone shocked?!?


  40. i dont think that many people are surprised about the cheating.

    we are, however, surprised about the fact that an oscar-winning actress who always seemed like a real sweetheart, the girl next door, who recently starred in the blind side, might be married to (and involved herself) with someone with nazi sympaties.

  41. I’m obsessed with this story lol… I really think I’m obsessed with it because he’s been a big celebrity crush of mine for awhile… Low life cheating scum or not, I would totally hit it. Bareback, too. I’d have to clearly think about it a little harder now that I’d be following behind this Bombshell chick, but I’m pretty sure I would still do it. Shamelessly, too.

    But like someone else pointed out, if you REALLY think that chick read Mein Kampf I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. She’s just identifying with the culture and trying badly to be cool for the shock value of it all. I doubt that twit would have any idea about neonazism or anything like that.

  42. I read Mein Kampf in one of my classes. The professor made everyone take turns reading it aloud during class because he knew there was no way everyone was going to get through. Seriously, it's a snooze fest, and I dreaded when it was my turn to read.

  43. I agree with Just another blonde.

    This chick is just trying to shock people. I mean she has a freaking forehead tattoo. If that is not about shock value, I don't know what is.

    Everything this chick does is for shock value. Stripping, web cam stuff, insane amount of tattoos, coming out about the affair right after the Oscars. Definition of fame whore right here.

    I don't agree with the nazi stuff, but I just doubt she has actually read mein kampf.

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  45. On one hand I dont want to even go down that road of speculating now if Sandra knew about the whole Nazi thing Jesse James had/has going on. I feel like even if she knew he has indiscritions she was probably never happy about it and added with the public thing going on right now she must be in an aweful place. In some was to wonder if she knew this stuff about JJ's nazi interests seems like kicking a dog when its down.

    HOWEVER, if one thing could make me kick a dog when its down then talking of anything to do with such a thing as knowing if not supporting a spouses love of Nazi history would be it. I hope she wasnt a part of this shit but she may be and we should make sure to nail her ass down with his if it comes out that she did really know what was going on.
    Cheated on or not, she should be held accountable alongside the skank and JJ for being nazi lovers

  46. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Ole sandy knew. I hope they release the photos.

  47. I kind of find it difficult to believe that Sandra had no clue as to what JJ was really like.
    I am wondering how real of a marriage
    it was. I always got a gay vibe from her--I don't know why, but since she 1st started acting I felt that way about her.

  48. Stop this speculation. It is crazy that people are on here, pretending they know these people. I worked with Sandra Bullock on Miss Congeniality in the make-up dept. That woman is one of the nicest people I have ever met. Period. Hollywood or not, she's as genuine and kind and giving as they come. There is no way on this Earth she would ever, EVER condone or turn a blind eye to anything Nazi or similarly hateful-related. That's the most heinous rumor so far. She has donated over a million dollars to New Orleans poorest areas, a million to Haiti, a million to Southeast Asia, and millions more to build schools in some of the poorest areas around the country and beyond. She is such a good soul, it boggles my mind that anyone would write anything nasty about her. As far as JJ, it is NOT common knowledge in HB that he is a WP. In fact, he did have a reputation for a bad boy going good. And, Sandra, being the open-minded, open-hearted Sweetheart that she is, gave him a chance and dind't judge him on his past. Bravo. And, shame on JJ for smashing that to pieces. He has screwed up in epic proportions, but Sandra has not. Don't turn the victims of this disaster into the bad guys. Please.

  49. Why why why would she EVER have married him??? Don't get it.

    The only thing that makes sense is, as @Lutefisk said, if she's gay. (In which case staying closeted would just be SAD.)

  50. @PS, thanks, it's always so interesting to hear first-hand stories about celebs.

  51. P.S. in addition to donating so much money, look at Sandra's history: who did she choose to direct her debut as a producer? Forest Whitaker (Hope Floats). Which movies has she chosen to do? A Time to Kill (played a lawyer against KKK), The Blind Side (mother who takes in poor black kid), Crash ... it goes on. One of her best friends? Regina King. Who did she call out at the Golden Globes? Morgan Freeman, who swamped emails with JJ.

  52. If these pictures do exist and we see them then Sandy B can kiss my brown ass because there is no way she didn't know she was married to a racist. And that Leigh Anne Tuohy will have some choice words for her also.

  53. PS no one is saying she's into Nazi shit. Seriously.

    And sorry, but yes JJ's rep is out there- not as a WP (which I never said he was) but as a cheater and someone who likes the tatted up skanks. He chases skirt and has for a long time, even when he was married. I know a few stories and it's out there, it's not hard to find either. I have no idea about "bad guy going good" because I don't think he ever "went good", just hid it better.

  54. THANK YOU, P.S.

    Seriously, we have no evidence whatsoever of what she did or didn't know, but what we *do* know of Sandra's public and private lives don't indicate she would *ever* permit intolerance or hate of this nature around her. Beyond P.S.'s list, Sandra won a Raul Julia award for promoting Latinos in the business as a recognition of her producing "The George Lopez Show" and Lopez has repeatedly credited Bullock with helping him have a career.

    This breathless anticipation by some observers is gross and dumb -- you can travel from 'I hope she didn't know' to 'I think she must have known' (even though we don't know their marriage but *do* know from Sandra's interviews that she blamed herself for prejudging Jesse due to his tats, and that she worried that she was unable to see past surfaces when he wanted to date her), to 'She totally, totally knew. Of course she knew!!!' but make sure you base it on something before you call effectively call someone a neo-Nazi sympathizer, FFS.

  55. PS, though I don't know Sandra, it never occurred to me that she'd ever be into the Nazi thing, and I'm glad you've brought some clarity to this for the ones who seem to think she knew about it.

    If she didn't know her husband was having sex with a sociopath, why would she be any more in the know about his dalliance with nazism? People who know where their bread is buttered can be very discreet when trying to keep the status quo.

    As you pointed out, she has always been a class act and has quite obviously never been a racist. I can't imagine what this situation is doing to her, and though I know she'll be alright, I suspect trusting anyone again is going to be very hard.

    I've never liked Jesse James, but I had thought that he loved her as much as she appeared to love him. I feel bad for her.

  56. Bullock, btw - has updated her Facebook status to "Single"

  57. The pic is supposed to be JJ in a Nazi hat, doing the salute, with his fingers under his nose in a fake AH look. That suggests to me it may have been impromptu. Doesn't necessarily suggest he was dressed up in Liederhosen and swastikas at home. In addition, since Bombshell's Nazi getup was also the hat, think there might be any connection - like maybe he was at the photo shoot? Do you think she might have lied that it was only an 11 month thing to bolster her claim she didn't know JJ was still married.
    My point is that this may have all occurred without Sandra knowing a thing about it. I choose to believe that this is not representative of her and to swipe at her German heritage is just unconscionable. It's like saying that everyone who hails from Mississippi is a closet KKK member.

  58. ...but everyone who hails (or "Heils" as JJ & Sandy would say) from Mississippi IS a KKK member.

  59. "rosaroberts88 said...
    Did Sandy dress up as Poland to keep him interested?"

    very funny...

  60. Really Jillian, that's interesting. I'm not sure what state you hail from but I'm guessing we can generalize they are idiots.

  61. I'm in California. Of course we're all idiots! ...(and sarcastic bitches).

  62. I think Robert may be on to something--it's quite possible that she knew he'd behaved badly in the past, but was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt because she loved him, and assumed that whatever he'd done in the past was in the past, not to be repeated, because he'd grown up and wised up. She wouldn't be the first person to go down that road, and she certainly won't be the last.

    I also wouldn't be at all surprised if playing Nazi dress-up is something either JJ or the bimbo do to be "edgy" and provoke people ("ooh, look, I'm pissing people off, I'm soooo cool"), rather than actively supporting the party line, as it were. Still, most WP types aren't exactly the brightest lights on the Christmas tree, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if bimbo really was a white supremacist, whether or not she actually read the book; JJ, maybe not. (And yes, Prince Harry dressed up like that for a party once, again, probably to be provocative rather than to be a racist asshole, although he definitely came off as the latter either way...) From everything I've ever heard about Sandra, though, I seriously doubt she's a racist, and people can be astonishingly oblivious when something involves someone they love and trust. And if he IS a Nazi scumbag, then I hope she sues for custody of his kids and wins, because I daresay she'd be a much better mother than he would be a father...

  63. People often have completely secret lives for years and years that their spouses know nothing about.

    I'm sure many of you on this blog know people who've had a homosexual spouse or a spouse with a gambling addiction or even an entire second family. When you really love someone it's easy to quiet the nagging voice in your head that is trying to tell you that something might be wrong.

  64. I'm even more disgusted by him now than ever.

    I refuse to believe Sandra knew anything about the Nazi stuff.

  65. Wow some of the comments on here are a bit harsh. There is every possibility that Sandra didn't know about these Nazi photos of JJ, just like she didn't know about his affair with this animal - because that's what Bombshell is,right? As other posters have already mentioned, people can go their entire married life not knowing that their significant other is a homosexual/peadophile etc and when they do find out they experience a world of pain that they didn't know was possible.

    Personally, i think poor Sandy B had no bloody clue whatsoever untill her publicist informed her.... a-w-f-u-l! As for him, he's truly despicable. Urgh.

    I hope Bullock is getting the support and love she deserves and he, in time, will get what he deserves.

  66. Has anyone here seen the photo yet? Do we even know if it's a real photo or a photoshopped one?

  67. Jesse James mistresses pictures new hot search - why?
