Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Jesse James Cheats On Sandra Bullock

Did you notice when Sandra Bullock accepted her Academy Award she didn't thank her husband? Ever since the Sean Penn debacle I have been listening to see if spouses thank their spouse. Maybe you heard differently, but despite the kiss he gave her in the audience, I didn't hear any thanks to him. I was drunk though so please tell me if I am wrong.

This would make sense if the report from In Touch this week is true that Jesse James had an affair with a woman for 11 months including five weeks of sex while Sandra was off filming The Blind Side. “I would never have hooked up with him if I thought he was a married man,” Michelle tells In Touch in an exclusive interview. “He gave me the impression they were separated.”

Michelle is otherwise known as Michelle "Bombshell" McGee and said Jesse never wore a condom and is very well endowed. Apparently whenever Michelle would ask about Sandra, Jesse would say they are no longer together and that Sandra lived in Austin and blah blah blah. The same thing guys have said for thousands of years to have sex with someone not their wife.

Sandra was supposed to show up at The Blind Side premiere in London, but was a no show. I'm guessing this report might have had something to do with it.


  1. Christ. Poor Sandra if this is true. Unless there was some kind of separation or arrangement.

  2. I thought she did kinda of thank him, after talking about her mom she said her mom allowed her to have that..and motioned to Jesse...

    Dude, you cheat on Sandra bullock? Dumass

  3. i really, really hope this isn't true. i just love her---i'd hate for him to be your typical douchebag.

  4. What Amy said - she may not have mentioned him by name, but she did say something along the lines of "and I thank you for giving me him."

    As for the source, In Touch, they're not exactly known for their spot-on reporting (i.e.: Brangelina broke up how many times, and so and so is pregnant).

  5. no!No! No! Why? why? Why?

  6. Amy, yes, that's exactly what she did, but I had to watch it twice to see it. It got caught up in the whole "my lover, Meryl Streep..." comment.

    What a loser if this is true. Although, think about it - he was into porn stars before Sandra, so he's got history. What'll happen to his little daughter? Sandra has been her mom for a while now.

  7. Sandra thank him over and over at all the other awards so by the time she got the Oscar it looked like she was trying not to be redundant by saying thanks to her mom for giving her him.

    But she continued to praise her husband and even discussed him the next day on Oprah's Oscar show.

    IF he did cheat on her than that Best Actress Oscar curse is really going strong.

    E online ran a funny article about it being Meryl Streep's fault. They say she's putting a hex on all of the other women considering she's been nominated about 17 times in two decades and only won twice. LOL!

    Anyway I hope they're lying about this affair.

  8. OOPS I meant Sandra "thanked" him

  9. That sucks. I hope she is woman enough to leave him in the dirt, and I think she is.

  10. Consider the source. I'm convinced In Touch, Us Weekly, etc. prewrite stories, then insert names depending on who will sell a cover.

  11. NO NO NO!!

    **covers ears**

    I hope this is not true. Not that I particularly really like either one, but I loved them as a couple and they seem really happy..

    And WTF is up with this dump tramp believing Jesse when he said they are separated? Does she not have the internet? Did she not see the Oscars? Has she not heard anything about the on-going custody battle for Jesse's daughter? What a two-bit dumb whore. Excuses, excuses...

    Unfortunately, with Sandra cancelling the premiere in London (at the very last minute), there may be something to this story.

    Why Jesse?? Why??

  12. Oh, that louse.

    I remember thinking Sandra looked so unhappy going into the Oscars show, even with that beautiful gown. And she was wearing a truckload of visible makeup -- that's not her style.

    I hope this isn't true, but if it is the worst thing about it is his little girl; apparently Bullock is the only stable parent figure in her life.

  13. It's bad enough if it happened, but I'm bothered more by the other woman talking about it. Just shut up.

  14. She did thank him, as others have noted, right at the end, but gesturing to him as "him."

    The way he looked at her, he SURE seemed to be in love. He's always seemed besotted.

    Is it just his Michelle's word on it?

  15. @icecat-if what this chick is saying is true, maybe he told her the marriage was for publicity or something.

    This is horrible, and I really hope it's untrue. A few of my guy friends were having some discussion not too long ago about why beautiful women get cheated on all the time. The man may feel insecure in relationship and seeks to feel more secure by having affairs and/or because he already pulled one hot chick he can get more. So sh*tty. I really hope this isn't true, though, of course.

  16. I hope this isn't true. Betrayal sucks and Sandra appears to be a good egg. Guess we'll know if there's a paternity suit in the not-too-distant future.

  17. Damnit, I hope this isn't true.

  18. This is a big 'ol steaming pile of shit story.

  19. I really hope Sandy comes out and says "I know this is not true because she has grossly exaggerated the size of his little Jesse."

    Seriously. I will not do well with this if this is true. No one hurts my Sandra.

  20. He deleted his Twitter account... that doesn't scream guilty....

  21. Yeah, I should have thought about my rant before I typed it.
    This supposed affair was 11 months ago. Duh.. But still.. If it is true, she believed it because it made her feel better inside and justified it somehow....

    Still a dumb ho.

    I hope this is BULLSHIT!!

  22. I am repulsed by the "no condom" part. Everything about this story is so wrong.

  23. Dude, first Kate & Sam Mendes, now this? Those are the two I would have bet money on in terms of lasting, as they seemed to be the most down to earth of all the celebs out there. I am bummed to hear this news.

    I think to date, Freddie Prinze Jr & Sarah Michelle Gellar seem to be the ones breaking the odds of Hollywood divorce, as they've been for what, 7 years or so now?

  24. I seem to remember a blind not too long ago, and they were one of the guesses. The blind had something to do with an actress and her non-actor husband, but I can't remeber the specifics. Is this ringing a bell to anyone??


  26. I hope it's not true for the sake of her stepdaughter (and for another tabloid's report that said she's trying to get pregnant).

  27. Icecat -- it allegedly happened for 11 months, not 11 months ago, but the filming of The Blind Side was included in the time frame so maybe it WAS 11 months ago, lol.

    I'm with those that have to take what In Touch has to say with a grain of salt. They are such bullshit artists.

    As for Sandra not heading to London -- I wouldn't go either - the press would be constantly asking questions and if she didn't have the answers yet, she looks like a fool. Better to deal with the crap at home and set everyone straight.

    All that being said -- Lord I hope it's not true because she looks like she really loves him and dammit she deserves a good relationship.

  28. Sad face. I echo most of the comments above and based on her no-show and his deletion of his Twitter account, I'm guessing there's some smoke to this fire. Poor Sandra - whether or not it's true, this would really hurt to hear considering how much I think she loves him. She's done all that work fighting for custody of his daughter by another woman, etc. Ugh.

  29. she was weird when she won and then he kissed her but i thought it was all from the botox

  30. first off big shocker (sarcasm), secondly doesn't this make him hypocritical with his "high and mighty routine" he pulls in family court? if you ask me both he and janine are prob on the same level ethically, pot meet kettle.

  31. So how long before this ho poses for Maxim or releases a grainy sex tape?

  32. And also, if this story is in fact true, how humiliated must Sandra Bullock be feeling right now? As much as she has thanked her husband in previous awards speeches and said nothing but wonderful things about him, and then it turns out he has betrayed her. Man. I would stop at nothing to humiliate him back and drag his name in the dirt.

  33. Considering all I've heard about Jesse James, this doesn't surprise me at all. Honestly, I was more amazed that he was the amazing man that Sandra gushed about- she definitely deserves better.

  34. I don't buy it. Show me the pictures.

  35. Talk about a high and a low.

  36. I hope this isn't true. My friend is an Austinite and there is never a bad word to be said for Sandra, she's a delight.

    I wonder why she and Bob Schneider split up? Oh well, who cares. I'm marrying him now!

    If it's true, git your gun, girl and shoot his ass out of your life!

  37. Maybe she should just go back to her lover-Meryl Streep! Now that would sell a few million magazines.

  38. I'm just curious to see what this McGee chick looks like 20 years from now when her currently firm skin will start to sag...what will all those tat's look like then?

  39. I'm right with those yelling "Noooooo" right now. If this is true, I feel so bad for Sandra - she's my favorite actress. I'm a chick and feel she is the gal that every guy would want. She can dress up and look like a million bucks and looks just as good in a t-shirt & jeans. If it is true, run Sandra run - you deserve better, and I would love to give you a hug! If it is a lie, then sue the H@ll out of In Touch!

  40. @MnGirl

  41. Well, its been said, for every beautiful woman there is a man who is tired of F*#king her.

    I REALLY hope this is not true.

  42. I take this with a lot of grains of salt however, it seems like he would threaten to sue or at least address this, like most other celebs have and would.

    Remember that blind about a stripper who claimed to have slept with Josh Dumal and he didnt say anything about it because while that time it wasnt true, previous times it HAD been?

    Maybe him NOT addressing this is our proff. If not about this incidence than another in the past.

  43. Sandy, girl, if you are reading this, just know there are a bunch of us who would be happy to ride posse with you and beat Jesse to a pulp for you if this is true.

  44. Why is it that that one of the first things people are now doing in these situations is cancel their Twitter account? Aren't there more important things to worry about?

  45. i don't believe it. i could eat my words later on, but i really don't believe this story. as jax said any ho can say anything and the tabs will publish it just to move a couple copies. sandra and jessie appear quite genuine and cancelling an overseas premiere or deleting a twitter account doesn't say much besides she doesn't want to get bombarded with questions about a lying tramp and he doesn't want to get a bunch of tweets about it, either. i can't blame him anyway, twitter has turned to crap the last few months and this is good timing to cancel it altogether.

    IF on the off chance it is true... jessie james really is a "dead man" so to speak!

  46. @Ms. Leigh: It makes sense that she would cancel her account on Twitter- I was wondering why her husband cancelled his ( i.e. Josh Duhamel/stripper incident). I don't use Twitter so I was thinking that you could just ignore it rather than taking immediate action on your account when there is a scandal. It seems that the accused are the first ones to cancel.

  47. @nowwhat i don't believe sandra has an account (i could be wrong tho) but as for jessie, i don't think it makes him seem guilty. unfortunately on twitter you can't block out bs posts cuz anytime you check your mentions on there, every single post mentioning your name pops up and if all of those mentions are "hey jessie, is this true?" i could see that as being annoying enough to cancel altogether. your right that the accused would be the first to cancel, but i wonder if it's just annoying enough to be accused in the first place. idk, it could go either way.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Well he certainly doesn't have her back... not only did she not thank him, when her name was called he tried to kiss her, she pulled away. She works hard, makes a load of money, mothers all 3 of his kids and he betrays her like this? With a woman who looks like a cartoon billboard - I'd dump him. vanilla gorilla my ass.

    Poor Sandra waited so long to marry, and she gets other women's children to raise and a dirty cheat for a husband.

  50. Just saw Enty allude to this in the randoms; haven;t been able to log on all day.

    This had BETTER not be true! If so, this man will be flat-out vilified. I mean, like slaughtered in the public opinion of women everywhere. Please Jah, let this not be true! I will not believe it until proven true.

  51. Nooooooo! Poor Sandy (if true). :(
    Why can't men keep it in their pants?

    I remember her saying something about him "always having her back" during the Oscar speech.

    I have never really got the attraction there for Jesse but she did seem truly happy. Sad. :(

  52. Damn I always thought he was one of the good ones. And I really like her, she just seems so genuine in interviews and totally not up herself at all. Seriously who cheats on Sandra Bullock?

    I really hope this isn't true.

  53. I recall him saying that "she takes my breath away". Maybe he forgot to add that she was strangling him at the time.

  54. This article makes a lot of sense to me -- what do you guys think??

  55. Honestly, I don't believe he cheated on her with that walking billboard.
    Albeit I don't have a heterosexual male's mindset, I still think you'd have to be a thousand times an ass to risk everything you have with someone like Sandra Bullock for some over-inked bimbette.
    Sandra clearly loves him, she's taken over the parenting of his children, she's stood beside him during the court battle for custody - and until now there's not been a whisper of any scandal associated with them as a couple. (okay, that I'm aware of)
    Then suddenly, Lydia the tattooed "lady" comes along and says she's been shtupping Jesse - she gets her 15 minutes of fame, drives up sales on her website, and presumably a rather large paycheck from a tabloid.
    What, were Tiger and Winston too busy?

  56. i think what's most infuriating about this story is this quote "I would never have hooked up with him if I thought he was a married man,” “He gave me the impression they were separated.”

    people lie, men lie, you are probably lying right now. but any "seperated" man is still a married man. have your whore moment, but don't play the victim too with an excuse like that.

  57. i call bullshit. all this lady had to do was google him and she would find that he was still married. don't buy her claims and the timing seems suspicious since the ex-wife just lost a custody battle.

  58. I don't want this to be true!

    @ Enty: Sandy did thank Jesse at 3:26 during her Oscar acceptance speech (not to mention that Jesse looks all choked up) and Sandra thanks her husband again during the Oprah interview at 4:31-5:36

    @ Cindy - re that article: I agree with you. Michelle McGee tells In Touch Weekly that her fling with James lasted 11 weeks, five of which were sexual. And what did they do for the other six weeks? Play chess and have meaningful conversations? Please!

  59. @Ms. Leigh- Thanks for enlightening me. Twitter sounds like it can be a nightmare. I hope this story isn't true.

  60. What The Effervescent Diva said....if true, J needs a swift kick in the balls or worse...

  61. It sounds like it could be true. She canceled her appearance at the London premire for personal reasons in order to move out of their home. People around her are saying that she is completely devastated and had absolutely no clue.

  62. IF People Magazine is telling the truth they are now reporting that she's moved out of their home.

    I don't know if this is true but I don't trust Jesse. I had no idea who he was (outside of being Sandy's husband) until I saw Celebrity Apprentice.

    One of the contestant's said that Jesse was sneaky and they were correct. By the end of the show I hated the game that he played as glad to see him leave.

    During the award shows I gave him the benefit of the doubt because Sandy kept saying he was so sweet and wonderful.

    So either he's sweet and this "Bombshell" is a liar or he's the sneaky scumbag that I saw on Celebrity Apprentice.

  63. I heard she moved out on Monday. So, she knew the famewhore was going to tell all. The oscar curse continues. I am officially sad.

  64. This is why Monique will never win Best Actress. The curse won't phase her open marriage. It seems like in Hollywood that is the only kind of arrangement that works if you're looking for longevity.

  65. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Check it out... another SKANK has come out of the woodwork and is saying she slept with Jesse James too. It's Tiger all over again:

    It is so sad for Sandra.

  66. Yes it looks like In Touch gave her a courtesy call over the weekend to let her know that the story was coming out this week.

    Maybe the Bombshell sold her story before the Oscars but they held off until Sandy actually won to print the story for one of two reasons, the first being to sell more magazines because she was an Oscar winner or perhaps they did her a favor so as not to tarnish her big moment.

  67. I've said it here before and I'll say it again: "She married beneath her, waaaaay beneath her."

    Poor Sandra, she's always been a favorite of mine and a fellow Southerner. I hope she finds her way back to happiness.

  68. That would have rated right up there as the worst moment of her life. Imagine the best and the worst in one week. I just wish it was all a lie.

  69. Why do guys with big cocks always
    feel compelled to overshare?

  70. I second that emotion about Jesse on Celebrity apprentice. He was really two faced re: Dennis Rodman. Be a dick or don't.
