Tuesday, March 23, 2010

It's Just Julia Roberts

You have to love West Hollywood. I do, and I can see this happening. The NY Post is reporting that Julia Roberts went into Yogurt Stop on Sunday afternoon. Nothing unusual in that. She did pick the mango though and I think I would have gone with something else. Oh sure, mangoes are nice, but in yogurt I think peach works out better. Of course when you have brought your own chocolate sauce and whipped cream to disguise the fact you are eating yogurt, the subtlety of mango and peach is lost. Anyway, I digress.

Apparently the sight of Julia Roberts in such close proximity to one man was just too much. After Julia left the store with her mango ice cream, the man burst into tears and immediately ordered a mango yogurt and then went to the trashcan and plucked Julia's napkin out of the trash. I'm sure by now it has already been framed and is set up as a shrine in the man's living room.

So she bought yogurt. Big deal. Now if she had bought $240 worth of pudding, that would have been something to cry over. Oh yeah.


  1. I think I would have gone with the "It's Just Julia f*cking Roberts" headline myself. Altho in all fairness when I went to a New Kids on the Block concert when I was 16 and they shook my hand, I never wanted to wash it again. I just wanted to wrap it in suran wrap and preserve it.

  2. where'd you get $240 worth of puddin'?

  3. "shhhh, don't worry your pretty little head."

  4. This story makes me laugh.


  5. I want chocolate puddin'and Hershey's syrup and chocolate Cool Whip...

  6. "I'll just be over here minding my own."

  7. Cannot stand her.

  8. I saw her once at the Blockbuster on Sunset and Crescent Heights (not sure if it's there anymore)...she looked like a scared, drowned rat.

  9. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Ah yeah...it's about that time...for mango yogurt? Nothing says lovin' like $240 worth of pudding.

  10. This story sounds weirdly reminiscent of the old urban legend about Paul Newman (or "fill in the movie star") walking into an ice cream store and scaring a customer so much she put her ice cream cone in her purse. Just sayin.

  11. As long as she's not out poaching husbands, I guess it's okay.

  12. @ melody:
    paul newman in the day? oh, yeah. i can see it. those blue eyes? mmmm.

  13. I wanna dip my balls in it!!!

  14. She sure has a lot of teef.

  15. The Barry and Levon reference just made you my favorite blog ever. :)

  16. Those choppers of hers were patterned off the late great Mr. Ed of the Mr. Ed television show back in the 60's. Julia always had something for Ed.

    Sarah Jessica Parker was just born with the horse face and not choppers. Don't know which is more attractive, the horse teeth or horse face.
