Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Jennifer Love Hewitt Writes Dating Book - Hates Dating

Apparently the new Jennifer Love Hewitt book is all about dating and how to date, but in an interview with The Today Show this morning she says she doesn't like dating. Huh? In the interview she discusses working with Jamie Kennedy and how it is all good. Lets see if he makes it through the next season before we say that it is really all good. She also talks about body issues and office supplies. Lets just say that if you work at Staples, you have a shot at her next love bracelet.

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  1. for a second there, i thought jennifer had had some serious work done. but then i realized it was a kardashian

  2. I read another interview with her in Kneepads this morning - she admitted that she doesn't like being single. Shocker!

    And regarding Kim and Reggie breaking up (again): no one's really surprised, are they?

  3. Everytime I see her I feel that in real life she's just like the girl in her movies and the typical stereotype woman.

  4. As if anyone should take dating advice from JLove. hahahahah Hilarious!

  5. I can't see the video, but I hate dating too. I'm not the kind of girl who has to be in a relationship - I never had a problem with being single - and I never really planned on getting married. But boy, am I glad I did - no more dating!

    I also love office supplies. I don't know if that's what she's talking about in the interview, but personally I can't get enough post-it notes and pens!

  6. I don't think anyone likes dating! There's no need to write a book about it, for freak's sake.

    I decided a long time ago, after I got off the market, that I'd be either married or permanently single. No more dating. It's bad enough in your 20s, and I'll be 40 this summer...just the thought makes me shudder.

  7. yeah, you had to search for the right vid.
    i don't know why there's so much Love hate, i like her, and i agree, dating has got to be hell. i admit, i made a little fun of her jewelry thing, but a relationship, even with (ewe) jamie kennedy has got to better than dating.
    but, dammit, i've got to say, her hair is driving me crazy!! give it just a little foof on the top, honey! you've got a lot of great hair, quit plastering it to your scalp!! everybody knows you've got boobs&butt, now get that hair perky!!

    hmm. spellcheck did not try to correct "boobs&butt".
    am i missing something?
