Monday, March 22, 2010

Jason Wahler Could Use Some More Rehab

If getting arrested in Mexico after a bar brawl doesn't tell you that you have a drinking problem, an arrest the following week in Newport Beach for DUI should just about clinch it. For what I think is the sixth time in the past two years, Jason Wahler was arrested as a result of drinking. Oh sure sometimes there is an assault charge thrown in or punching a tow truck driver. Oh, there was also the fight in a hotel lobby. All because of drinking. After the tow truck driver incident, Jason was ordered to rehab. I think he needs to go back. I also think he needs a nice long jail sentence because one of these days he is going to go drinking and driving and kill someone.


  1. I read somewhere that he told the cops that he was an "actor"...


  2. ^hahaha sounds like something he'd see. And he totally looks like a tweaker in that pic.

  3. Serial DUI offenders should have their licenses taken away for life. Period.

  4. Who is Jason Wahler?

  5. they still drive without a license,better to take the steering wheel.

    somewhere in the world, LC breathing a big sigh of thank god i dumped his ass.

  6. Well, hell--what better way these days to get work than to go on a bender, eff up and then head straight for Celebrity rehab or even private rehab?

    Everyone loves a GD train wreck these days. I suppose myself included.

    So much degrading behavior is entertainment these days and we are becoming desensitized.

  7. I don't even know what this guy is supposedly famous for, and don't even care. Same old same old.
