Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Jesse James Is A Serial Cheater

Jesse James' friend aka publicist picked a bad time to leak a story to Kneepads about how Jesse wants to work everything out with Sandra. While he was giving them a "story," the rest of the tabloids have found lots of other mistresses and sexual harassment complaints and just some very nasty things about Jesse James. His ex-wife Janine dug the knife in when she spoke to In Touch and says that Jesse is a serial cheater. She says she feels bad for Sandra.

Meanwhile US Weekly is reporting that Jesse would have sex with someone new everytime Sandra was out of town. He would post ads on the internet and then bring them over to his office to have sex. Apparently this was something he did in the last couple of years, because before that he was having regular sex with one of his employees. She later filed a suit against West Coast Choppers, but settled for almost $1M before it came to trial.

There is no way Sandra can stay with this guy. She needs to run very far away from him and stay away.


  1. TMZ is now saying he settled a sexual harassment case to the tune of $725,000.

    That's a lot of cash

    I'm not convinced Sandra didn't know some stuff.

  2. Bleeeecccchhh.

    And this man's ass has not been beat down hard yet?

    Please let there be evidence of facial trauma next time his sorry ass surfaces in photos!

  3. And please get this poor little elephant baby out of our FACES-------->>>


  4. Sick, what a douchebag. Wondering if there were blinds about this situation...

  5. She does need to run from this guy, but you can't tell me that she had no idea about any of this.(and what's up with all this nazi white power stuff?) Wasn't he still married when he and Sandra got together? Even before all of this, the few times my husband and I watched his show we wondered what was wrong with him and Janine because they seemed so dysfunctional.

  6. I read someplace that Sandra married a bad boy + shouldnt have expected loyalty from JJ. I dont think thats true. When ur in love, you take a leap of faith. Its just a shame that he was so bad to her. After all she did to help him create a stable homelife for his kids. I am sure she is so devastated by all the new reports coming out. You know his side chicks are all going to come out of the woodwork ala Tiger Woods.

  7. It was settled in 2007. They were married in 2005. The harassment happened while they were married and obviously the suit did too. There is NO WAY Sandra didn't know. Maybe she just convinced herself the employee was lying?

  8. Tiger Woods breathes a sigh of relief!

    Other men are holding their breath!
    Who's next...dun dun dun

  9. Sad situation all around. I hope Sandra leaves him, because as devoted as she seemed to him he obviously wasn't the same to her. Hopefully she will move on with her life and leave his sorry ass behind. Does anyone know if the rumors are true that she was dating Jesse while he was still married? If that is true then all I can say is...KARMA.

  10. I hope he didn't give her an STD, though I do not see how that would be possible, seeing who he fucked.

  11. And another thing HOW IN THE HELL in this day and age do you have UNPROTECTED SEX with someone who is NOT your spouse?

  12. Lady J - according to, Jesse and Janine were separated in May of 03, and filed for divorce in October of 03.

    Jesse and Sandra didn't meet until December of 03, and married in 05.

    So Sandra was not involved in Jesse while he was still fully married to Janine.

    Once the separation and divorce proceedings happen, I consider them to be over and able to date others.

  13. I don't think we should blame the victim, here, saying she should have known or what did she expect. When you gush about your husband in public awards shows, repeatedly, you do NOT know that he's a serial cheater for YEARS. I feel genuinely sad about this news. And, as always, the real harm goes to the kids.

    I do know, as an employment lawyer, that you don't settle a suit for close to a million if it's baseless. That amount is basically when you say to a plaintiff: How much do you want?

  14. Oh, also, I think we should start a pool about how soon before Jesse checks into sex rehab. I give it one week.

  15. Lady, that's what I keep wondering. Unprotected sex with porn stars? Come on.

    The white power crap really pisses me off.

  16. @Share

    Thanks, because I wasn't sure if he had separated from the wife or not.


    I don't think people are blaming Sandra per se, it just seems hard to believe that she couldn't know what he was up to with all of this going on. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt because some people are VERY good about hiding their dirt, and he could have only messed with these SKANKS when Sandra was away on location filming a movie.

  17. I just hope that if she does end up divorcing him that he still lets her see his kids. That would be the worst, really, because from all reports, Sandra and his kids are really close. What a mess.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Yes Selena! Please I cannot take seeing that poor baby elephant ANYMORE!! The sad lil thing is on Dlisted too! I need to read celeb gossip guilt free please!

  20. Agree with Christine. I have nothing but sympathy for Sandra.

  21. People, use Firefox, download Adblock and voilà, no more baby elephant guilt!

    I don't know, this whole situation is grim, particularly the lack of protection.

  22. The only thing missing from this story is a pregnancy and one or two STD

  23. West End Girl. Thanks for the adblock tip. It works great.

  24. When this story broke I knew it was just a matter of time before it began to steamroll. Others will come forward.

  25. I know there is a lot of truth to these stories... And I am not by any stretch coming to his defense... BUT I have to take anything that comes out of Janine's mouth with a boulder size grain of salt. I'm not buying that.

    Second, I want to see the Craigslist ads! You can't tell me as hard as the tabloids are working on this they can't actually come up with the ads or any of the tattoed sluts.

    As to the sexual harassment claim. I thought TMZ said it was never filed and had settled out of court. In which case, she may not have known. The lady probably sued the company, not Jesse directly and any payments would have come from the company's insurance, not the marital assets. He could have said it was a business problem and Sandra may have trusted him. Unless the lady was calling him up at home, I doubt she would have questioned it. His business probably deals with numerous lawsuits via claims or for his shows, so I don't think the existence of lawsuits would raise a red flag.

    Also, not that we NEED to see it, but as for his Nazi photo it hasn't appeared yet despite promises it exists. So at this point I'm only going to say for certain the McGee chick is the idiotic racist bimbo (and other things I won't publish).

    Do I think he's a lying scumbag cheat? Absolutely! But I also think the tabloids are too. At this point they are publishing anything they can get their hands on, and I think people are believing it so willingly because it fits with a picture they have of what a biker person should look and act like. I'm much less inclined to believe it all without further evidence.

    Again, I'm not trying to give him a pass on anything, I just don't want to be one of the pitchfork wielding mob who believes EVERYTHING without reason and evidence.

  26. what i dont get right now is this:

    WHY did her manager come out and say publically that Sandra has NOT seen a divorce or looked for a divorce attorney? Why not just say "no comment"? I thouht she would leave him in a heart beat, but that doesnt seem to be the case.

  27. @linnea, she is probably in a lot of pain now and is pretty confused. She's gone from the highest high (Oscar) to this lowest low.

  28. Anonymous10:58 AM

    JJ is scum, but Sandy gets little sympathy from me. She's been around the block two or three times and DOES know better. Maybe she needs a good dose of self-esteem and self-worth.

    One can appear to have it all, but suffer from those.

  29. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Oh btw, so JJ's divorce happened in October 03, but I wonder if they met before December. And Just telling the public a lie.

    There is also rumors that Sandy tried to take someone's boyfriend in Austin at one time. Of course, no one knows whether or not that it's true.

    I like Sandy, but she has her flaws like everyone else.

  30. Didn't any of you try to steal a boyfriend back in high school?

  31. Yep, love and lust for your spouse can make you put up with a lot of sh*t.

    If JJ is as well-endowed as Fuck-face McGee says he is, maybe Sandra thinks he's all-that-and-a-bag-of-chips regardless of his cheating, and has put up with a lot to keep that good thang going.

    Again--the worst part is the unprotected sex, period. To me that's tantamount to attempted murder if someone willingly, knowingly passes on AIDS.

    How the hell does he know WHAT he's gotten along the way?

  32. I think Meryl Streep is behind all of this. She paid off the porn star so that Sandra would regret beating her in the Oscar race.

  33. MK said there is already another tatted "beauty" coming out to collect (extort) $$$ from JJ named Melissa Smith.

  34. Sandra was with Bob Schneider in Austin. He wrote more than one song about that. Furthermore, she was working. Was she supposed to stay home and watch him once they got together?!?! Totally not her fault. Also, he was probably ANSWERING ads, not posting. Ugh! The whole situation is disgusting.

  35. Both JJ and Tiger Woods apparently liked to have unprotected sex with multiple partners. Is that a sign of sex addiction? I can't believe these guys would be so stupid! I mean they obviously don't respect their wives by cheating, but are they trying to punish them on some other level by bringing home a STD? It's horrible.

  36. Anonymous11:45 AM

    I'm not sure I believe in sex addiction. I think it's just the modern way to try to save face when the world realizes you're a no-good, bottom-dwelling, scum-sucking hound dog.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Where did that "almost $1M" come from?
    Does he have that kind of money himself?

    Also, I very much doubt he is that good in bed. Just the vibe I get.
    Selfish and vain does not translate to hot, passionate lover.

  39. I feel very, very sorry for Sandra Bullock. She obviously had no clue, based on her speech at the Golden Globes. She loved and trusted her husband. Who could imagine he would be such a pathological liar and cheat? No one wants to think that about anyone, least of all your husband. He may have convinced her that the employee lawsuit was bogus, but that they would be better off paying it off than letting it come to light. Men like this are very skilled at convincing the women in their life that they really care. She loved him and wanted to believe the best.
    I hope she recovers and then ends up with a man who really loves her and cares for her. And I hope that Jesse James gets all the bad things - dropped sponsors, canceled shows, public humiliation - that are invariably coming his way.

  40. oh that poor girl...did she really not know or suspect anything? knowing JJ's past taste in wives...did she think she'd reformed him?

    so sad all around.

  41. Jesse James + Melissa Smith story is here:

  42. JJ waited until SB was out of town, according to this account. With as little time as actors spend at home (at least if they work a lot), JJ could have done this for years and SB wouldn't have known.

  43. melody, please get a clue.

    okay, what's really bugging me is the sound bite i heard on monday. i fucking hate those things, and i can't quote it, but it was the first i had heard of the whole thing.
    it was an "E" soundbite, with sandy speaking, something about a pre-nup. dunno if she had one or not. i'd been so busy running around last week, i hadn't heard anything about this mess, so i've spent the last couple of days trying to catch up.
    i'm with betty white. she did a movie with sandy, and if sandy is like me, she bragged on hubby. and i believe in betty. so i TOTALLY believe that tire irons and ben gay in the jock strap are the least we can do.

    is a pre-nup in effect or not?? please don't tell me this scum has access to her money, too. i'm sure she'll take care of the children on her own accord, but she better not be legally bound to.
    also, please don't let the whole marriage from his side have been about that. i really thought they were happy and that they had a cool marriage.
    i didn't hate him in the first place, i didn't have a problem with him being married to a porn star previously, i was happy for sandy being in love. they were a great couple. but this bullshit is beyond anything i ever imagined.
    be strong, sandy. our hearts are with you!

  44. Besides the STDs, doesn't unwanted pregnancies ever cross anyone's minds when having unprotected sex?

  45. I was saying he's been doing this crap for YEARS (like I said, his rep in LB/HB is SHIT and plenty of people knew what he was doing) and no one believed me. Friends of friends used to tell me stories back in like 2005/2006. He shits where he eats and all that, and he isn't even all that smart about it.

    Now it all comes out and there will be more, trust me on this one. I know that for a fact. He's surrounded by enablers.

  46. lute-
    No, they just "take care of it" most of the time.

  47. thank you Share! I am sick of people saying that Sandra is getting her payback for taking Jesse from his wife!

  48. Just Another Blonde, I would think the possibility of child support would scare these cheaters into protection, but I guess you are right.

  49. Yikes .. this just gets worse and worse. I really think Sandra was a pretty private person and this stuff being blared - for lack of a visual word - across tabloids endlessly .. wow! Nightmare. I really feel very very sorry for her. I would not wish this on my worst enemy.

    As for the assertions that she HAD to have known about the law suit and settlement. Nope .. my best friend's scuzzball husband was sued for sexual harassment via his very successful company .. not personally. Then the case was settled .. see above re: "scuzzball husband" .. and the "victim" [aka pissed off former mistress] signed a non-disclosure. It was not until my friend had been divorced about 5 years before someone formerly affiliated with his business [which by then was dissolving and ruining him - YEAH!!] finally told her a little bit the law suit and settlement. Needless to say .. until that time she had NO idea what had happened either about the lawsuit or the settlement of the lawsuit. So .. it can happen.

  50. if look at what seen and read about James, the tat lady is more his speed Than Sandra. They just did not seem each other's type, just going by published reports of previous relationships.

    Bullock married a biker with a history of womanizing and loving chicks with tats (see Janine, etc, who didn't have tats until married him) and then is surprised he womanized and hooked up with a tat covered chick?

    Not saying its her fault but date/marry an ass and surprised he turns out to be an is hard for me to have much sympathy.

    People don't change, even after marriage. If a dude (or dudette) has a history of dating a certain type...and you are essentially the opposite of that type, don't be surprised when they stray back to their preferences. It isn't an issue of if, just when.

    I really don't know what Sandra was thinking to begin with (I suspect kids played a huge part) but she can do so much better. I wish her luck but history has its lessons...and when it comes to love, looking at someone's dating history can be informative. Sure there are exceptions but it makes for a useful guide post of probable future behavior.

  51. Anonymous3:58 PM

    No, I don't need a clue. I have my opinions and you have yours.

  52. Anonymous4:00 PM

    TFLive, I agree. Sandy can always try to ask the kids' bio mom if she can be present in their lives. Halle Berry still communicates with Eric Benet's daughter.

  53. TFLive -- you asked what Sandra was thinking. I never followed it that closely but I always sort of thought at the time she married him, well, she's at what is a vulnerable age for any woman, nevermind a movie star (just turning 40something). I sort of thought, without knowing a darn thing about her and him personally, was that there almost had to be an element of the whole wanting to stay young thing and her being drawn to the whole he's a dangerous guy who made her feel alive/young/daring/vital/sexy thing.

  54. Snowcherries- There was a blind elsewhere stating how a marriage breakup due to infidelity was just made public but that the husband's cheater's grid could be larger than Tiger's. Sad story. SB is one of my favorite celebrities.

  55. I don't know why all the hate for Sandra. She was the victim. Big time, especially after what she said at the golden globes and oscars.

    I'm sure she's still in shock. Had to move out of her house, etc. Give her a break all you Sandra haters.

  56. I still say when she married him she KNEW he was a baaad boy but not a pretty Hollywood bad boy.
    Then she ran off to various states and made movies.
    Still she doesn't deserve all this
    I can only hope after this nobody in the reality TV business and their ilk will hire him .
