Friday, March 19, 2010

Jennifer Lopez Is No Goldie Hawn

I love Goldie Hawn movies. From Seems Like Old Times to Foul Play, I love them all. One of the last big movies Goldie made was Overboard. The premise was a bit outlandish but I still loved it. Cast with Kurt Russell it was about a spoiled woman who fell overboard from a yacht, bumped her head and woke up convinced she was Kurt's wife and mother to all his kids. Now there is talk that the movie is going to be remade and I am going to have to live with Jennifer Lopez in the title role. I really don't like the sound of that. Yes, Jennifer Lopez can play the spoiled role but I don't think she can do the other part of the role without her usual overacting and will ruin the movie. As much as I don't like Kate Hudson personally or most of her roles, if they are going to remake the movie why not cast her? She could play the role and it would be kind of fun. Goldie could even make a cameo.


  1. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Another remake. Bleh.

  2. They both have something in common, though - terrible plastic surgery. Jennifer looks like a fish now because her face is so pulled.


  4. Good movie. Bad idea.

  5. No No No!!

    I agree with Enty. If they are going to BUTCHER one of my all time favorite 80's flick. At least cast Kate. I actually like Kate.

    Now I have the sads..

  6. Overboard is a really cute movie, with a nice message about love & family.
    Jennifer Lopez is a travesty.

  7. No! Overboard is great as it is, it doesn't need to be remade. Just watch the original. GH is so terrific in it. Love the bit where she tells off the kids' teacher.

  8. ummm why remake a movie that isn't even that old ? God has hollyweird run out of ideas already ?

  9. I am so sick of all the remakes! If I had to cast a remake of Overboard, I actually think Jennifer Aniston would be perfect for the role.

  10. I am not a big GH fan but I love that movie. It is a classic, and it's pretty timeless when you think about it. Why do a remake, especially with Jennifer? The only role I'd want to see her play is as one of the "boat girls" in the background who don't speak.

  11. Why can't these movie studios buy some new scripts instead? Plenty of talented writers out there. Thousands of great books just waiting to be made into movies.

  12. Why do they feel the need to constantly remake movies that were fine the first time around. No it wasn't the best movie ever made, but it was a great flick with Goldie and Kurt. Yes having Kate do it would be funny and better, but really just come up with an original thought for a change!

  13. Boston, they remake movies because nobody in town (with money and pull to get things done) has an original thought left in their heads in this town!

    Was Overboard a great movie?? No, but a beloved one.

    This has disaster written all over it!

  14. If they remake this I will personally fly out to Hollywood and burn it to the ground. I am tired of movies from my youth being remade into utter trash. Overboard may not have been the best movie in the world but it was very funny and there is no one J-HO could EVER be as funny as Ms. Goldie Hawn. Besides anything with J-Ho attached is a failure b4 it even hits the theaters.

  15. *oops meant "no way" not "no one"

  16. Another remake? movies are getting so boring...

  17. Noooo! This is one of my all time favorite movies. Just let it be!

  18. WTF? Overboard is fine without JLo, Heyho or anybody else fuggin it up. Seriously, has the universe ran out of original ideas??

  19. Seems Like Old Times & Foul Play ... Goldie Hawn and Chevy Chase were FANTASTIC together on screen. Thanks for mentioning those movies, Enty; I'm off to Netflix to add those to the top of my queue!

  20. I loved Overboard too.

  21. What Harriet said. This movie has already been done, Hollywood! Please give us something NEW without pissing on old favourites.

  22. I'm sure everyone involved with the original Overboard (which I really, really enjoy) would love for this to happen. Everyone will read the crappy reviews, see J-Ho out pimping the movie on every talk show/award show in the country, and . . . go out and rent/download the original. Residuals all around.

  23. I s Ben Affleck playijng the Kurt Russel character?

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Dear Hollywood,

    PLEASE stop making remakes to films that are perfectly good the first time around. I guess an original idea in your town would die of loneliness. PLEASE cease and desist with remaking everything. It only makes me never want to watch it.

    Thank you,


    I love 'Overboard' and I hate J.Lo. This is so wrong!

  27. Here they go messing with my childhood again!!!!!!

  28. FUCK NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

  29. another remake. borrrrrrring!

    who could top goldie wearing her thong bathing suits on her yacht?

    ah, now i see why they want lopez.....

  30. i'm so sick of all these remakes, if it's not broke, why fix it

  31. It would be kinda funny for JLo to bomb big again ala Gigli! Hahaha, now i dont know whether to root for this to happen or not! Naw, I dont want them to do that to my childhood memories. Goldie Hawn forever! Let her do the role again, she was in Randoms Pics the other day and she looks great!

  32. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Overboard is one of my all-time favourite movies - kill me for suggesting it, but a remake might be the perfect vehicle to get Chinnifer Aniston's career out of the toilet. She used to be funny on Friends, remember?!

  33. I feel sad for all the talented screenwriters with smart, original ideas who can't get a foot in the door, meanwhile all these assy remakes are being cranked out for no good reason.

    Such a waste.

  34. I love your idea enty.... at the end of Overboard, Goldie asks for a little girl... maybe Kate could be the daughter who ends up spoiled despite her mom's best efforts. Similar sitch occurs, hilarity ensues, my fond memories of the first overboard are preserved. Jennifer Lopez's makeup is always gorgeous in movies. Especially the wedding planner. That is the only compliment I can give her. Oh, that, and once she was in a movie with George Clooney and he looked good.

  35. Let Jennifer play "Tofutti" in Overboard. That way, she'll only have one line!
