Jennifer Lopez Is No Goldie Hawn
I love Goldie Hawn movies. From Seems Like Old Times to Foul Play, I love them all. One of the last big movies Goldie made was Overboard. The premise was a bit outlandish but I still loved it. Cast with Kurt Russell it was about a spoiled woman who fell overboard from a yacht, bumped her head and woke up convinced she was Kurt's wife and mother to all his kids. Now there is talk that the movie is going to be remade and I am going to have to live with Jennifer Lopez in the title role. I really don't like the sound of that. Yes, Jennifer Lopez can play the spoiled role but I don't think she can do the other part of the role without her usual overacting and will ruin the movie. As much as I don't like Kate Hudson personally or most of her roles, if they are going to remake the movie why not cast her? She could play the role and it would be kind of fun. Goldie could even make a cameo.